
  1. D

    ESF Source

    Could you guys make an ESF Source for the HL2 Engine? with good graphics and all, that would be cool. :yes:
  2. |Overlord|


    I have read through so many source threads on the forums that it has made me sick , people suggesting "put esf on the new source engine" & plus also reading some suggesting "if the team won't do it , why don't members of the community put esf on the source engine as a third party project. as...
  3. D

    Earth special Forces Source?

    Will there be a ESF source? I think that with the graphic engine in hl2 esf could get one of the best mods ever... i would share it to all my friend if it did exist and play it over the internet li´ke a mad man... Consider it... :yes:
  4. JDeezNutz

    Counter Strike: Source Stress Test!

    Hey, i finally got my new graphics card (Sapphire Radeon X800 XT 256MB) the maxium FPS i have got on the counterstrike source stress test is 117 FPS< my friend has the exact same card and he gets 140 FPS? do you know what coule he be doing thati am doing wrong? is it because i have the...
  5. Skyrider

    Mods such as esf convert to hl1 source?

    This aint a request IF ESF goes to HL1 source or all that crap you might think off :P.. This is just a simple question.. Does it needs allot for to change mods such as esf to be converted to hl1 source?.. Its still hl1, but then with the hl2 source.. But i am sure some stuff has to be...
  6. ReCkOninG of FirE

    Cs Source Models

    I dont know whether this is the right thread to be in but since its not related to development ill guess ill post it here does anybody know how i can go about replacing the models for cs source? and i know this is a little offtopic but since i'm mainly here for the first question, does...
  7. L

    Counter-strike: Source Machinima

    Allright, Me and a few other ppl are making a CSS machinima, and we need 3 ppl for the Terrorist positions... 1.) You have a half-way decent computer that can run at least 45-50 FPS 2.) You have a microphone (duh) 3.) You are good at voice acting. 4.) You are dedicated, and have AIM...
  8. G

    Esf Source?

    Will esf be a source mod? WIll the mouthes move? Will the ground be blow upable? What other options will there be? In any case WILL IT EVEN MAKE IT TO SOURCE :shocked:
  9. SaiyanPrideXIX

    Bloodlines: The Source Engine is bending my computer over like a prison *****. HELP!

    For various reasons, Source Engine games seem to be performing abnormally far below average. With HL2 I was able to get the game to run pretty sweetly after some effort, with tolerable minimized skippage, but Vampire Bloodlines is raping my machine and I can find no tweaks for it whatsoever to...
  10. G

    What about using the source engine?

    It appears to me that you could do something godly with ESF by using the Source engine. It could revolutionize ESF. There might be some transition problems, but all in all, it might turn out worthwhile.
  11. J

    ESF: Source?

    I was just wondering with the recent release of Half-Life 2 and the SDK Source engine, can we expect to see some ESF:Source production happening anytime soon? I apologise if this thread has been created before.
  12. Suh Dude

    Counter-Strike: Source Skinz

    Well, I got bored, and wanted to recolor a urban, so HAH! You guys can also tell me what to add ect..... If you guys want to see in-game pics, let me know, and also, if you also want the recolor, i'll try to host it..... somewhere... ;)
  13. E

    HL1 source???

    Yea, u see it^^ i didnt notice anything different at all except the water, what exactly is there, have u guys picked up on anything, this is probably cause im running half life 2 on a GeForce 2 MX 800mhz P3 cpu.
  14. G

    counter strike source?

    hi,i just wanted 2 no were can i get cs source,can i buy it at the store or wut, does it come in hafe life 2 with dod source or wut?
  15. S

    About ESF : Source !

    I wanted to know If someone can answer me and tell me If that wonderfull Mod will coming in ESF : Source ! Thx U ! ^^
  16. C

    Esf Source?

    Will this ever happen it would so awesome and you could have items that could be blown up and blasted all over the place. It would be great Ps: First post. Sorry just saw the other thread with excat same name :laff: my bad
  17. I

    Regarding CS: Source fans

    Well when I try to change my advance video settings in cs: source, the game crashes and boots me back to my desktop. Anyone else had this problem and fixed it? My System is over the system requirements for the game, so i dont know why its crashing. All help will be appreciated, thank you...
  18. P

    ESF- Source

    Hi there, I was wondering if there will be a ESF Source, like CS-S and DOD-S it would be awesome because the models and everything would be way better and realistic. cell shading :laff: O_O I would like to help make some stuff if you guys need helpers for making a Source version of ESF.
  19. C

    NEW Source?!?

    just wonderin bout the new HL@ source code when or if it becomes available will u lot be changin the source code to fit in wit it? Creep
  20. DragonDude

    Source Engine Features Looks pretty exciting from a developer's standpoint. I personally can't wait to get my hands on the SDK. I think it'll be more like HL1 than people thought, and I'm glad for that. What do you guys think? (Don't talk about ESF...
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