
  1. J

    24, and how it once again rocks hardcore

    Well, since we have to wait for Heroes to start back up again, i'll let you all know, right now, that 24 officially started rocking harsh. i dunno what made them decide to do it, but they finally started doing bad stuff to jack. i mean, sure he's the hero, he can't die. BUT why does he always...
  2. Almighty_Gir

    24, and how it once again rocks hardcore

    Well, since we have to wait for Heroes to start back up again, i'll let you all know, right now, that 24 officially started rocking harsh. i dunno what made them decide to do it, but they finally started doing bad stuff to jack. i mean, sure he's the hero, he can't die. BUT why does he always...
  3. M

    WHAM BAM! thank you Smo

    just abit of HARDCORE action.. tehy dont look 2 enthusiastic or woteva.. but meh.. plus they looked skwashed... and hands arent skinned.. nifact y did I even post this Oo
  4. G


    jus representin all the hardcore Final Fantasy Fans out there :tired:
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