Recent content by Majin_Vegeta09

  1. M

    what is this thing??

    Hey, what the heck is EVM ???? is it a extention for esf 1.2.3 ??? or a different mod for HL ?? :confused: :confused:
  2. M


    I installed steam into the program directory, and i looked inside the steam folder and then steamapps, well theres no: your@account\half-life\esf Directory inside of the steamapps folder. ?!!?!? and when i press the icon on my desktop it goes to esf but not steam, its the full screen...
  3. M


    ok i renstalled steam into the half-life directory and i renstalled esf 1.2.3 but when i click on the esf icon on my desktop it says: Steam VFS failed to initielize what is this!!!! :(
  4. M


    When i try to push any of the buttons on the litle menu like "play games", steam feezes up totally what am i suppose to do ?!!?!?!! :cry:
  5. M


    My MSN is, [email protected], My steam is still saying not responding when i push any of the buttons like: "play games"
  6. M


    Could somebody with esf 1.2.3 send me there client.dll over instant messanger or somthing?? so i dont have to have a new copy of esf 1.2.3 burned for me again ?!!?! :(
  7. M


    Steam says not responding when i press play games.....and ive spoken to some other people that play esf and they creat lan games and it doesnt do anything weird. So i dont need steam dudes, there must be a way to fix this client.dll, and ive looked in my esf folder and found the client.dll, so...
  8. M


    When I push lan game and then creat game and then I pick a map, I push ok and then my screen blinks like normal but it comes up with a message that says: library c:\sierra\half-life/esf/cl_dlls/client.dll Im not trying to join a game im trying to creat a game! i dont think this should be...
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