Gears of War

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Dec 3, 2002
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Cliff Bleszinski has been quoted in interviews as saying he wanted the characters to feel the way they look, and wanted "real weight" to their actions, which is why they move the way they do. But the sprint is great. I'm very glad they left some other cliches out, like power ups or armor pickups. IMO they would ruin the game with those.

The possibilities for a GoW2 are huge. My friends have some dream ideas they hope will be included, including stuff like chainsaw and curb stomp button-mashing "fight'em off you" type of minigames. All in all I would probably pay another 60 bucks for a map pack, if it had a good amount of levels in it. All of the maps in the game are just so good--that's because Epic has always known how to design levels for combat intuitively. Since the first UT, they're always on top of that.
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Dec 21, 2004
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i think all the maps are fine, i also think it would be good if there was a way to like... kill the person chainsawing some1.... because chainsawing makes you god for like 3 seconds, maybe like a second or 2 before chainsawing the other person some1 else could kill them, or if you killed them before the saw got like... halfway through you could save the other person... at least be able to kill them

but i would love to see more weapons
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May 1, 2002
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All in all I would probably pay another 60 bucks for a map pack, if it had a good amount of levels in it. All of the maps in the game are just so good--that's because Epic has always known how to design levels for combat intuitively. Since the first UT, they're always on top of that.
I agree, I'd definitely buy a map pack for this game if it had a decent amount of levels. I was in awe at some of the level designs and would always die the first couple of rounds in MP when I load up a map I havn't seen before just so I can run around and check it all out.

Epic has been good for that sort of stuff. The UT2k4 maps were great. Gears of War is pretty much what UT should have been in my opinion. It's got a trace of UT in it but goes much much more beyond.

I would agree with Zero on the chainsaw part, I've had numerous times where I could have just blown the guy's head off right beside me when he was putting the chain saw up against my partner's head but couldn't do anything because the animation started and made him godly. And it's a real piss off in Co-Op when that happens randomly and have to go back and do it all again. It happened to us and I was pissed because I was RIGHT beside the guy blowing his head off with a shot gun and couldn't do a damned thing.

Some mini games would be fun but I hope they don't pull a call of duty 3 sort of deal with the germans. I found that rather annoying and stupid to be honest, but that is just my opinion. If they did it right, and put in a nice animation, I'd be all for it. Especially for the crawly critters. Latching themselves onto your body getting ready to explode from the disease.
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Dec 3, 2002
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Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Keep it simple. Simple + visceral = good shooter.
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Dec 21, 2004
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you can snipe there heads off, but you have to time it just right, and its got to be towards the end of the animation. you can even escape grenade tags if you chainsaw some1 in time
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Dec 3, 2002
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Once my friend saved me from a frag tag by shotgunning me and downing me before it went off. Accidental but classic.

Personally I think that stuff is rather cheap--though most of the time the "caught in an animation" invincibility doesn't mean they can't be hurt at all, just not killed. I usually train my shotgun on their face for a nice splatter show. You can usually hurt them to the point of a nearly full red gear, but the killing blow just never happens during an animation.

Quick pointer--the handgun can burst heads even from a considerable distance.
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Dec 21, 2004
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yeah i know, the handguns amazing
the revolver pisses me off though... the bullets are delayed so much

and people running around with shotguns makes me mad sometimes too, i might get on later tonight pride but i have some homework and guitar practice so it might not be until like 10 pm central time
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Dec 3, 2002
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You just have to know the techniques. Like that boltok pistol? Get in a melee shot and then fire blind and you will usually blow their head clean off.

I dislike shotgun abuse too, but it's usually only the host. Once you understand the host you can use their advantages to combat them.

I play with this one girl, she's always the host, and she always roadie runs all the way up to the fight and dukes it out close range with the shotgun. All I usually do is hide behind something she has to run by, and blind fire her face open when she shows up. Heh.

For me the most annoying is the sniper rifle. I played on a server full of jerks who were using only sniper rifles...bad combination there.

