Gears of War

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Dec 21, 2004
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yeah well anyway i've been playing gears of war for a while and the game rocks. single player and online.

only complaint i have is about stupid grenade tagging, and how in execution you can hardly kill some1 from far away unless you have something that explodes or a sniper rifle.

oh, and the shotguns sort of piss me off. but i love this game!

got my chainsaw achievement. this games so fun... every match is an adventure. but i've found some glitches that people are doing, some of them are fun, sort of exploits like on gridlock you can longjump over those rails, but its not going to rig the game, but some of them are stupid, theres one where your basicly invulnerable, and your stuck in a crouching position, but you move at about twice as fast as you can sprint, and you can shoot people.

anyways, tags bboy arie som1 should add me and we can play.
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May 7, 2006
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ok well i have some say in this thread to help you out.
1. my friend just got an xbox360 for christmas when im pretty jealous of that XD.
2. he got this game and i played it and **** in my pants because it was so much fun. I really need to talk to my doctor about those loose bowels...
3. Its a reallly fun game and you should get it.
The Sinister Minister
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Nov 25, 2001
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Canada - Manitoba
I just tried GoW at my buddy's place the other night (he's had a 360 since its initial release, and he's been going on about how Gears of War is quite something).

We, first, engaged in some one-on-one shootouts using split-screen multiplayer. I was actually surprised at how intuitive the gameplay started to become after being gunned down by my buddy in the first round. Before the 5 rounds were up, I found myself thinking up some very intriguing tactics in order to get behind my buddy's cover and either gun him down, or maim him with my trusty chainsaw.

I liked the combat in the single player campaign as well, though I found the shootouts to be a bit repetitive (likely a symptom of the AI being less challenging to take on than my buddy). I didn't see enough of the story unfold to comment on whether or not the characters are deeply developed, or if there's an intriguing and captivating story.

I was expecting Halo from a 3rd-person perspective, so I was delighted to see how neat GoW actually was. I won't be buying a 360 just for that game, but I definitely won't mind if my buddy wants to have a few more shootouts, heh.

EDIT - Also, I quite enjoyed seeing my enemies splattered by the Torque Bow; it reminds me of the Tech Arrows from the Turok series.
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Dec 21, 2004
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I just tried GoW at my buddy's place the other night (he's had a 360 since its initial release, and he's been going on about how Gears of War is quite something).

We, first, engaged in some one-on-one shootouts using split-screen multiplayer. I was actually surprised at how intuitive the gameplay started to become after being gunned down by my buddy in the first round. Before the 5 rounds were up, I found myself thinking up some very intriguing tactics in order to get behind my buddy's cover and either gun him down, or maim him with my trusty chainsaw.

I liked the combat in the single player campaign as well, though I found the shootouts to be a bit repetitive (likely a symptom of the AI being less challenging to take on than my buddy). I didn't see enough of the story unfold to comment on whether or not the characters are deeply developed, or if there's an intriguing and captivating story.

I was expecting Halo from a 3rd-person perspective, so I was delighted to see how neat GoW actually was. I won't be buying a 360 just for that game, but I definitely won't mind if my buddy wants to have a few more shootouts, heh.

EDIT - Also, I quite enjoyed seeing my enemies splattered by the Torque Bow; it reminds me of the Tech Arrows from the Turok series.
they arent, and its not, but its still a great game.

what difficulty were you playing single player on. on insane the enemies actually do smart things... like run around and try to flank you and throw grenades while your trying not to get shot in the head.

and yes the torque bow is cool, the tek arrows were amazing.

the story's like this.... i think the locust came out of the ground... and the humans on this planet have these satellite beam weapons, they call them hammers of the dawn or something, and the humans are getting overrun and wiped out, so they decide to just destroy everything on the planet with the beam weapons except for certain cities and what not that are safe zones, and they kill alot of innocents in the process. there really isnt much of a story. and they characters are just classic brutes that like to shoot stuff. but its not like they are big idiots, fenix is just like a leader and a smartass, doms just your side kick, cole is sort of a funny guy, and baird is just a sarcastic *******. and the rest of the characters dont play much of a part, even though there are more i cant really give them much input

theres "carmine" but i think hes just the generic soldier they threw in. theres the colonel whos an ******* and hates fenix for some reason, and lieutenant kim but they dont play much of a part.

there is alot of story thats left out, but i think in the next game they would flesh it out more and answer some of the questions.

i believe theres something about why fenix was in prison whent hey rescue you, and what happened at his trial, but the game doesnt go over any of it. just hints at bits and pieces of it. maybe they will flesh out the story a little more in the next game, but its just fine the way it is.


