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  1. M


    yep but i dont know who the * admin is :P
  2. M


    Hey does one of the admins plz delete my acc!!!!!!!!
  3. M

    I need the man who made the forum

    oke then admin plz delete my acc!!!! thnx if u do
  4. M

    I need the man who made the forum

    Hey how can i delete my acc on this foruM????????? tell me!!!!!!!1 plz
  5. M

    My work

    ow cant u read he said it was his first time!!!!!!!!!!!! and now he isnt going to post anything more happy now??? ow man u just think about yourself and the credits people give to u but i want to see more of his work so just let him try out things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! srry if i shouted u ppl...
  6. M

    My work

    Hey u guys give him some credit 2 most of u cant even model and its hard to reskin so stop pushing him in the ground !!!!!!!!! cya Angel
  7. M


    Hey Satan how are thing going? and with youre map?
  8. M


    Hey Satan i knew u need help help but yeah i dont know a thing about mapping so srry cant help u but i like the map you are working on :) good job......................................... maybe i can help with sometin else just tell me if i can
  9. M


    Were can i download neo tournament it is for esf right??????? i have tried to download the map but the only thing i get is the soundfile :( help plz
  10. M

    SSJ4 Vegeta

    When or where can i download this model???????
  11. M

    Help me plz

    thnx for the help but i think i give up it just isnt working well maybe i try later but dont expect anything soon from me cya
  12. M

    Goku ssj3!!!

    sorry to disapoint all of u but their isnt comin any work of mine i just dont get goin (to difficult for me) i will keep tryin but dont expect anythin soon from me
  13. M

    Goku ssj3!!!

    thnx a lot the pics will help i'm going to start now i think i will soon post my first work :)
  14. M

    Goku ssj3!!!

    I have notices that Goku ssj3 is a model thats difficult to make now i'm goin to try make this model these pictures are goin to help me hope fully plz let me know what all of u think of this idea and maybe i will ask for help so if u want to help me plz do
  15. M

    Help me plz

    i want to make a model but i cant figure out how milkshape works can someone plz tell me how to start and maybe help me with the full model
  16. M


    Help me i have downloaded milkshape but can someone help on the way plz i dont know how to start plz help me give me some advise
  17. M


    wow nice model O_O i wanted to make a model 2 but i cant find a program to make one with but this one is very nice if are done plz put a link so i can download it cya
  18. M

    About gohan

    If u are gohan and u have a full cf u can go ssj but if u are ssj or cf is lower and if u fight u can get it back up is this to go ssj2 or what?? i'm a little confused
  19. M

    I Need Help

    Can someone plz tell me how to put new models in the game so i can use them...........??????? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  20. M

    Low Poly Majin Vegeta....(model)

    in wich map do i have to put majin vegeta i have a majinvegeta map and in that map their is ssjvegeta and normal vegeta but how do i need to put it in the map so i can play with this char?????
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