
New Member
Dec 16, 2002
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I cant get the bots to work. I downloaded the zip file and everything. I dont understand the readme, where it says "Run the game with console (example: "C:\Games\Half-Life\hl.exe -console -game esf")" esplain someone?
New Member
Dec 7, 2002
Best answers
i dont know which bot u dled. But dl this one here , click on that , then go to download this file , then once uve downloaded it do this.

1. Put esf-bot.dll into the dlls directory , which is usually C: \SIERRA\Half-Life\esf\dlls

2. Open notepad then , when ur here.. C: \SIERRA\Half-Life\esf , drag the file liblist.gam into notepad , then once uve done that replace gamedll "dlls\hl.dll with gamedll "dlls\ESF-Bot.dll

3. Now join an esf game , then once ur in, press ` and that should open up console , once uve done that type in addbot. To add as much bots as u want without having to type it again and again just press the up arrow then enter , then up arrow then enter and just keep doing that till theres enuff bots , hope this helps.

btw i put spaces in the C: \ in between the : and \ cuz it would do a smile , so if u would backspace that and get rid of the space thats in it , and ur all set :]

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