Adult Gohan

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Dec 9, 2002
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well, how badly would it affect you if there were a mystic gohan, prince? Do you use gohan? Would it hurt to have another option of transformation? I mean, if you wanted, you could stay ssj2 for the rest of your life.. but.. you could also do one more. Does that hurt you?
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Nov 10, 2002
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Htokifela you know very damn well I play as Gohan sometimes.
So dont gimme that crap. And why would I want to downgrade
from mystic to SSJ2? I do hate Mystic but I need more power! I
think if SSJ3 will be a temporary transformation then Mystic should
too. Cause it only lasts for what 5 minutes? Super Buu beats the
Mystic out of him.
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Dec 9, 2002
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yeah, not being able to leave the mystic state wouldn't be very good.

But you said you'd use the transformation, so you're not as hardcore anti mystic as you sound, are ya? :D
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Nov 10, 2002
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I will only go Mystic if I need more power.
You think im going to stay SSJ2 and get my ass wooped around
cause of my stubborness? I dont think so :p
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Dec 19, 2002
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Well then don't use Adult Gohan's final transformation to gain power, you can after all, gain PL just by killing other people. If you want only SSJ and SSJ2 transformations you also have to admit that powered up gohan(mystic for all you fans) is much more powerful than SSJ2 for Gohan previously only because all of his latent power is released.

The Mystic transformation would just make Gohan go back to black hair and maybe have another attack or two. Don't yell so much about it that's not going to help matters any.

Personally I think there should be both Chibi Gohan and Adult Gohan, it would add more playability in my opinion.

Plus, Kid Gohan is much stronger than adult gohan is before his 'special training'. See, studying makes you weak(this from a college grad) :p
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Nov 27, 2002
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If you don't like mystic, then just put the ssj2 model in its place. Simple.

I hope both are included, personally. Just because they're both Gohan doesn't mean they have to be exactly the same. As it's been pointed out, K. Gohan's stronger than A.Gohan (until A.Gohan gets his act together, anyway :D). They could just make stats/trans. level changes between the two to make them play differently.
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Jan 1, 2003
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Is adult gohan gonna have ssj2? This is a serious question are they adding ssj2 for adult gohan? cause he cant in the show in the show he only has ssj and mystic. so he shouldnt get ssj2 in the game unless its really weak. (weaker than vegeta ssj)
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Jan 7, 2003
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imho there could be various power modifiers like this...

adult gohan is weak, mhm say start pl: 650.000 or somethin like that...
with pl 1.000.000 the first ssj transformation with pl modifier 1.6-2 ... :)
with pl ssj2 transformation (cause in the game you will "train" through beating up opponents *g*) with additionial pl modifier 1.5 or so...
and last but not least the mystic transform with a big modifier like 2.5 :)
but personally i would prefer kid gohan over adult, cause about 3/4 of the story he is a kid and i like him as the little son of goku :)
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Jan 16, 2003
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well, Mystic Gohan MUST be included, the game will just have a hole without him, so the question is what to do with the Gohans...

1) Make 2 different characters
2) Make 2 characters that are exactly the same except for their look(adult and kid, duh)
3) Make one character, Kid gohan, and his last form is an Adult Mystic Gohan(Lame =\ )
4)(just made this up, don't shout!) make 2 characters, the new one is Adult gohan, and the other one is exactly the old gohan, just with Goten's Skin X_X


Originally posted by Proud_Prince
I hope they dont give Adult Gohan a Mystic Transformation :S
Why do people want temporary transformations? Like people want
Majin and Mystic as vegeta/gohans transformation and its retarted
cant you people just stick to their normal transformations which is
SSJ and SSJ2?
Did you even watch DBZ? Mystic isn't temporary, it's permanent like SSJ. Once he has gone Mystic he can't go SSJ. And it stays with him until he dies. GT, he didn't go SSJ, nor in any of the movies after he went mystic.

So it isn't temporary like Majin.
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Jan 8, 2003
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id like to see mystic.

and gotenks, in place of adult and kid.

that my opinion.

aduly gohan looks cooler than kid.

for transformations have him normal, then ssj then mystic.

