What is Scripting?! -fill me in

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Jun 5, 2003
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grah! that guy was cheating!! so thats why he had no deaths....
argh! to think I actually thought that guy was GOOD... grrr..
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 3, 2002
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Anything you do to make your combat with another player more efficient then the game initially allows you to, is cheating. Let's not bother with that argument, because you don't have a leg to stand on. It's one thing to make a script that, say, changes your character class after a certain amount of time, or some **** like that. But when you have a script that allows you to do VERY DIFFICULT THINGS in ONE KEY PRESS without EVEN TRYING OR HAVING TO PAY ATTENTION...well...what do you call it? "enhancement?"

When you have a teleport script that INSTANTLY teleports you several different directions with one button, and puts you in a position that you couldn't POSSIBLY get into so instantly with manual pressing of the keys, and spins you around so all you8 have to do is right click for a hit, that's not cheating?

That's like saying, "I have a script in CS that jumps me over a dude and aims my gun at the guy's head, but how's that cheating? I still have to click once to kill him!"

Bah, scripting is bull**** and I enjoy a challenge, so I had fun fighting Master Asia. And besides--once we were near a wall, he couldn't control his teleports anymore, and ended up face-down in the skybox. I was able to beat him a reasonable amount of the time, although the fights were unnecessarily long.

Either way, I beat him, and felt better about it. So blah.

But a more complicated script that is more "fool proof" would be a much larger annoyance.
New Member
Jan 27, 2003
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having all commands bund to one key is an advantage a human doesn't,and pretty much scripts are a way of getting such an advantage

scripting is just a whole bunch of commands tied together to do alot of things in one keystroke

some are good,some are bad,aka AFK script,you dont want to be bothered while typing afk? One keypress and there AFK,want to have a fancy camera script??Simply assign a bunch of buttons to your keypads and there you have cam control

but however....the dark side to scripting....they give access to more difficult commands like teleporting in ESF,and having something that makes you teleport an L-shape around a building is definitely not cool in my book of scripts

but well....some people put them to good use ((aka Mr. Satan :)) and some people are just plain evil for scriptin (aka Devil :()

sadly,Devil keeps changing his name every now and then so....it's hard to keep track of who he really is....
New Member
Jun 9, 2003
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he couldn't control his teleports anymore, and ended up face-down in the skybox. I was able to beat him a reasonable amount of the time, although the fights were unnecessarily long.
LOL, *******.
Anyways ill remember to swoop out of there next time :)

But yea I dont consider binding keys to do certain things a cheat.
Im merely using the bind command at my disposal. It was there to begin with. If it was considered to be a way of cheating then im sure it wouldnt be there in the 1st place. Yeah it does make it easier somewhat.

The thing you said about the CS thing was funny. I never thought of that 1 because I dont think it would be that useful in CS where you have jump + look down + shoot binded in 1 key.
Only way you can jump over some1 in cs is if they are crouched down unles your on top of something and if you are then you can easily jump on top and easily aim down, no point in binding something to that.

I got 4 different keys that I haven binded for teleport.
Why did I do that? Well the default "R" key is easily reachable with my index finger. With my ring finger on key "A" and index finger on key "R", I can easily teleport to the left. No needed binds there, just a good old keyboarding coordination. As for the rest? Ill leave those a secret.

Besides binding several keys to do several things I do not use any programs to enhance my gaming abilities. A lot of players in PT server who r pretty decent calls me different type of "Hacker" names due to how easy I beat them. I also loath the person who spreads around the word that I hack due to the fact that I know how to do things.
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💻 Oldtimer
Mar 6, 2003
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New York
if you make your own scripts its fine

i made my own cs buy scripts, and you know what it doesnt really help me much except get me into the fight faster where i usualy get shot in the face

in esf tele scripts or whatever, who cares. its almost like saying i dont use the default buttons. i changed mine to make it easier for me to play. WOW that is a bad thing i have an advantage over someone else thats too dumb to adjust their settings. its also like saying becasue i have more money than u i get cable and your stuck with 56k, am i cheating becasue i am able to get a better ping?
same with scripts, if you can make it yourself than you get an advantage over someone that doesnt want to or cant make them. i disagree with distributing the "script packs". you should have to earn it just like a better configuration or good ping.
New Member
Jan 18, 2003
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having all commands bund to one key is an advantage a human doesn't,and pretty much scripts are a way of getting such an advantage. Some are good, some are bad.

That was my point exactly...see like I made my own scripts for ESF, but I don't make them to teleport in an L-shape or antyhing like that....I simply made one to allow me to teleport more than once, but only in the direction I am facing. I made a CS buyscript with a metabind command that allows me to hold alt and press one of the number keys to allow me to buy a layout predefined by me, then it rebinds the number keys to default when I release ALT. So in short, I use the scripts to facilitate my actions, not really to gain an advantage over another player, since Ive noticed most other players use the same sort of scripts I do anyway. I wont stoop as low as to download some lame ass hack to beat other players...I have come to terms that there are many people who play these games that are better than I am. I also welcome a good challenge. If my script is annoying someone and they tell me, I may say something back to them, but most times I just turn it off so they dont wine about it. Like last nite, I joined an ESF server and I didnt even use my teleport script. I play to have fun, and sometimes I would say I play to win, most people do. But the main reason I play is to have fun, NOT to gain an unfair advantage over other players. Since I don't use BS scripts and hack, like this Devil supposedly does, I dont consider myself cheap, nor do I consider other ppl who use legit scripts cheap. As I said before, scripting is something that allows one to bind many commands to one key, and it is advanced binding. In a sense, using the "bind" command is scripting in itself. Without that command, scripting wouldnt be possible. So as long as people are having fun without cheating, I say its legit. But we all have our own opinions, so Ill keep mine, you all keep yours
New Member
Jun 9, 2003
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I don't make them to teleport in an L-shape or antyhing like that....
Pfft.. L-SHape? I do a Half-Circle to Full Circle with mine lol.
I call it "Actual Battle Stance", most people doesnt see where i come from to attack after im floating infront and next thing u know right behind. Same with beamers lol i swoop right across their face and suddenly they toss the beam but theres nothing there. They get hit in their side.
New Member
Mar 20, 2002
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i still say that teleporting several times instantly (a widely used script) is a lot like bunny hopping in CS; sure you can do it but it's unfair in gameplay terms, and should be taken out.
New Member
Jan 18, 2003
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I wouldnt say that exactly. Bunny hopping...well, its hard to do that and not die....or whatever, you still slow way down from what ive seen...anyway, multiple teleports is just the same as pressing the button a few times in a row. I put "wait" commands in on mine, since the script wont work well (if at all on slower servers), so actually, its nearly the same thing. All people are capable of using the scripts if they can read and bind keys. All they have to do is make their own if possible, or if not, they could download mr satans pack, or even ask me I suppose. Its really quite simple.
New Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Bunny Hopping was an exploit and was rid of in CS, and for other mods they added stamina bars to keep you from bhopping.

Teleport binds arent bad. If you have a quick index finger and keyboarding coordination then you dont need to bind cuz you can easily tap "R" to teleport.

I rarely use my teleport binds, i usually use shift n r and mousescrolling to teleport(yes, JUST teleport) depending on my situation.
New Member
Jan 18, 2003
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True, true. I forgot about binding teleport to the mouse wheel lol...That could also make it look like a script if you use it, but either way, you can still teleport faster that way. My keyboard layout is a bit different than many others though....I dont keep it with he defaults. I think I use more of a mapping style somewhat close to duke nukem or something....lol I need to change it for my sake, but I cant adjust to it when I try...oh well.

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