
  1. B

    i´m finishing goku, goku ssj1, goahn with orange equipament

    i´m finishing goku, goku ssj1, goahn with orange equipament
  2. D

    Help With maps

    Cam some bloak tell me were I can get Swisscheese's cellgames map and where I can find a site wit tutorials for map & model making for ESF???????? much obliged.:devil: :devgrin: :devil: :devgrin: :devsmile: :devsmile: :devsmile:
  3. NeOn LimiT

    Models to look at!

    Here is a site (by me) of models i been making. feel free to look around and find out more information on "more info". and tell me your getting better. I am starting to skin my models and they are turning out well . please visit>>> 3dsolids -NeoN :p
  4. D

    a model to alter/uas as a base

    i found this model at link
  5. A

    Milkshape help

    i juss figured out how to use milkshape 3d and my trial expired SHIT sumone heeeeeeelp in ne way, gimme advice or sumthin i cant find one on kazaa or morpheus :(:(:(:(:(
  6. U


    if anyone makes a superman skin for piccolo please post it here ... i think it would be kick a$$ to see superman fly around with his eyelasers!!!!!
  7. D

    where can i find new maps to download?

    is there a site etc where i can get the new maps? ie esf_lagoon Cause my crappy modem cant download them, dont ask me why:(
  8. S

    Buu model

    how can send me a trunks model or the buu model i can`t find them. [email protected] plz
  9. Akhkaru


    Off-topic but... SS_Vegeta, where'd you get a tutorial ot make models like that? Because Pcjoe told me you make models with Milkshape 3D, and you make it Vertex By Vertex, so I was wondering where you could get me a tut. to teach me that style.
  10. Son Goten


    where do you guys(mainly judge, spin, and 16) get your backgrounds for your art and sigs?? do you make them?? i can't find any good ones online.
  11. P

    need comments on this sig i made

    i like 16's sig for me, but i figured i might try to make a sig, so how does this look? im trying ta improve my art i need feedback
  12. S

    Where Ow Where!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PLEASE TELL ME WERE TO GET ESF SKIN FROM PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  13. B

    gonna try this

    im dling photoshop right now...gonna give sig making a try once i get it dled any help would be aprecated
  14. A

    I need ESF worldcraft settings

    Where can i find the settings for making a map for ESF.:cry:
  15. B

    Good Skining Tutorials

    Ya im gonna start skinning im OK (well im crap) at PSP and would like to skin a bit and would like to know of any good turtorials, ya i tried polycount but that site is all messed up cant find my way about it. any others or direct links please help a beginner skinner. BrunO
  16. Son Goten

    could someone plz make me *another* sig

    could someone make me a sig with a waving american flag in the background, ssj goku in the middle, flanked by ssj gohan and ssj vegeta on his sides and have it say Son Goten United We Stand, Divided We Fall. if someone could so that, i would be forever gratefull!
  17. D

    Free Sig

    HEY EVERYONE, FREE SIG... this one is really cool.... so if you want it, just tell me...
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