I'm not great, but I know lots of little helpful tips and tricks that can make a nice difference in someone's game. If anyone is having any problems staying competitive, let me know, I might be able to help.
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Dec 21, 2004
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i dont find the sniper much of a problem, but most of my games are in execution, warzone is like taking a break zone.

i mean, i've used the sniper, i know you slow you move with the crosshairs

its extremely hard to hit a moving target in the head. not to mention that slight server lag that really makes a big difference when your trying to snipe.

i usually sprint in a straight line, or to cover and then dodge in a completely opposite direction to avoid getting hit.

but i dont use the sniper to kill, i use it to down, headshotting people who arent paying attention is about as good as i get, but i do get pretty lucky and get quite a few headshots without using the zoom on people close to me.
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Dec 3, 2002
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I'm a Torque Bow murderer, basically. I don't use the sniper but I torque people ALL the time. Heh.
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Dec 21, 2004
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torque bow is a beast, i like it too

i used to think the boomshot was stupid, but after i got lucky one match and like got 20 kills with it i started to respect it

i was in mansion and i was the last person. i snuck up the stairs, shot at a cog, and killed his teamate, they wer eclose to each other and they didnt see me.

then the other 2 were running along the wall towards me, and i had a perfect reload, and i shot and it went way over there heads and hit the wall, i was like oh crap i'm an idiot, but the exploding fragments off the shells killed them. it was awsome.
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May 30, 2003
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Gears of War is without a shadow of doubt the best shooter I've ever played. Ever.

Honestly everything about this game blew me away. I came into the game with extremly high expectations but skeptical that the game wouldn't meet them (like so many others in the past). But without a doubt, this is THE first game to live up to ALL the hype. I played through on Hardcore with my friend and we beat it. Now we're going through on insane, which is a little more difficult (about half way through so far). Everything about this game is simply gorgeous, but I expected no less from the Unreal 3 engine.

I REALLY hope this game is eventually released on the PC. I would pay a hundred bucks for it. But unfortunatly I don't have my hopes up too high and will probably have to stick with playing it on my crappy CRT. Though I did play it on an LCD HD... and I about **** my pants over how absolutly beautiful the game was.

I only had one gripe... and it really wasn't about the game itself, more of the 360. Me and my friend were trying to get the Composite out to work on my TV. So I went around the TV to look. Well without noticing, I nudged the 360 (which happened to be on, and vertically positioned). The 360 probably leaned over about 4 inches before my friend caught it, it was literally a nudge, and the console never even hit the floor. But as soon as the 360 was moved off it's position, something in it ground up against the GoW CD (I could hear the CD being scratched) and it got so ****ed up we couldn't even play it. And I KNOW it was the rediculous small nudge that did it, because we were playing it on Component mode literally 10 minutes earlier. That pissed me off, and it wasn't even my console or my game. Of course my buddy was able to replace the cd, but it's pretty rediculous that a small nudge in a 360 renders it unplayable.
And here's the kicker. I bought him Halo 2 for Christmas. So out of complete curiousity, I made the same situation that happened with the GoW disk happen to the Halo 2 disk. I tested the game first, it worked fine. So I went into the 360 menu, and made I slowly nudged the 360 over. From a position of
Sure enough, I heard CRHHHHHCK. Took the disk out, and it was all kinds of ****ed up. It was unplayable. So of course I returned the disk and got a new one. Needless to say my friend uses his 360 in a horizontal position. But things like that are huge turnoffs to me, and I doubt I'll be buying a 360 unless that's fixed. Even if it has the best game. Ever.
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May 1, 2002
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I'm a shot gun user myself, but usually only if I'm boned (IE if my entire team dies off and it is 4 vs me) or if I'm in a good opportunity to blow someone's head off coming around a corner. Usually I try and stake out a Sniper Rifle.

