New Member
Jun 8, 2002
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Ok I'm sure you guys have heard this lots of times before but I'm thinking about starting to model and I'm just wondering what's the best program to use and where can I get it. Also if anyone knows if there it any decent tutorials out there that would help.
Anything else than anyone else can be bothered to type would probably be useful to. I'm not exactly a newb to modelling I have done it before but with amorphium pro and that's not exactly capable of making game models.

Thanks in advance :)
New Member
Jun 8, 2002
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If I had your comical wit I would have to put parts of myself in a mincer and sell it for amazingly high prices as a drug...

New Member
Mar 1, 2002
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Well... I've only really modeled two models in my life time... might of seen them but thats not the point... I start off with gmax... then I was pretty fortunate and was able to get 3DS Max 4... to tell you the truth... It's kind of hard to find a difference in between the both except for tutorial differences... but the only REAL difference is the price O_O ... gmax is free... I believe the website is but if it's not that just searc discreet, or gmax on google and find it that way... there are some pretty good tutorials lying around everywhere... but gmax's tutorials, you can download those from discreet's site as well and I've learned quite a few things off that...
New Member
Jun 8, 2002
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OK thanks I'll search for that and then look for some tutorials.
New Member
Mar 1, 2002
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Uhm... every single thing is on that page... it's a zip file I believe.. maybe... self extracting
ESF Modeller
Dec 12, 2001
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Modelling Software

Well, I first started with a little program called Milkshape3d when I decided to get onto the modelling bandwagon. However, I was a model tweaker, and not a model builder, per-say. Therefore, I never really got to use Milkshape3d. Then I discovered 3d Studio MAX R3.1 and I fell in love. It's all I use for the most part, when MAX R4 came out, I got that as an upgrade. I have used GMAX, it's very, very similar to R4 in many ways, however, it has a few features missing from it, not to mention it's free. If you're not willing to shell out large amounts of money, go with gMAX (That's my recommendation). However, if you can, save up for MAX R4 or wait until MAX R5 comes out. I found it better to start working with a professional suite, simply because if I needed to use something more "primitive" it would be easier for me to downgrade, so to speak. Well, there's my schpeel for ya'. Hope it helps you out. If ever you need anything else, shoot your questions on over to my email and I'll help however I can


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