gameplay mode suggestion.

Discord Member
Jan 18, 2006
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Western Australia, Perth
This idea just came to my head earlier today and it's hard to explain lol. Pretttty much it's like a "Saga Mode" where everyone is fighting as usual but maybe it could be interrupted by a saiyan space pod that drops out of the sky early in the game (first 5 mins) and Vegeta walks out. Everyone then has to work together to bring down Vegeta. Then later on trunks might appear via his time machine, ect ect you get the point lol. It's not a story mode, just a series of boss fights. Perhaps a player could control the boss that appears? that might make it more interesting. I know this would be difficult and you'll probably say its impracticable but still, would be a fun and interesting game mode. A good example to compare this game mode too is the warcraft 3 map, DBZ rampage. If you've played that then you know what i'm talking about.

This is just another suggestion altogether: Obviously achieving super saiyan was a big deal in DBZ. So, I was wondering if you guys could make a really awesome, unique, animation for the first time you ascend E.g. alot of cracks in the ground and rocks flying everywhere, more then usual. Every other time after that would be "less" awesome lol. Well thanks for reading, let me know what you guys think ^.^
✔️ HL Verified
🍂 Regular
Oct 16, 2006
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the Netherlands
I'd love to see something like this, however this can also be done with an amxx mod, and not just with vegeta, but also frieza, cell, etc.

Just give the enemy character an huge amount of health, let it transform after a certain interval, and let the players work together.
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💻 Oldtimer
Jan 22, 2006
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This idea just came to my head earlier today and it's hard to explain lol. Pretttty much it's like a "Saga Mode" where everyone is fighting as usual but maybe it could be interrupted by a saiyan space pod that drops out of the sky early in the game (first 5 mins) and Vegeta walks out. Everyone then has to work together to bring down Vegeta. Then later on trunks might appear via his time machine, ect ect you get the point lol. It's not a story mode, just a series of boss fights. Perhaps a player could control the boss that appears? that might make it more interesting. I know this would be difficult and you'll probably say its impracticable but still, would be a fun and interesting game mode. A good example to compare this game mode too is the warcraft 3 map, DBZ rampage. If you've played that then you know what i'm talking about.

This is just another suggestion altogether: Obviously achieving super saiyan was a big deal in DBZ. So, I was wondering if you guys could make a really awesome, unique, animation for the first time you ascend E.g. alot of cracks in the ground and rocks flying everywhere, more then usual. Every other time after that would be "less" awesome lol. Well thanks for reading, let me know what you guys think ^.^
So your idea is some sort of ESF: Co-Op ?
It's not a bad idea.
Just a nice person :)
✔️ HL Verified
Jul 17, 2009
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The Netherlands / HOLLAND!
Yep, this mod would add some kind of story in it. Which is better I geuss.

(This game-mode makes me want a singleplayer campaign!1!!11!1)
★ Black Lounger ★
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💻 Oldtimer
Jan 5, 2008
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I'm pretty sure that Broly will get his own gamemode as long as there are AMXX coders who ain't lazy for that job.
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Oct 3, 2004
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This idea just came to my head earlier today and it's hard to explain lol. Pretttty much it's like a "Saga Mode" where everyone is fighting as usual but maybe it could be interrupted by a saiyan space pod that drops out of the sky early in the game (first 5 mins) and Vegeta walks out. Everyone then has to work together to bring down Vegeta.
A similar idea was suggested with "Broly Mode". I like the idea and think it should be implemented if the dev team gets some free time in their schedule (wishful thinking).

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