What in the world are you talking about? I'm talking about certain radical ideas being squashed before the liberals turn our nation into a morally defunct Godless sesspool, what with all the unthinkable things that would be approved under a majority liberal America...
America should be a "godless sesspool" religion has absolutely no place in ANY government whatsoever, religion leads to violence, history has proven that, keep religion in your home and in your church and off of my ****ing constitution.
Marijuana isn't mentally harmful in the least, it'll slightly affect short term memory (barely) after heavy use, but it'll work itself out after slowing down, as for as the body, aside from the usual smoking of things, there's honestly nothing to worry about, alcohol is WAY more harmful to the body than weed is, ever. Take Joe Rogan for instance, the guy is in amazing shape and smokes weed every day, it's the dumb****s who decide to drive while they're baked (just like drunk driving) that ****s it all up.
Someone show me a poll of husbands that beat their wives due to marijuana-ism...please.
And the gateway drug thing is bull****, the only reason it's considered the "Gateway drug" is the fact that it's obtained illegally, therefore most dealers h ave access to other illegal ****, like dope (crack, crank, meth, speed etc...which is something I've never done and I'm not stupid enough to ever touch.)
I mean, Peyote is legal for indian tribes who still use it for spiritual use, and peyote is one hell of a psychoactive drug, it completely tops LSD and DMT ( I had a nice sip of pure peyote before, wow, it was downright amazing.)
I honestly think as long as no one else is being harmed, people should be able to do whatever they want to their bodies, the war on drugs is retarded, and having alcohol legal while others aren't is just pure hypocracy.
And yea, my part time job outside of college is shutting down, so I had to stop smoking weed for a month to clean my system up in case my next job drug tests, which is bull****, I don't ever come to work stoned, what I do at home should be my business, **** int hat case they should take blood tests and any alcoholics shouldn't be hired...it's the same damn thing. (I know that's extreme, but I'm just using it as a comparison.)
So yea, I'm not telling anyone to go out and smoke weed, I'm just a supporter of it, heh. That and psychoactive drugs shouldn't be outlawed, either. LSD was used to treat alcoholism in the 50s, and hell the doses of LSD that we (we meaning, me and whoever else does acid) use a hell of a lot smaller dosage than the woodstock hippies in the 60s do, LSD also has absolutely 0 harmful effects (unless some brainiac thinks he's a chemist and mixes his own **** into it, causing allergic reactions and killing people.)
Hell, when I did LSD I can honestly say it was the best 8 hours of my life, it completely changed my perspective on life, I was at peace. Euphoria is a very nice thing to revisit as an adult, feeling like a kid again with no worries at all, seeing crazy things, having my mind taken onto a whole other plane of thinking, this may get hippy sounding but ****, I sure as hell felt in tune with the Earth more than ever before, I Could see the planet breathe, I saw veins grow on trees, felt the interlinked consciousness between me and my friends, it was amazing, and I've never put myself, or anyone else at harm due to the use of marijuana and other psychoactive drugs, ever, heh.