
  1. F

    Marks & Intelligence...

    I am really having problems these days... I am known to get very high marks, just recently i got my midterms for grade 12, which was 96% For some reason, I dont feel smart at all. I mean, my avg is the highest out of 1,400 students, but I dont feel im smart, becasue I dont grasp...
  2. Jariroth

    Artifictial Intelligence!

    I just found this cool flash program called Chatbot from and though id share it with you guys. It's not really that much fun or anything, i was just amazed how developed the artifictial intelligence is. She can answer simple...
  3. F

    Chess and Intelligence

    What do you guys think about Chess? Do you think it really shows your true intelligence(IQ)? Do you think it makes you smarter? Post away
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