what grinds your gears?

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Oct 27, 2004
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Optimus Prime said:
It's funny you should say native language considering America pretty much RAPED the native language, you know, by fully developing their ability to speak the native language, you know... the language of the Natives, since this is their country, being here first and all. Oh wait...

Know what grinds my gears? When people say, "That's so g*y", you wouldn't say, "that's so black", or "that's so jewish", why should the word g*y be any different? (Forgive my filter evading, it was for the purpose of the thread.)
Yeah I'm with you there Prime. I don't see it as an insult to ***s becasue the meaning is completly different, but it is highly annoying.

What grinds my gears are people who make things complicated when it is uncecessary.

People who must be offensive just because they can,

unecessary hostility,


People who feel superior when it comes to post count/score/ any trivial artificial record

People who MUST talk **** on online games

The negative stereotypes that make the black race look bad and the people who overwhelmingly accept these as "normal"

That the PS3 ain't out yet

Blatant hypocracy
The Sinister Minister
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Nov 25, 2001
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Canada - Manitoba
Optimus Prime said:
That is your personal opinion, not a social meme.

I, in my three years (so far) at University rarely have heard people say "that's so ***". There are exceptions, but it is in my experience, that particularly in an academic setting, people know better.
Well, in my 2 years, I have had the unfortunate displeasure of hearing that particular phrase tossed around a lot. The people I speak to and study with don't, generally, say that, but it's used a fair bit.

I suppose that, to an extent, grinds my gears... particularly when the usage of that phrase is coupled with a perfectly fair exam. People really need to learn that at the university level, any slip-ups are one's own fault.
Cunning as Zeus
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Nov 23, 2003
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The word +++ didn't mean homosexual in the first place. Why can't I say I'm +++ when I feel happy? Because people will think I'm saying im a homosexual. Words have a tendency to evolve and now the word +++ can mean happy, homosexual, stupid, boring, etc.
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Feb 28, 2004
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Ok. From now on, the term "That's so ***" will no longer be used. Instead, we shall say "That's so Raven." Unexpected, not insulting, and quite possibly means the same thing too. And hey, we're helping to promote Disney at the same time.

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Mar 6, 2003
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New York
Davidskiwan said:
stop associating the two pain... they're entirely different.

i guess i've found something that "grinds my gears"
When I think 'punk' I think a bunch of guys in a band with way too much makeup and bad hair whining about how bad the mainstream is and/or how crappy their life is because either
a) Daddy doesn't love me.
b) The other kids make fun of me for being "different".
c) I'm so broken hearted and fragile because my girlfriend left me.
d) Something generic about how bad wherever they live is.

When I think 'emo' I think a bunch of guys in a band with way too much makeup and bad hair whining about how bad the mainstream is and/or how crappy their life is because either
a) Daddy doesn't love me, so I'll cut/kill myself
b) The other kids make fun of me for being "different", so I'll cut/kill myself.
c) I'm so broken hearted and fragile because my girlfriend left me, so I'll cut/kill myself.
d) Something generic about how bad wherever they live is, so they'll cut/kill themselves.

But what really gets under my skin about the whole "punk movement" is that people don't seem to understand that if you really wanted to be unique and against conformity, you wouldn't conform to another group. It is, for lack of a better word, retarded. "Label me unlabelled" my ass.

The line between the two is relatively small in my eyes. But what's really funny is... both are considered mainsteam now... which is ironic for such 'anti-conformist' ideologies, wouldn't you say?
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Jul 14, 2004
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On the Annihilatrix.
SaiyanPrideXIX said:
It always bothers me that people complain about my generalization of people in groups. The fact is I generalize by the commonality...so technically each generalization only includes the people who actually fit it. This can be seen a lot in the old Nintendo threads; I might refer to 'all the ignorant 14 year old nintendo kids'...but at no point does that mean that I say 'All people who like nintendo must be 14 years old.' I'm literally ONLY TALKING about that particular grouping common to that trait...but I constantly get griped with by people who are angry at my 'generalizations'. And all the while, they aren't generalizations at all; rather they are specifications.

The other thing that pisses me off is people who think I'm some kind of brain-damaged retard for liking wrestling. All the reasons they give for hating it are dumb and ignorant:

"Bunch of sweaty guys touching each other" - So's football, dumbass.
"It's fake" - So's the movies, dumbass.
"I like all the old wrestlers, I hate it now that it's changed" - You want to watch old men do the bodyslam over and over again be my guest--they sell archives on wwe.com.

I also, incidentally, hate that people don't differentiate between 'fake' and 'scripted.' How do you fake falling off a 15 foot ladder? Being thrown off a 25 foot high fence's roof? Doing a backflip off of the top rope...and missing? Honestly. I wish people showed more appreciation in general for the sacrifices the wrestlers make for our entertainment each week.
Quoted for the truth Pride =)

I hate people that think that people that watch wrestling dont have a life and say that wrestling is fake. No **** its fake, but its still neat to watch.
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Sep 28, 2003
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At the moment there are quite a few things.