Lost in space
๐Ÿ’ป Oldtimer
May 6, 2003
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As for story, RTFM and pay attention. It's sort of Half-Life style where it's subtle, but I do agree, it is pretty thin.

Anyway, gamertag is in sig.
The Sinister Minister
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Nov 25, 2001
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Canada - Manitoba
what difficulty were you playing single player on.
I'm not really certain. My buddy just had me create a profile on his 360, and he kinda jumped right into the campaign where he left off. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it was on whatever the equivalent of "normal" is. It was challenging enough that he got shot up a few times, but not so challenging that the enemies were using really creative tactics. Hence, I guess the "normal" difficulty (if that logic makes any sense :rolleyes: ).
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Dec 21, 2004
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the normal setting is called casual, hard is hardcore, and very hard is insane.
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Dec 3, 2002
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On hardcore the enemies are much smarter. Insane can't even be beat without a live coop partner, I hear...
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Dec 21, 2004
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i;ve gotten through it up to raam, i havent beaten him though... the last boss i mean
๐Ÿš‚ Steam Linked
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Jan 27, 2006
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Netherlands, Amsterdam
Am i the only one who doesnt like the GB/GBC/GBA/GBASP/PSX/PS1/PS2/PS3 Maybe/Xbox/Xbox360/GameCube/Nintendo/Super Nintendo/Nintendo DS/Nintendo 64........... God I feel like im the only one who plays only PC :S
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Dec 7, 2002
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RAAM is frigging impossible in insane mode... you either get out of cover and die in roughly one seconds from his handcannon, or you stay behind cover and get noshed on by kryll dispite being behind cover in the light. going to try it with the brother soon, just up to the cart with the lambert wretches atm, shame brother phails at shooting accuratly after 20 tries >_>
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Dec 3, 2002
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Gohan, that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Please don't spam.

After the recent Minion problem I'm not eager to be forgiving.
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Apr 14, 2005
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I had seen hardly anything of GoW before I played it.

GoW kicks ass.

You just have to try it.

:p I bet you're just afraid of getting owned because you can't handle dual analog sticks.
๐Ÿš‚ Steam Linked
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Jan 27, 2006
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Netherlands, Amsterdam
My god lol you know i hate the controller?? I cant even control one of the stick :D :S witch isnt that good at all :D

im a dumb.
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Oct 27, 2004
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:p I bet you're just afraid of getting owned because you can't handle dual analog sticks.

Gears of War pretty much tops Counter Strike and Half Life in my opinion. There are just some games tha WASD wasn't ment for.
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Apr 14, 2005
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My only gripe with the game is that the characters move kinda sluggish at times, but that does also help immerse you. They are large men, after all. o__O
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Nov 14, 2003
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Hey man, I know quality when I see it.

Play that game and tell me it doesn't feel like a war zone!!

crank that sucker onto hardcore and try it out, can't even get into the mine !_!
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Dec 21, 2004
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psh noobies...

you know you can sprint right shiyo?

also they do seem like they move but it could also be that the environments are surprisingly big and it takes a while to get from a-b
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May 1, 2002
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For me, I have enjoyed the game up to the status of the legends like Halo and Half-Life. Personally I think this is by far one of the, if not the BEST Xbox game to come along in a while. My only gripe is that it was a bit short (Unless Co-Op is shorter than SP Mode).

MP on Xbox Live was my favourite part of the game, personally that is. I just loved how I always grabbed teams that would raid the locust tactical wise. Two run to the doors and wave the other two in and etc. It's rather fun. Especially when two of your teamates refuse to go down from gun fire and keep reviving each other.


I really liked the part with the berserkers. My heart hasn't been racing so fast before. I played mainly Co-Op with my best buddy and we were just screaming when the thing smashed through the wall. Even MORE surprising was when we found out about the Berserker on the train, oh man that was fun. I liked it because it kept you moving, no stopping for rest or for cover. You had to keep going and going to either A. Get it outside to kill him with the Hammer or get him onto the second to last train and blow him up with the canister.

The ending left off for a Gears of War 2. Which I'm definitely going to look forward to in the coming years.

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