Frankly I don't care what weapons people use. If they want to shot gun spam, by all means make my day and shot gun spam, I'll find a way around it after a few deaths when I figure out your pattern. Even snipers give away a lot of hints. The ones I have a hard time fighting are the ones who can use the assult rifle with pristine accuracy. I've had my share of nice shots with the weapon but I usually only use it as a support / running for cover weapon. I've had people mow me down the second I stand up with that mother f-ing thing

Hmm perhaps an all out ESF Gears of War...War?
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Dec 21, 2004
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i belive i'm fairly good at the game, but have you guys played both modes?

warzone and execution play completely differant (and assassination...but that mode is pointless)

in execution you cant kill some1 when you down therem unless you blow there head off with a shotgun, or sniper them in the head, which i think is ridiculouse, i know you have to pump them with more bullets once there down or they can get back up but damn....there should at least be damage. that mode makes me mad because you cant kill opponents from far away unless you have a sniper rifle.

and the machine gun is a damn good weapon, i can kill the nooby shotgun people who like use the shotgun from medium range with the rifle fairly easily without taking too much damage, it is a damn good gun. i should be using it mroe actually. but the pistol is my beast :)

a clip will down some1.... and you can empty a clip in like 2 seconds.... plus pistol whipping people is awsome too.

i like smoke tagging people too, generally people freak out when you run at them with a grenade and are a little dumbfounded when they dont explode

plus its funny and you get alot of positive voice feedback... /sarcasm off

oh and buddy.... you wouldnt tilt your tower sideways when you were playing a pc game would you.... dont do it on your 360.... i'm sure that woulndt be good on any console, let alone the disc
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May 30, 2003
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ZeroNightmare said:
oh and buddy.... you wouldnt tilt your tower sideways when you were playing a pc game would you.... dont do it on your 360.... i'm sure that woulndt be good on any console, let alone the disc
Actually, I would. I could easily tilt my comp over slightly while playing a game and I have, and it works just fine. What I'm saying is, if a console has the ability to lay vertically like the 360, than M$ needs to make it not kill a game just from it being nudged.
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Dec 3, 2002
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Any cd rom that is standing vertical will be having problems with that sort of thing. Try tipping it the other direction, towards where the disc's bottom would be sitting in the tray, and I bet it would be fine. If you tip it the opposite way, of course it will get damaged; the cd in that position would no longer be leaning on the tray.

That's why you can do it to your PC fine. Because it's still horizontally aligned on the tray. Also once a PC game accesses the disc to start up, it doesn't even spin anymore, whereas on the 360 it is in various states of motion constantly while you play the game.

I mean, I don't know why you think this is out of the ordinary. I'm sure there are multiple warnings over the documentation to always have it turned off, never tilt it while it's running, etc.

For what it's worth, a friend of mine did this and set his from vertical to horizontal in the middle of a GoW game once. It made a nasty noise, but it continued to play fine.

As for the game modes, I think Execution is the only way to play this game. Warzone defeats the whole purpose of the whole visceral combat feel--it becomes a game of sniper camping pretty quickly for those players who want to be successful.

Execution seems to breed a better fight, for me. You have to earn the kill. Something I think more shooters need.
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Dec 21, 2004
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yeah, thats why i go to warzone for a break. its so much slower paced.

people play differantly though in each game mode, warzone is slightly more tactical, you dont want to be taking a load of damage, you know you cant get up.

and in execution you see stupid stuff like the entire team runnings traight at you with shotguns, not saying thats not fun or anything, just 2 differant games man. its crazy.

i'll get on tomorrow and we'll play some ranked matches if you want. i really got into my guitar tonight and didnt manage to make it :)
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May 1, 2002
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You guys need to get me added and let me get in on some of this action :eek:

My University starts up tomorrow (or technically "today") but I'll still have time to play ;p
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Dec 3, 2002
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Well I wouldn't make a good host. Lots of router traffic. If someone else has some medium to high end DSL (with a decent upload speed) I'd be glad to play anytime.... long as it's Execution!
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Dec 21, 2004
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i have cable ~ i'm an alright host

i like war machine on execution, great map,

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