You are my best friend...

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Oct 4, 2004
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What he means to say is that his girlfriend doesn't play well with others, or his friends would disapprove of his girlfriend. It tends to be one of those things that mess up relationships.
💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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Well, his friends could be burnouts and she's trying to save his life.
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Oct 4, 2004
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Stop projecting, you'll never reach the sixty ninth gate that way.
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Apr 17, 2005
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Yeah, I have a lot of friends and several "Best Friends" but to be honest, the 9 - 5 drill, having a baby boy, being in a relationship, household chores, studies and just plain damn laziness at times have strained some of my friendships.

The friends who take the time to drive for nearly an hour just to bring you a coke while your woman is in labor, those are my best friends and we have been best friends for 18 years now.
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Apr 15, 2003
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Edogawa-ku, Tokyo
23 at the moment, known my best friend since we were 2 years old, was living with him in London last year as well for 8 months. As we both went to university in different parts of the country, (he in London, me in Birmingham originally but Manchester now) we haven't seen each other that often after 18, and especially now that I'm up in Manchester while he remained in London. But we're still best friends, festivals and holidays together. Still very much in touch with him.


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Jun 18, 2003
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New York
I'm 21 years old right now.

When I was in middle school I had quite a lot of good friends. My middle school actually combined the elementary schools of 3 or 4 different school districts. So I had my group of friends from elementary school who I liked a lot and then on the first few days of school became good friends with a group of guys from one of the other schools. So I introduced the two groups together and they all hit it off, it was kind of strange how well everyone fit together.

So that was middle school, which incidentally is also when I started playing ESF. My local high school wasn't a bad school, but my mother is a teacher there and viewed it as such. So instead of going to my local high school with my friends, I was sent to a catholic high school called Kellenberg. My two older brothers went there and it worked out good for them so I guess they figured they'd send me there too. Every day I woke up at like 6 o'clock, took a quick shower, put on an uncomfortable uniform, and took an hour and 10 minute busride to my school. I left at like 6:40 and would get home at 4:20 (freshmen year - senior year, no getting out of school earlier senior year).

Turns out that the school is also an elementary school in one, so a lot of the kids in the high school there went to the elementary school there also. This meant that a lot of the social circles there were already formed, not everyone was starting on a fresh slate. This also meant that in some sections of the school you had like 10 year old kids walking the same hallways as you, possibly one of the reasons why I hate little kids. I was a pretty miserable person in high school, I was perpetually uncomfortable and didn't feel like I was myself when wearing that uniform, never made very many friends. I mean, I had a few people I could talk to in school, but they all lived so far away that it wasn't worth actually hanging out with any of them, and I'm not sure I would have wanted to hang out with any of them regardless. The long hours I spent there meant I sure as **** wasn't going to prolong my stay at that school and do any extra-curricular activities, which probably didn't help my friend situation.

So for the first 2 years or so of high school I still hung out with the old group of friends, but as time went on it happened less and less. Most of my old friends are now in the military or in other states for college. They're also not really the same people they used to be, I'm bored out of my mind whenever I do catch up with any of them.

For college I went to a suny college (ny state colleges are suny/cuny) which was literally like an 8 minute drive away from me. Almost everyone in that school commuted, didn't really make an effort to make any friends there. I got a useless associates degree with liberal arts and sciences and moved on.

I'm now going to school to become a stenographer. The people here are all nice, but it's a very small school (10ish people per class) and it's like 99% female. If I had to guess, there's exactly one girl my age in my classes who doesn't already have a boyfriend... or kids.

I'm sure best friends do exist, but I haven't found one yet. I think I might be coming off sounding like I'm depressed or some **** in this post, and I don't mean to, I'm not. Maybe just a little bored ;)
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Oct 4, 2004
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Sub is in denial. We should shower him with booze and love.
Force Pit Member
Nov 2, 2007
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I always thought Subby is surrounded by friends.

Guess I thought about Kain.

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