A Story i made.

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Dec 31, 2002
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My sister, V.B., is always makeing storys and all, so i tried one myself, tell me what you think.

BTW, a spider i found today in my home inspired me to make this....This is the first two parts of 20 i think.

Introduction: This is a story of something so simple, that you wouldn’t think anything of it normally; a simple wolf spider by the name of Wolfy is trying to make a living by doing what spiders do, hunting bugs. But one day he meets a water roach and is in for the fight of his life. For those of you who do not study insects and arachnids, or even know the slightest bit about them, a water roach is the Terminator of insects. To give a small idea on its strength: if you remove ones head, it will not die instantly. No, it’ll starve to death in three days. So you can see how troublesome it is to kill a roach.

Part one: Tim’s pet.

Tim was in the car, looking out the window. It was a nice sunny day, and he longed to play outside, especially since it was said it would rain in a few days. The clouds were already forming a little, even. But he was recently diagnosed with the common cold, and he needed to rest inside for the week, or at least a few days, but even if it was just a day or two it would be raining by the time he was cured of his sickness. Life sucks.

His father, Jonathon, parked the small sedan in the one-car garage of their humble abode.

“Mom, I’m home!” Tim said, rushing in ahead of his father.

“Did you enjoy the doctor?”

“No, I don’t like Doctor Moses” His mother, Elena, gave him a look and then a hug.
“He is fine, it’s just a cold,” his father said. “ But we stopped at the store and got him a nice soda pop and chicken noodle soup. Yum!”

“I don’t like chicken noodle soup.” Tim stated. While his parents started cooking, Tim started to sit down in the dining room when he suddenly froze in his tracks. “Mom! There’s a Spider!”

“Well...Leave him alone, and remember you’re sick!”

“But mom! It’s a Wolf spider! Those are the kind of spiders that hunt instead of building webs! I think I’ll call him Wolfy!”

His mother rolled her eyes at him. His love for insects and anything creepy and crawly was probably the reason he was sick. He always brought her bugs, spiders, and sometimes even snakes. She wasn’t sure which one of them would die first.

“Hey kiddo, let’s leave Wolfy alone and get ready for bed.” His father picked him up and carried him up the stares and tucked him in bed. “Now, you rest; no sneaking up to play! Remember you’re sick! Do you hear me?”

“Yes dad.”

“Good night.”

“Night dad.”

With that, Tim began to fall slowly into sleep, and John slowly tiptoed across the room and shut the door.

“He’s sleeping” Tim’s father whispered to Elena, giving her a grin.

“Well, let me finish putting these groceries away and then we can start the movie.” She said, turning to get back to work.

John went into the living room and sat down in his big chair, and then he noticed Wolfy.


The physics of gravity barely held down the man as he jumped at the sight. He had seen bigger spiders before, MUCH bigger in some cases, but it wasn’t common for a spider of THAT size to be located in neither their small city nor this close to his arm. He brushed the spider away before his wife could see him; he knew she would kill him if she could catch him. He hated bugs, but not spiders, and he knew that dear Wolfy had been hunting lots to get to the size he was. The small spider was somehow the human’s friend, while being his worst enemy at the same time.

Hearing a loud shriek emerge from his wife, John felt the guilt. Had she seen Wolfy? He turned to see what she was up to, and let out a sigh of relief. It was merely another bug hanging off a grocery sack.

“He went under the stove! Come pull it out so I can kill it!” Elena said, with a malicious tone. The only time she got mean was when a bug was involved.

“Honey, it’s just a bug. Hey you’re almost done and I’m tired. Let’s just watch the movie, please.” John found Wolfy and carefully picked him up, moving him into the kitchen. He set the spider under the stove. “Kill that bug! Kill that bug! Kill that bug!” He said, in a whisper.

Wolfy went under the stove, and John went to watch the movie with Elena. All except for the sneaky little boy, who stared wide-eyed at his bedroom door, soon forgot about the bugs.

Part two: Under the stovetop.

Wolfy slowly crept around the floor underneath the stove, he could smell the Roach with the little Nose like sensors on his feet, all eight of them. He could feel his breath and hear his little heart beating at super speeds with his furry body, which was so unbelievably sensitive it gave him nearly psychic like senses. And he also just had that “Spider sense” that told him that the roach was near. His Super hawk-like eye’s scanned the floor, all four of them, and somehow with all of these super-to-a-human sense’s he couldn’t put a fix on the insect’s location.

Then he heard something.

Wolfy sprang into a pouncing stance and scanned for the intruder.
Sure enough, he found him.

The insect was an American water roach.
Which is already one of the biggest roach species in America, but he was also very huge for his species as well.

He was six inches long and nearly three inches wide, and also three inches thick. Now you see why Elena wanted to squash him so much. And Wolfy somehow knew that the thickness of this huge insect was more or less muscle tissue and not just flab, like most roaches his size.

The insect, which we will call Mr. Brawny for now, was scampering, he was hurt from his encounter with the human Elena and was wanting to find a place with plenty of food to rest and eat for a few minutes (Which by that time Mr. Brawny would be fully healed with a roaches strange healing factor)

But before he could do that he would have to deal with his little enemy first.

Wolfy was not expecting what Mr. Brawny did next, he charged.
All six of his legs moving and both his wings propelling him, he hit Wolfy dead square in the head, the hit knocked Wolfy out of his senses.

Mr. Brawny did not waist anytime, he scuttled out from under the stove and moved into the pantry, and there he found open crackers and Cheerios. He ate his fill and then found a spot to rest and let the food he ate digest, which in turn will heal his wounds.

Wolfy woke up, his head was hurting, he had lost the first battle , but now he knew not to fall for that again.

He came out from under the stove and Crawled to his den to heal.

He had a hard night sleeping.

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