Wow, welcome to the forums. Have you tried reading the manual? It's actually very easy once you know how it works. But it might be if you use your feet. Maybe that's your problem?
That line just cracks me up but in a way its true since you can compare the 2. Anyways if you cant handle it then stick with the basic melee like I do. I havent played 1.2 too long or too much to be an elite combo user so I stick with the basic melee which is just as good in my opinion and yes this is my 1st time posting in a long time. Been busy heh.
If you've ever played DDR, then you know what hes talking about. I dislike everything about advanced melee, so i just dont use it unless its being used on me (in which case i have no choice but to fight back).
I dislike using combos too since the other guy usually counters it easily so it ends up in a long chain of combos vs combos and im usually the 1 to slip and get hurt more hah. Instead if I do get combod I just try and counter it by doing what he did so I dodge all if not most. I wont even try and start another chain.
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