
  1. B0Bmaster40000

    Special Beam Cannon

    ive made a replacement sprite and model for the special beam cannon, so the head is a warhead, and the trail is just smoke. it looks pretty cool (and funny, cause the nuke is friggin huge), except that the model is transparent. Is there a way to change the transparency of the sbc head model? or...
  2. G

    Goten young

    Hmm heard about a new way of modling. do one piece and improve it until it's perfect, then do another piece etc. so your model should look perfect at the end. anyway i'm going to try this. here ya go, took 2 hours for this, it's supposed to be goten young:
  3. S

    bad guy from DB NG

    just a quick picture i did, i know the knee is wrong, im not saying who or what he is yet, but its just a lil taster
  4. A

    Shinobi's BACK!!!

    Thats right, me and Shijing are making Shinobi for beta 1.1 so he can use his sword. Heres his head. ANd BTW, Do you think spiderman would be a cool model. We can make his beams look like webs so he will be able to "Web" jump in 1.1 (Beamjump):laff:
  5. ultrassj_vegeta


    i do realise some bits are screwd up... however im too lazy to fix them at this stage... the mistakes shall be done when i have feedback on what to change... crits.. thnx u!
  6. DaKD

    Inuyasha WIP

    I decided to divulge my talents in another anime hehe Crits please Updated pic below
  7. sexyasian86

    Bojacks Gohan!!!!!

    here is the only model i'll release right now. i need someone to host it for me. i made this especially for Danny Sig Lad, since he asked me for one. the least i can do is make this for him. also it'll be up on the site. Bojacks Gohan edit of the boots, changed them to goku boots...
  8. sexyasian86

    Piccolo Buu!!! ^________^

    here is something for you people that wanted another buu got bored so i decided to make this. here is the buu. :laff: will also be with the site. Credits: Logan [for buu model] ESF fatbuu [for the cape, long white long thing on back] S-Bolt [for the chest armament, white thing around...
  9. A

    Shiek AKA Zelda model (and others)

    I was making some edits and I made shiek. I plan on finishing the head, finishing my Zora model and then making a Naboora model.:]
  10. B

    ssj2 Vegetto

    Thats right, im workin on a vegetto, not much of anything done yet, i need ref pics. if u have any plz post, any help would be nice
  11. S


    does anyone still have the bojack gohan? the one that has the mystic gohans body and sbolts head? if anyone has it can they email it to me at [email protected]. or if its on a site can they give me the link. and i need the young gohan sounds also i forot to back them up when i replaced...
  12. V

    How To Combine Models ?

    Can some1 plz tell me how to combine models ? Like i want the head of goku and the torso of trunks and the legs from vegeta ... ? How do i paste them in milkshape ? CTRL+C didnt worked:(
  13. V


    Hey, everybody, don't you think you should continue working on your models and not get them hosted until 1.1 is out otherwise you will have to reanimate
  14. V

    How Do I Combine models

    Hi i was wondering how i can combine models ? Like I wanna have the Suit of Mystic Gohan and The Arms from Piccolo and the head from Vegeta how can i copy and paste them in Milksheep
  15. TehMuffinMan

    Non player .mdl help

    righty then... you know the .mdl's that are in the esf/models section.. the ones that are NOT in the player section like sbc.mdl. im having problems with them and im shure many others do too.. you try it... decompile one of those models in ms3d then try and compile without chaging...
  16. M

    Bebi Vegeta pack Release !!!!!!

    Here our first release the Bebi Vegeta pack give crits Here a pic Klik here to Download This is still a Beta version and when the full one will come out it will have a full credit readme
  17. HellBringer.


    Okay........ goign to redo that GOTENKS model i was doing thne i got really lazy so i will start back on it gonna try to make the poly go lower
  18. B

    super a17

    ive started the transformation for #17, super 17 model :S this is what i did so far :S it has bout 300 polies atm ( waaaaay to high imo, should get them lower :S) anyway MORE PICS HERE17a
  19. G

    its bd gohan

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