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Jan 15, 2003
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I have reworked my artwork database on my website. With this new database, you can have a slideshow which fades, snowfalls , blends, shutters, etc in & out of images. I have colorized it, and will be adding more features to it soon.

***Here is my new database:

What's so cool and interesting about this?
Well, I have taken into effect that I will host regular artist's in my database.

What does this mean for you?
This means, that say for example, a regular artist such as Naz, wishes to use my website as a launch-pad for his images, he is allowed, given my permission. He will have his own user name and password. His images will be COPYRIGHTED. Meaning if anyone is found using an image of his, given his permission, action will be taken(ISP or otherwise). He will have full protection over his images. All viewing users may use blending, slideshow effects, etc to enhance their viewing pleasure of the artist's work(s).

How does this work?
With your own user name and password, I will create a album for you. A album holds all images you like in that album(kind of like a folder holds files). All images are indexed and condensed. For example, Naz uploads his sig into his album, his sig will have a image previewed at about 150x150 pixels and the user can click on that "preview" to load the full image in a better view.

Even if the administrator(me), is not there, he can still upload images into the database and make his images still live. The only downside to this is, of course, if my server is down, so are your images.

Your images can also be commented on inside the gallery itself, meaning visitors surfing by, can comment on your artwork. No permissions needed.

Whats so good that I need to quit geocities or other free sites?
Well, for one thing, your images are always there, unless the server is down. You never get a busy signal, your images will load 90% of the time. Geocities doesnt do that. They hit about 20 users on one file, and its down for about 1 hour. With this, you get constant file hosting.

If you want a SIG to be hosted, simply email me at [email protected] and ask me if I can host your sig. Depending on how busy I am, I will debate if I want to host your sig.

What do I need?
Nothing -- Well, software wise...but actually:

-You must be a regular here at the forums. Meaning you must have at least 250 posts or higher to even be considered.
-You must have a respectable reputation. Meaning, you will not be considered if you have any bad record.
-No uploading of porn or malicious content or viruses. If these are found, your account is deleted and all images will be kept for use if need be.
-You must use the account frequently. This means at least once every 7 days unless I am notified. When you hit 6 days, you get a email confirmation telling you that you have 1 more day to become active. This way I do not use bandwidth up.
-You will NOT REMOTELY LINK THESE! If found out that you will, the account will be warned. If you chalk up to 5 warnings, your account is deleted, no questions asked.

Please remember, that this is to help make a showcase of sorts for the artist. Please be respectful, I already have Dakilla up and running, all he needs to do is log in with his user name and pw, make a album, and he's set to go.

If you have questions or problems, please reply here, or send me an email at [email protected].


New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Kinda..but I hope to have a bit more features in it soon to have it different than a Deviant Art. I've seen alot of sites do this too...and they arent deviant art ;)


New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2001
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I like the idea, I'll email u asap about it, I'm kinda busy now. Cool that I'm in all the examples :D

grtz Naz
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Retired Forum Staff
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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Pretty cool idea. Tim just lubs j00 Naz, that's all. :D Watch your step around him. ;)
New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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lol I think he's a good friend , i dont love him...

Green, can you sticky this? I plan on making it permanate..or at least run for a long long while..

If I get enough artists, I may make a art group... not sure if anyone here would be interested in that either.
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Nov 24, 2001
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I'd be interested in forming an art community with you. You should message me sometime.
New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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My plans for Liquefaction:
-LiqueRadio(have it setup, just need a 24/7: heres the link: (only up from 6-9 on weekdays when I don't work)
-IRC Channel
-Redesigns of LiqueFaction
-Determine schedule of LiqueRadio
-Create promo posters for both the artgroup Liquefaction and the radio station LiqueRadio
-Allow some experienced artists to assist in creating the artgroup hence Liquefaction
-Create logos for LiqueFaction/LiqueRadio
-Create a seperate site for LiqueRadio (after we get way more set-up).

Anyone have ideas on what we can do to help make this a good thing? Maybe build on my current ideas? When we get situated with our ideas, we will hold a meeting. Everyone wishing to attend, must be at this meeting. We will discuss our direction etc. Also, if anyone can help setup some of this stuff, please dont hesitate to help out! I know I will do alot, but I don't want to do ALL! If you have information or ideas, voice it! You will not be shot down for it.

Read over my above ideas.. I know its alot of work, but if we want to have a artgroup, we will need to redesign the site...make it unique, and have it OUR space on the web.

On the forums, I may set them up on my website..I will ask the admin of my server if he will setup the required stuff..I think we only need like mysql database and we're set...
We will have a forum for the artgroup, and one for the LiqueRadio.

Any songs you may wish to have on the radio, will be added in. The purpose of the radio is to allow people to listen to the music and get into the art which will be hosted.

Remember, if you wish to be in the artgroup, you must send me a email with information such as : [email protected] is my email.

Your real name, your alias online, your type of genre in work(abstract etc), where you live, and what are your motives to join?
An example of your work will also help me :)

Please review this, and if you have questions, ask maturely, do not be overly critical please! I have alot of things with this going on and would like as much cooperation as possible! Hopefully you understand!

New Member
Nov 30, 2002
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this idea is great good job. i will email u hope im accepted thanks
New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Yep. Please e-mail me, I'd really appreciate it, so I can create the members database on the site..

