My answe is simple. Consoles suck. The PC is always superior. Add in mods, the better control schemes, the customizability, the vastly superior hardware, the internet play.
Open your eyes a little man. The consoles are, if anything, trying desperately to be MORE like the PC.
You only run into problems if you are either dirt poor and undedicated to gaming, or incompetent--neither of which I want in my world of online gaming.
As for TV being 'easier' on your eyes--well there's a lot of technological jargon behind it, but let's just put it to you simply: You know those HDTVs, how the pictures move all nice and silky smooth? That's called framerate--your tv can't do over 30 frames per second, but new TVs can do a few more. The computer gaming world has been able to do more than double even the best TV's maximum, depending on the game, for more than 6 years now.
The last and most obvious bottom line is that PC gaming is pretty much the most technologically advanced form of interactive entertainment in human history. If I let you sit down and look at some of the next gen titles we had even last year--Doom 3, the better parts of HL2, the bloody war scenes in Call of Duty, even the everlasting glory of the real time strategy games (something consoles will just never have)--I can personally guarantee you'd understand why. At the end of the day, a computer that can play current-gen video games halfway well at decent settings can also do any other technological hobby in existence. I'm a writer, musician, web developer, and graphic artist (when it suits me)--I can do it all from my computer, because I got a game-capable PC (five years ago, anyway).
I fully maintain the belief that beyond a shadow of a doubt if you have spoken to anyone who has done both game formats to their fullest potential (i.e. gamed on a GOOD computer and knows what they're doing, but has also played all the consoles), they will have similar feelings. The consoles will seem clunky, stupid, dumbed down for the masses, and completely uncooperative and unfair when it comes to pricing, even. Don't believe me? I paid for Warcraft 3 once, and have been playing it for at least three years...STRAIGHT.
I like computer gaming because it pushes the boundaries of the current generation of gaming, as it has the previous things. All you people who love your Mario Sunshines, your Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Times, and your Splinter Cells and MGS's, you all owe that crap STRICTLY to the PC. Because that is where the people who came up with the ideas behind modern gaming bred their ideas into conventions.
50 dollar games that play for six hours that you don't ever want to play again. Computer games don't have lame-ass unlockable content like the main character in a jock strap or a baby diaper to try and trick you into believing the four hour game you bought was worth fifty dollars. Not to mention the graphics tend to suck compared to the computer, and a lot of games offer little to no customizability. At the end of the day, if you compare the two, consoles almost border on a rip-off.
All that aside any person with a job and half-decent saving habits can afford a pretty decent computer. You won't be playing Oblivion or anything like that but a person who knows their stuff can get the right parts for a beast machine off of website directories and such for fairly short money.
At the end of the day, my friend, PC games are better in every way you can imagine, and a powerful PC is ALWAYS worth the investment.