Where the hell can I find a server?

New Member
May 5, 2004
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I spent around 30 minutes today trying to find a server. Many things have happened:

1)The lowest pinger on my list, Vossey seems to make my ESF mysteriously crash as soon as I connect.

2)The next one I get kicked from for "lagging up their server" although other people there have over double my ping and a score of 0-14 (I'm talking to you ESFn00b).

3)The next one I join, play for 30 seconds then the server shuts down.

4)Next after that, I join and it turns out to be a server with just a Ultimate-Bot in it. I am disgusted.

5)Getting very laggy now, I join a server. I am kicked because I can't understand German.

6)I get to one a proper server, ES-FORCES server. I have around 250 ping. Too laggy to actaully play.

Can anyone tell me why this Vossey thing happens, how to learn German, ro you can just vent your frustration.

(And too the Mods, I did a search for "finding a server" but nothing came up.)
New Member
May 7, 2003
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Seems that you just ran out of luck :p

Weird that some people Xperiance crashes while trying to connect to vossey because it works fine for me.....Oh well if vossey gives you the lowest ping then you probably live in Europe right? Then you have a couple of choices :)

1) Create your own server and wait for people to join.

2) Wait a couple of mins\hours\days then see if you can find new servers to connect to where you don't get kicked\crashed\lagged.

3) Pm me and we'll play together because I'm bored as hell anyway :O
New Member
May 5, 2004
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Another that really ticks me off aswell is "Reserved Slots". You finally find a good server and BANG it is reserved.
New Member
May 11, 2004
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Regarding vossey, anyone else agree that vossey has a far too short timelimit? 40 minutes just isn't enough if you want to be able to get a decent powerlevel. I played there the other day, I was Vegeta and when the map changed I still hadn't been able to transform although I had a score like 40-3 something.

IMHO in ESF changing maps often isn't fun like it usually is in most other games, what is fun is getting enough pl to transform and then fight with other strong people. It's just not fun fighting at a low pl over and over again without ever being able to transform. This just makes it so the server fills up with a bunch of Gohans and Trunks.

1 hour might be an okay timelimit, although i'd like to see a timelimit even longer than that. Perhaps 1:30 to 2 hours. What map you play on just isn't that important in ESF in my opinion.
New Member
May 21, 2004
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Usually i create my own servers cause there rarely is any good ones around here...
And BTW i dont even put a time limit :)

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