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God forbid anyone else involved in getting the game published, publicized, circulated, advertised, and funded should be paid anything by gamers, eh?Didn't we already establish that piracy isn't stealing? Haven't we yet established that the tiniest fraction of your money goes toward the creative and ingenuitive minds behind video games or music while the vast majority (99.999%..) will go toward the brainless producers?
Do you have some sort of evidence to support the claim that almost all of the revenue from a successful game goes to the producers, insofar as all of the developers (or artists; whichever term you prefer) cannot sustain themselves because they're getting whatever is scraped off of the bottom of the barrel? Moreover, do you have proof that this is a hard-and-fast rule for ALL developers, or is this just based on personal accounts you've heard over the years? Lastly, do you actually know, with certainty, that the production process NOT involved in designing the game itself is so simple, clear-cut, and easy as you described in your post? I don't know anyone in the operations departments of major game publishers, but my brother does work in operations at a company that produces IV medications, and, while he doesn't produce novel drugs or production processes, it doesn't mean that he works a slack job or does nothing valuable.Almost ALL the money for simply signing their name to a piece of paper and handling a few business calls while the artist still has to struggle to feed their family? Getting all that money just because you lent your money is ridiculous, the ultimate way of making money from money which in itself is a flawed concept.