New Suggestion.

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Nov 2, 2003
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First Of All im not sure if it's been suggested before since I dont know how I would put it in the search.

According to the current pic of the week they have a firm hold on each others hands and are in a melee struggle. My suggestion/addon to this is that wen they start doing that a shield like aura starts to surround them that gets bigger and bigger, and prevents anything from interfering or getting through the shield no matter how strong it is. It would have a max size, say around the size of 3/4 gohan shields at the max. Give me some crits and tell me if its been suggested before or if I got anything wrong.
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✔️ HL Verified
Sep 21, 2003
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I like it i really do would stop those damn lamers from kiblobing them.......i have a qustion....when ur doing advanced meele can someone kiblob u? and if so...I NEW LAMER ERA BEGINS!!!RUNNNNNNN!!!

P.S. Hi kaigeta :D
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💻 Oldtimer
Aug 21, 2002
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we're not sure about making the player godmode (for other players) or make it a CVAR ... so it's useless to make a shield
New Member
Apr 12, 2003
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well.. the size of the shield should be different after how strong the players doing the struggle.. like the explosion.. just shouldent be that big.. and the shield should have some kind of health maby?!? or just if the shield have 100 defence.. and you shoot an attack that got 110 then they will lose 10 hp.. hows that?!? o_O
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 5, 2002
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I'm sorry but I hate this idea, Why put a shield around them... to not let anyone interfere? This game isn't all about 1v1, there is some teamplay, and doing this will eliminate any chance that teamwork could be used. It also just sounds illogical, this didn't happen in the show regularly, actually, i don't really remember it ever happening. There will eventually be a tournament mode, which will allow all of those people who just want to 1v1 to play in peace, but don't suggest to ruin the game for people who want to use teamwork.
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Nov 2, 2003
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What, why would you say that, if you struggle with someone you do it because you want to, why would you want to be ki blobbed while your in the middle of a struggle, you know how many noobs just fly around ki blobbing, its annoying, and if your in a melee struggle and a noob comes BAM, ki blob time, I rest my case, wait, no i dont!
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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I have never thought of ESF as a teamplay mod, I find the teams more annoying, there you are meleeing one person and your "team mate" steals the kill with a kame.

ESF should jsut remove teamplay. Put in a 1vs1 tournament mode, and everything will be settled.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 5, 2002
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Ok, that's great guys, I understand that it annoys you when someone interferes, but that doesn't mean that it should be taken out of the game. Let me give you an example of what you're trying to suggest. Imagine that you're playing Starcraft, and you're battling another player. While you're battling him, another player takes advantage of the situation, and attacks you, or joins you in the attack of your opponent. That's what you're trying to disallow. Strategy, teamplay, etc... The point is, you're taking the game down to a lower level, lessening the possibilities that there could be in each battle. Just becuase it annoys you, doesn't mean that the mod should suffer. A lot of people don't think of ESF as a team game, but let me prove you wrong right now. The game was meant to have some teamplay whether you think so or not, otherwise there would be no team mode, or team Powerstruggling. The game is still in beta, but it's more than obvious the team wants a teamplay aspect in it. Just becuase you don't like interference doesn't mean the mod will be adjusted for you.

"My teammate is being attacked by an enemy, I must help him! DRAT! I CAN'T GET THROUGH THIS SHIELD THAT WAS MIRACULOUSLY CREATED AROUND THE TWO PLAYERS! Oh well, I guess I'll just sit and wait for my teammate to die."

Not only that, it's just a plain stupid idea. Can someone tell me when this has happened in the show? When Buu was killing Vegeta, Was there a shield to stop trunks and goten from saving him? Was there a shield around Goku and android 19 ( or 20, whichever the clown/mime looking one was)
when Vegeta saved him from death. Was there something stopping Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon from peircing through Radditz and Goku, while Goku had Radditz in a hold?


There will eventually be a tournament mode, wait for it.
New Member
Nov 2, 2003
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Now I get what your going at, i got 2 ideas, 1 is that this could only happen in free fight mode (which would be a bit hard to code) and 2 is ....................

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