
  1. Pieter Paul Rubens

    Linking to "my computer"

    As the title says.. How do I make a shortcut to "My Computer" without adding the icon for it to the desktop (just a shortcut that I can place on a dock or quick launcher..) The only way I've found so far is to show the "My Computer" icon on the desktop, and making a shortcut that links to...
  2. B

    !! Linking to geocities !!

    For all those that use geocities as picture/site host.. If you want to link to the pictures/files to geocities, you have to put "?" directly behind the URL (without the "") so your old URL: should look like ->...
  3. B

    !! Linking to geocities !!

    For all those that use geocities as picture/site host.. If you want to link to the pictures/files to geocities, you have to put "?" directly behind the URL (without the "") so your old URL: should look like ->...
  4. C

    Linking Maps

    Like in the original Half-Life, can one create maps that link to eachother that could be played multiplayer?
  5. P

    milkshape help: linking vertices

    ehh how do i link vertices together :) on milkshape
  6. 1_heart_boobies

    putting up my ava

    i need help putting my ava on the forum. the max res is 100x100 and size is 10240 right? my ava is 98x98 and is 10,139, why cant i put it on?!?! i checked the yes box and put in the directory correctly, but i get this when i submit my ava: Warning...
  7. S


    yet another picture from my friend no he didnt trace it
  8. Mistery X

    What Future Trunks should really look like!

    Well made this model a while back, got it skinned recently.. check it out OH WAIT COULD IT BE FOR ESF? O_O HAHA no, its not cause it would never fit in with the other models Ah to bad eh? :P If you want to see WAY WAY WAY more visit the Saiyan Crusades forums, join sign up and be...
  9. Warrior_Elite45

    Use .txt file when linking with geocities?

    Ok, I wasn't sure if this thread should go here or in off topic, so I placed it here. :laff: What I wanted to know is how do you put the image file into a .txt file so you can link it using geocities. Can anyone please tell me?
  10. L

    how do i put a picture on my thread

    how do i put a picture on my thread because i been lookin on the make a thread page and theres no options on attaching files,jpegs etc.
  11. GotenksOwnz

    My sig wont work plz help.

    K i have made a sig i have saved it as jpg and gif and put it on my web site so wat codes do i put befor the link to the pic thanx for any help. :cool:
  12. M

    remote linking forbidden?!!!

    anyone know a good host?(free ones obviusly) cuz I have tried like 4 different ones and none of them seem to allow remote linking ;(
  13. 4xMega-Saiyajin

    Image hosted by angelfire

    Y does sigs hosted by angelfire dont work? look at mine , i get a pic img hosted by angelfire , but i want my sig!!!!!!!!
  14. Akhkaru

    SSJ model ready to D/L

    Right here is where you gets it, ENJOY!!
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