
  1. -Origin

    Need help on customizing an Invision Power Board, anyone?

    Yeah so.. I can't figure out how to make a forum *look* exactly as I want it to look. If only it were as simple as using paint or whatever to fill in the blank spots, but yeah.. unfortunately it's not. So my question is... Can anyone here help me make or customize a skin for an Invision...
  2. Damaera

    Please help me install Invision Power Board

    Error: IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using p***word: YES) (Line: 115 of /ips_kernel/cl***_db_mysql.php) There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here. Error Returned mySQL error: Access...
  3. TimTheEnchantor

    Quickie update on my new artwork database..

    I have reworked my artwork database on my website. With this new database, you can have a slideshow which fades, snowfalls , blends, shutters, etc in & out of images. I have colorized it, and will be adding more features to it soon. ***Here is my new database...
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