Firstly - "Puff', a term used by Dominos to describe how "cool" their new pizza bases are. It's a made up term that sounds ***.

Secondly - People shortening terms; what > wot, are > r, you > u. It's stupid, annoying and retarded.

Lastly, the thing that annoys me more than anything, is people calling me an "ozzy". It's Aussie, not ozzy.. It's really not hard.
Lost in space
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Sep 20, 2003
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Optimus Prime said:
That is your personal opinion, not a social meme.

I, in my three years (so far) at University rarely have heard people say "that's so ***". There are exceptions, but it is in my experience, that particularly in an academic setting, people know better.
I suggest you read on, and understand i was joking. (the whole hypocrisy thing, you know... because i stereotyped....yeah)

I also suggest you read Kelesk's post so i can prove you wrong.

I don't have pet peeves. Nothing grinds my gears. You can hate punks, emos, goths, you can hate wen ppl mispel. It doesn't make much a difference to me. I figure it's none of my buisness and that's the way the person is. If i don't like something, i just walk away, or take it out of my life.


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Mar 31, 2004
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B.C, Canada
SailorAlea said:
Slang eventually becomes part of the vernacular, and is slowly accepted into mainstream writing. It's an eternal and inevitable process that all languages go through--it's how they evolve. Many words today were considered slang in the past, but now are thought of as acceptable, some even "proper."

I hate wiggers...
well, I guess I dislike the 'gangster' stuff aswell.. not just wiggers then =\


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Dec 10, 2003
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People who act like smartasses and use loopholes to try and talk there way out of ****.

Edit - Also drama the fake dramas people do to recieve attention.
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Jun 17, 2003
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Computer morons who know they did something but never admits it because they have no life and and usallys follows a certian person who is a loner, or associated with a programming group on the internet, and thinks damaging a certain thing can get problems away.

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Apr 10, 2003
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I hate ****ers that cut in line at the gas station I work at, and slam 35 dollars worth of quarters, nickles, dimes and pennies, on my counter and say Pump 6, while im dealing with another customer.

I want them to die.
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Aug 16, 2004
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Sunnyvale, CA
It grinds my gears when people jump off of school roofs and break their shoulder -looks around suspiciously-

I hate it when people focus more on video games ruining kids rather then drugs and music.

I hate it when people blame me for ****

I hate ***s (not because their ***, but the fact that every single one of them kills all my jokes [Yes, ALL. Not one has not-broken one])

which brings me to my next...

I hate people who kills jokes. And doesnt know where to quit.

I hate people who smoke.

I hate when I'm getting help on the PC and they explain every single detail as specific, taking an hour longer to solve my problem because they don't expect me to be smart.

I hate arrogant ****s who get owned by me in cs

Then call me a hacker

I hate seeing kids on leashes (funny, but wrong)

(damn this list is long)

I hate when people complain to me about their personal lives.

I hate vacuums

thats about it. I can think of many more. but i got.. Oh yeah, that reminds me.

I hate finals.

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Aug 4, 2004
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I hate people who smoke.

Second that...I hate them so mutch then when 1 passes my i just want to jump on break his arm... shread his neck with my teath and rip his spine out...Yes that mutch... If killing wasent illigal id do it to...Even if it was my friend or mom...WHY THE ....... IAM I SUPOSED TO SUFFER!!!JUST BECOUS YOUR sutch a weaklying and need to find Fast and easy ways of relaxment?!?!?!?

I hate assh.... who want me to fight them....And yet they have no idea how i fight...I can only fight in a frienly way or "survival"... Means il will break what ever i can(arm, nose, leg, fingers, spine, eyes)...so that you wont be abel to pose any treat to me...Now seriusly if breaking an arm was fine... Yeah i can fight you.... <_<

I hate people who think aritsts suck ...

I hate my dog... I NEVER WANTED HIM MY MOM DID and yet i have to feed him.. walk him... and so on....

I hate old people in busses when your nice and give them a spot 10 min lather they will be like GET OUT OF THE WAY !!! GSHSSSSSSSS dam youth today no respect...

I have arogant girls who think they are to good for men...FINE be a lezbian!

I hate anybody who provokes me....

I hate people whith NO HONNOR!

I hate thugs.... Seriusly ... if a guy is with a girll have enught dignity to not to attack him....He will kick your ass anyway and you can wait a nother 30 min for that glue to sniff.... Grrrrrrr

I hate peopel who have sutch a high ego who need to **** with everybody just to feel bether and that he is more powerfull....

I hate weirdos.... If your a nice one... fine i can bare you... But if your an assh... and a weirdo... dont blame me when i will take my sweet revenge on you....

Man this list is geting long... Yeah i hate lots of things....

I hate my cusin... For his young stupinity and no respect for other peoples buissnes...

I hate when somebody attackes me from behind...Seriusly... dont do it...Its a reflex of anger on me... The last person who tought it was funy to hit me in the head with and elbow... Got his head beaten open with a chair...Lucky for me he survived...