Also, will anyone be able to create forums? Or will I need to create it on my site?
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Retired Forum Staff
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Nov 24, 2001
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I can set up some forums, either phpbb, Invision board, etc... although I'm not sure how to customize the images, but it's not really like it's something hard to do. :D
New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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If you are at all interested please e-mail me!

Greentaco and I have laid out concrete plans on the group.

Here they as of right now:

-IRC Channel
-Sub idea(s): Admin rights to certain applicants on the forum.
Skins and modifications for the forums.
Logo for the artgroup LiqueFaction(need your help)

-Galleries for users(being worked on)

We would expect some of you to grow out of your anime shells if you can, it would mean a step up from the art you currently do. But to be honest, alot of people that pass by the site daily to look at Dakilla's work, and mine, they look at the non-anime images more. Anime is cool to do, yeah, but not all the time, and it would be cool to have subject to your images. If you have a question on this, don't hesitate to PM me , IM me, or email me. Do not post it in this thread. I know thats real hard, but people look for subject, not a hi-cal image of something you didn't do :( I learned this the hard way, trust me I was the same way many of you are...

Take naz for example, the reason people love his works are because he has subject and emotion in it. Hey it may be abstract but it has a subject and thats why he gets favor for it...think about it :)

Wogasm please email me btw! :) Thanks.
New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Also another plan added to the fray:

Monthly themes:
-Heres what will go down with this...
- A theme is picked..
- Each artist makes image(s) over the course of say a month based on that theme
- Then they pick 3 of their best and they will be featured on the image..

The site will be reworked every month, with a new theme. For example, a dark theme is picked, naz will make a couple images of grunge or a dark theme, and 3 of his best on that theme will be featured on a seperate page on the website called Featured Art. The site will also be changed as well. If the theme is dark, so will the site...If the theme is dreamy, so will the site..

User Submits:
We will have user submittings, so viewers can upload images to the website, and we will make another seperate page with their images featured on there.

A random splash page entry:
Each time the user enters the website, they hit a enter page, or splash page, this splash page has featured indy art by each art member. Everytime they refresh or visit, they get a new image to be seen.


Forums should be setup this week, art members can have their works crit'ed, talk about certain subjects etc..The forums will have a permanate theme with different skins for all genres: dark, dreamy, default , etc..

Greentaco and I are going to be the admins of this whole thing for a while as we get on our feet and on the roll.

We appreciate any applicants we can get.

**Anime is allowed, but not 80% of the time, if we get a dreamy theme for example, you can use like 2 of the 3 images with anime. If you need help on techniques to improve your art, or help with getting some of the art to fit the theme, then you'll get all the help you like :)**

If you want to join out of fun and to enjoy a new and exciting way to try out new forms of art, this is the place for you. If you want help, 95% of the time, you will get it faster than anywhere else. We would like members who are dedicated, and would love to get this rolling. Remember, this is to enjoy art more and just overall get a new outlook on art. It may be challenging, but how can you enjoy things without a challenge to achieve?

*greentaco: A note to other mods, this double post is allowed.*
New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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I have shut down liquefaction and am in the process of creating the design...I need the artist's who joined to e-mail me so we can all get together and tell me what you guys think. I have 2 designs to work with.
New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Liquefaction Art Community..

Guys and Gals:

I am proud to present the launch of the Liquefaction Art Group to be soon. Some of you may have not noticed but some of your fellow artists and moderators are part of this project.

The project is to help expand our creative minds. It's to represent what each of us are. I have made the art group in an attempt to bring some of the most talented artists a chance to expand in their art skills and overall gratiousness that they have this gift.

Our community has been working hard to help submit images for our first art pack. We are going to have every 2 months have a theme, which each artist makes 3-4 images on that theme. Each 2 months, the new art pack is released and the theme is reset.

Now, the site which will hold all this is actually a php server-side software which I have been trying to figure out how to skin for at least 4 days now. I have just recently cracked the php code and am able to implement graphics which I am doing now. The site will be different than most websites, it will be a bit more professional than some would normally see. The site is based off of PHP-NUKE. I have been learning how to skin and have actually reinstalled the site 4 times because I screwed up so bad. The good thing is, it will have it's own forums, private messages, your own email, etc. You will be able to create your own journals.

After this pack is released(which has no basic theme, the first time around), we will accept images. You may submit your art to me, and your art will possibly be featured next to the next art pack. So this is also your chance to submit artwork and get your name out there. I will create a seperate page for you all after we release this pack. That way you can become part of it.

We are actually very anxious by this, I have alot of big namers up there if you've ever been to deviantart you'd know when you see some of the art.

Here are the following people currently involved(still recruiting too):

Spooky Kid

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as we do. And if your at all interested in joining, please email me with your alias, real name, email, and some of your best work. It will be reviewed! :)


Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Mar 21, 2002
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I was going to join, but joined another art community... W00T DIGITALPRODUCTIONS!!!!
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 29, 2002
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i tried to contact u but somehow i cant :/
im intersted in joining(naz ^_^)
and i see that u already have some great artists...
now about me contacting to naz and he will talk to me :p
if u got msn or icq, pm it to me :)

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