
  1. D


    How do I make my model "ONE" file again ? plz tell me!
  2. Mr. Satans

    Map Changes For ESF v1.1b

    I remember hearing from Hibiki and other people on the forums that the current ESF v1.0b maps won't work with [b]ESF v1.1[b], why? Will the entity names change or something?
  3. Bryggz

    One last problem.....(model-wise)

    ok guys it seems that whenever my model is doing the distructo disc, the disc is in the MIDDLE OF HIS BODY, not above his hand, would anybody happen to know why is this? perhaps bone assignment has to do with this? does anybody know? i'd appreciate the help!
  4. S

    Recompile of normal mystic gohan for normal gohan

    Could someone take the normal mystic gohan and recompile it for the normal gohan seeing as we now have an ss mystic gohan for ss normal gohan. Or tell me how to do it
  5. A

    Picolo with cape

    Hi its my second model but it wont work Ill cant create a .mdl file milkshape always says found vertex without bone assigment ..... a good modler Please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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