I hate bullys who think there invincible....Nobody is...!

I hat... ha..... Well i guess i am done :D
The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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Pain said:
...And any male in tight clothing (see punk/emo for what I mean).
Heh. Men in tight clothing don't bother me so much, but skinny little emo dudes wearing low rise jeans does. What's up with that?
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Feb 28, 2004
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I'll list some more.

-People who will go out of their way to annoy you just because you aren't kissing their ass. Its basically worship them or else. I hate people like that.

-Neo Nazi feminists who decide to hate ALL men and get their friends to hate all men just because she broke up with 1 jerk. The fact women claim all men are the same disgusts me.

-People who say nintendo and anything related to it is "kiddy."

-Emos and anyone who thinks Emo guys are the hottest thing. "Aww...I have low self esteem, everyone hates me, so I cut myself. Love me. Give me attention. It wont matter because I'll still cut myself. Everyone says I'm ugly. I know I'm ugly too, SO LET ME SHOW YOU 100 PICS OF MYSELF I MADE WITH MY WEBCAM!!!"

-Black people who complain about whites being racist, when they're being racist against whites all the time.


-Two-faced people who act like they're your friend, but talk crap about you behind your back, then act as if you're paranoid when you actually catch them talking crap about you.

-People who act like they deserve constant respect just because they are in the army reserve.

-People who say "I dont care" or "whatever you want to do" when you suggest to go do something. I usually call off dates early when a girl pulls that crap on me. I'm not interested in people who can't decide on something for themselves. Besides, if you're going to say something like that, say something a little more optimistic like "I'll let you decide." It sounds nicer. "I don't care" makes you sound like you're not happy to even be anywhere.

-People who say FF7 is the best RPG in the world, and anyone that disagrees is wrong.

-Jack Thompson.

-Rap music that only involves sex, drugs, and violence. I really dont give a damn about how much weed you smoke. I don't care about how many hoes love you. I don't care about how much bling you have. I don't care about how life was so hard for you growing up. I don't care about how much you like going to the club and starting fights. I don't care what your name is. And if I hear Mike Jones say his name one more time, I'm commiting genocide.

-Neo Nazi Christians who think anything involving a bad uy of any sort in any form of entertainment is an act of Satan. I'll never forget the christian review of Narnia...that was just sadness in a can.

-People who think Spongebob Squarepants is the best cartoon in the world.

-People who think anime is for nerds, but think Spongebob Squarepants is the best cartoon in the world.

-Spongebob Squarepants.

-The plot twist in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, practically ruining the feel of the games from before and SO games in the future.

-People who rip on the new sonic games because it's not Sonic 3.

-Sephiroth fanboyism.

-People who go out of their way to fit the stereotype they're classified as.

-Guys that look, act, and sound SO homosexual, that I have to actually ask someone if the guy is a male or a female. Someone like this is in my Drawing class at college. It bugged me for days and I finally found out it was really a guy. I about collapsed.

-So many mario party and mario sports games, but a lack of mario adventure games.

-X Play, even though I still watch it.

and finally

-People on the internet who complain about being beaten/raped/ect and then say "the police wont listen to me and they don't care about whats going on." Seriously...I'm tired of people telling me their sob stories and then turning around and saying they have no choice but to let it happen because no one in a 50 mile radius with a JOB that would PREVENT such things even CARES about what's going on.
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Jun 8, 2004
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Ashur said:
I hate people who smoke.

Second that...I hate them so mutch then when 1 passes my i just want to jump on break his arm... shread his neck with my teath and rip his spine out...Yes that mutch... If killing wasent illigal id do it to...Even if it was my friend or mom...WHY THE ....... IAM I SUPOSED TO SUFFER!!!JUST BECOUS YOUR sutch a weaklying and need to find Fast and easy ways of relaxment?!?!?!?
I hate people who take an aggressive stance against smokers. As for shredding someones neck with your teeth and tearing out his spine, i'd say you have bigger problems than second-hand smoke.
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Jul 14, 2004
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On the Annihilatrix.
I have one, but I am not sure if i need permission to post it. It has to do with religion.

I think we should probably try to stay clear of religion, sorry - Pain
How did I know you'd say that... ;) - Security
Live free or die by the sword
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Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
Losing fair use rights to protect DRM when they should be looking at the real reasons their bottom lines are falling:

Nobody wants to pay $10 a seat to see a ****ty movie. Nobody wants to pay $30 a disc to see a ****ty movie. Nobody wants to buy 12 crap songs and 1 good song for the low, low price of 5 times the amount they payed for the disc. Let them ride limo's on their own dollar.
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Nov 28, 2002
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Walmart Security said:
I have one, but I am not sure if i need permission to post it. It has to do with religion.

Ill do it for you.
People who use their religion as explanation, excuse etc..

And thinking that their way of thinking is the only, morally apporved, right way.
Or saying how to live your life.

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