A few suggestions

New Member
Feb 13, 2002
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I think power struggles are one of the best parts of the game. So I hate it when a dude is a puss and drops down by turning off flight. That should be fixed. (duh)

Also, you should make it so you can't get out of a struggle even with secondary fire. In the manga you never saw someone bail out of a struggle, if they did they didn't have enough time before they were obliterated. Maybe the only thing you can do is block. So if you know you're gonna lose u can press block and take the hit. That'd be cool. You saw that kind of stuff in the manga

Also, when you're charging up a blast, it shouldn't auto fire at max. You should just hold it as it keeps draining KI. It makes sense to me. Goku has a spirit bomb, if he doesn't have a target it wouldn't just fire for no reason, he would wait until he has a good shot. I think it keeps it balanced since it's constantly draining Ki. Maybe you can let go while it's charging and the energy build-up will stay at whatever it was at and then when u click again it will fire. I dunno.

This one is not as well thought out but I'll say what I got. I think people who are very weak should have a shot against the big dudes. So how about there is no max energy on attacks if their power level is less then some point. So they can be a puss, run, get an awesome attack then let it go on some dude who is big and tough. talk about dramatic! it's not like they would have enough KI to obliterate everyone, eh

Go ahead and tear the suggestions apart or what not. But I think the ideas are great and also keep it balanced. Also I don't know if anything like these or anything better then these ideas are in the new version so whatever.
New Member
Nov 28, 2001
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Some good thoughts, especially the last one.

But just so you know, you can hold onto attacks: hold secondary fire (default right-click), and you can hold your attack at it's current charge level. So if you charge up a Kamehameha, hold right-click just before it fires and you can fold it there as long as you have Ki, but still can't move.

Just be careful: a little lag and rather than holding your attack, you may detonate right after you fire it; I've killed myself a lot that way.
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Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
I think power struggles are one of the best parts of the game. So I hate it when a dude is a puss and drops down by turning off flight. That should be fixed. (duh)
This is fixed in the next version. You can't drop out of PSes. You only take 3% damage while PSing. They are mentioned elsewhere in other posts.
Also, when you're charging up a blast, it shouldn't auto fire at max. You should just hold it as it keeps draining KI. It makes sense to me. Goku has a spirit bomb, if he doesn't have a target it wouldn't just fire for no reason, he would wait until he has a good shot. I think it keeps it balanced since it's constantly draining Ki. Maybe you can let go while it's charging and the energy build-up will stay at whatever it was at and then when u click again it will fire. I dunno.
Click the right button at max (or anywhere else for that matter) and it stays put, no more charge, no fire. Release to fire!
This one is not as well thought out but I'll say what I got. I think people who are very weak should have a shot against the big dudes. So how about there is no max energy on attacks if their power level is less then some point. So they can be a puss, run, get an awesome attack then let it go on some dude who is big and tough. talk about dramatic! it's not like they would have enough KI to obliterate everyone, eh
This is mainly a player issue, If everyone on the server gangs up on the tough guy, he will go down and they will go up (PL wise).

Hope I answered some of your suggestions to your satisfaction. :)
New Member
Feb 5, 2002
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I think going to a certain PL to go Super Sayian 1,2,3,4. And for Cell Perfect and Buu Majin also For Vegeta and make Gohan Go mystic
Live free or die by the sword
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
All of that should be in the next release :)

Gohan may not be able to go mystic though. I'm sure they said that mystic was a Krillin transformation. (Inaccurate yes, but this is what they posted.)

Gohan will be 13, so mystic is probably not on his list. SSJ2 would be his highest.

Krillin goes from early krillin to krillin with hair. Not technically mystic, but makes playing Cueball worthwile (besides bragging rights).

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