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  1. DarthBurter

    Trailers Spoiling Movies

    Has anyone else noticed recently that trailers have been giving way too much away? For example, not only do we know what Friezia's new form looks like in fukkatsu no f, but now we also know what Goku's new form looks like as well. So basically all of the things we would've looked forward to...
  2. DarthBurter

    Elder Scrolls Online Beta Tournament

    Hello all, for those of you who have seen my previous post about the ESO Beta codes, you know that I will be holding a tournament to see who gets them. SO, whoever wants to participate in this event will have to say so here, this is because I want to know how many slots the server will need to...
  3. DarthBurter

    ESO beta

    I just got a beta code for ESO, I figured I'd give it away on the forums. Everyone has until Thursday the 27th to ask for the beta, and on that day zenimax will send the email to you! I might hold a tournament to see who the winner is, but I'll just wait and see how many people want the...
  4. DarthBurter

    I only just realized....

    So, a couple of months ago I bought a Humble Bundle This bundle just so happened to include a few games that I didn't ever use (by a few, I mean about a dozen) and I intended to give them away. I was going to give them away to all the members of my Steam group, but then I realized that no...
  5. DarthBurter

    Thief (2014)

    So, I for one can't wait until the new Thief comes out. The original games were great since they arguably got stealth truly right for the first time Who else is excited?
  6. DarthBurter

    New to the community

    So, I'm new to the forums and just wanted to know what your community is like. I've played ESF before and was wondering how things went on the forums. I'm also wondering how I can get better at ESF, and how things currently are in the servers. The last thing I would like to know is, what are Zenny?
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