3 trans if im right thats all the other characters will get.

and gotenks will be more unique from adult gohn than what kid would be
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Dec 9, 2002
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"normal, then ssj then mystic."

thats two transformations. You do not transform into normal, you are normal from the start.

and why deny gohan ssj2? He has it.
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Jan 18, 2003
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sorry i didnt mean to say 3 actualt tranforms,

did adult gohan have ssj 2 ??

i couldnt remeber soz

but i still say gohan adult kicks kid loads
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Dec 31, 2002
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I think its just a waste to have two of the same characters in the game only if there are so many character slots available. If there are a large number of characer slots available then good make 2 or 3 of every character I don't care. I just don't want to see slots being taken by characters that don't need to be there, like more sayjins.

I would like to see some of the more traditional characters like tien and Yamcha, hell even the androids would be a nice addition over more sayjins. Not that the sayjin characters are bad but I just think that they gain to much power to fast. Now I know what everyone will say, of course the sayjins should be the strongest, they are sayjins.

Yes i understand that they are sayjins but they gain far too much power from death as compared to the other characters. Besides I think the whole gaining power from death is cheap. I see sayjins gain millions of power when they start hitting like 5 million when they die, where as the other characters gain crap from death.

This is my only beef with the sayjins. I like playing them but I like playing Piccolo and Krillin more, and I also enjoy PSing a lot. However no matter how good you are if you are playing as a sayjin against a non sayjin you will gain more power than them very quickly therefore winning post PS you are in with them.

Kind of got off topic but I'm glad to see them adding more characters even if they are ones that we already have.
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Dec 13, 2002
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Other than the obvious PL increase, this is how the higher forms should work....

ssj3 -
Drain health over time, more attacks than ssj2

Majin - (less PL increase than Mystic/ssj3)
Regenerate health over time (like the 2 majin's at tourny), more attacks than ssj2

Mystic -
Stationary health, no real new attacks, while in melee mode all frontal ki blasts are auto-blocked, melee does 1.5-2x normal damage

Overall look at each...
Ssj3 will add a great deal of PL as well as powerful attacks. Majin will add large PL but less than the others, but will be the most lasting of the 3 (regeneration and maybe less dmg intake). Mystic adds as much PL as ssj3 but is mostly a pro-melee level. SSJ3 is like an explosion, Majin just dosnt go away, Mystic is like a rock.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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How can you all be so sure that Mystic is so much more powerful than SSj2? I tried to figure it out, but before I got to see Gohan do anything worth watching he was in a massive crater with a concussion. Mystic Gohan is like SSj2.5, not like SSj3, not like Ssj2. The sad truth of the matter is that Gohan peaked at age 12, and he was never more powerful than he was in the final battle with Cell. He may have had a higher power level when he went mystic, but the boy had forgotten how to fight. Gohan can transform at 1,000,000 for some reason, so let him transform to ssj2 and mystic faster than everyone else. Instead of giving him normal multipliers for those transformations, cut them in half, to symbolize how quickly he turned into a loser as an adult. No, he wasn't all that bad, but he wasn't all that good either. Give him power, but don't overpower him.

Mystic is no SSj3.
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Dec 13, 2002
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Mystic is more powerful than ssj3

Goten/Trunks admit it, as does Goku
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Furthermore I don't understand the logic behind a melee boosting mode. How is an SSj3 character supposed to compete with someone that does double melee damage and blocks ki attacks automatically? Sounds like a bunch of people are going to go gohan and spam the level with melee, which'll be sortof like it is now, but this time they'll have a bigger advantage.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Goku did a better job against Buu when he was SSj3 than Gohan did in Mystic. Adult Gohan was just not on the same level as Goku or Vegeta by the time he hit mystic, so his power level didn't make a whole lot of difference. A reversed example is how Tien was capable of holding Cell form 2 off with Shin-Kikoho. He didn't do any damage to Cell, but his technque was advanced enough to work as effectively as it did at such a small power level. Gohan was strong, but he didn't know what he was doing, and so he lost miserably.
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Jan 10, 2003
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Look, Goku even says when gohan became Mystic that Gohan was, "...stronger than he ever was as a Super Sayjin!" Besides, SSJ3 Gotenks, whom Goku admits was a better SSJ3 than him at the time, was on an even keel with Super Buu, but Mystic Gohan kicked Super Buu's butt up around his shoulders! lol:fight:

In reality the only reason Mystic Gohan turned out to be a flat tire was because the writers just had to waste our time trying to make him stronger so he wouldn't be too gimpy, and then made up some excuse to make Goku the hero again. You see, I don't try to rationalize out the gimpyness of the characters based on elements of the story I just go right to the source and blame it on the wrighters.;D

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