Video Games Fanboys/Fangirls (Humours Thread)


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May 27, 2004
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:warning: Warning!! :warning:

The following story may cause video games fanboys/fangirls to react in a offensive manner. If you or anyone you know, do not, i repeat, do not own all 3 video game consoles, because you couldnt afford all of them, or because your a biased fanboy/fangirl who only likes one gaming console, or someone who hates all consoles and prefer pc gaming all the way, then i strongly urge you to stop reading this message as of right now. All rights to this story are reserved by the pan corporation for posting, as well as a smart ign member for coming up with such a concept. The ending words to the story are all reserved rights by cuc from his sig and profile area.

Have you ever wondered how the legacy of the video game fanboys/fangirls ever started?!? Acourse you have. There's nothing more irriating in the video game industry today then video game fanboys/fangirls. Im about to give u a history lesson on how video game fanboys/fangirls have come to be one of the most conterversal arguments in the video game industry today.

Are story begins with a little boy name little Johnny. Johnny is a good kid. He's fun to be around, hard working and loyal. He has a summer job mowing lawns and babysits for his two elder sisters now and then. He loves videogames, but he doesn't make a ton of $$$. He has read the magazines and done his homework and he finally decides to buy a PS2. It has more games that he really HAS to have, so he goes and gets himself the Sony console and a couple games he is sure to like, a small surround sound system and a decent 32 inch TV. He now is quite broke, but he is very excited indeed!

It is now a couple years in the future...

Johnny is now 16 and with the help of his dad, he has just bought a used car to get around in. He loves the car, but the price of gas is putting a major crimp on his videogame buying abilities... not to mention the price of dating these days! He still loves to game, but his game library has not grown at the rate he'd have liked it to these past two years... and to make matters worse, that damn MS came out with a new machine a year ago called Xbox that is supposed to be more powerful than the beloved PS2 (not to mention the new GC!)!! A friend down the street has an Xbox and a great FPS called Halo. Johnny has played Halo there a few times and really likes it, but something odd happens... because he has designated his future earnings elsewhere (the car, gas, dating), he cannot buy an Xbox even though he would like to.

More time passes...

Johnny no longer goes over to his friends house to play Halo. He also resents hearing his friend brag about how great Halo LAN parties are so he really doesn't spend much time with that person anymore. He begins to feel that he actually really hates Halo and he finds reasons to back up his new stance (repetitive levels, silly grunt sayings, boring gameplay, library, etc.). Johnny joins IGN and starts to converse with others about his beloved PS2 and the games he likes and the ones he's looking forward to (all on the PS2 of course!). The game Johnny is looking forward to the most is a game called Killzone. It is a futuristic FPS (as is Halo) and looks to be great! A demo comes out that is very impressive that makes Johnny want the game even more!

Along comes IGN...

An IGN reviewer gives Killzone a 7.5 rating!!! Johnny is aghast!! How can they do this!! It's an outrage!!! Even though the reviewer has played a final build (at least he SAYS it was a final build), Johnny is incredulous and very worried all the same. Johnny is also VERY defensive, because afterall, he has been waiting for this game for months and has been purposely avoiding and slamming the Xbox FPS so as to hide his secret feelings of inferiority to the other system. He didn't mean to do it, but Johnny has doomed himself to the nether regions of Fanboy Hell...partly because of reasons beyond his control, but definitely because of decisions he chose to make. This once humble, positive, loyal and funloving young lad has doomed himself to argueing endless untenable positions in discussions with other gamers for all eternity...

It's sad really... all Johnny needed was a little more cash. He would have gotten both systems and been playing the Hell out of many more great games for these past three years...but it was not meant to be. Poor one except other PS2 fanboys gives him any respect now. Like Darth Vader, Johnny is blind to anything outside the Empire...I mean PS2...perhaps Luke will turn him to the light someday..I mean Nintendo.... For his sake...I sure as hell hope so...

All the little boy needed was to save some extra money and all of this fanboy/fangirl crap couldve been easily avoided, and the video game industry would be a much more decent place to play video games in and to share your oppions with other about video games. But now, its not about the quality of the games anymore, its not about oppions or facts. It's all about bragging rights and sales numbers. I can't predict what will happen in the near future for the video game industry, but there will always be cetrain type of people who exsist in the gaming world, you cant hide from them, you cant run from them, you cant kill them, there's just no escaping, the legacy known as.....Video Game Fanboys/Fangirls. Everyone who has tried to stop them has failed, the Mods were easily over powered with spam attacks, and pointless threads with biased oppions, will fanboys/fangirls be the death of the Video Game industry as we know it, only time will tell. But what if, just what if, the war agasint spam, and biased video game fanboys/fangirls oppion could be over tonight...isnt that worth fighting for..worth dieing for?? Liberating the world from the shackles of idiocy...

Main Point Of The Thread & Story: It was to bring alittle humour to this part of the fourm. But also, What are your oppions on people who are Video Game Fanboys/Fangirls? Do you beleive that there decent individuals who share the same intrest in one console and bashes the other because they dont have one?? or do u think its some kinda trend or what?!? Basically if you could sum up your defenition of a fanboy/fangirl, what would that defenition be in your own words, say whats on your mind about the subject.
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Nov 5, 2002
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I thought that was pretty stupid actually. I don't consider myself a fanboy, or anything, becuase I've played all 3 systems, and I've had great times with each of them, but I only own a PS2 becuase I prefer it over everything else. Most fanboy's have actual legitimate reasons to hating another system. I seriously doubt that someone could be immature enough to hate a system just becuase they don't have it. It makes no sense at all, if you don't have something, then you end up just wanting it more, not hating and bashing it. Especially if he can just go over to his friends house to play it, I don't know but that story just made no sense at all to me.
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Feb 25, 2003
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Lol!! That story is very intresting. Anyway i strongly agree with PS, that would be no reason for someone to dislike a system, it just dosent work that way. I dont own a gamecube, but that dosent mean that i will show anytype of biased oppions towards it because i dont have it, it's still a fun console to play, so the story is pretty flawed since ive never in my life met someone who has hated a console just because they didnt have it so yea, the story didnt really make too much sense, i could see the humour u were going for in it. but its not really based around facts, but it was still pretty damn funny none the less espically the warning part :laff: .
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May 30, 2003
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Pretty interesting. I can definatly see fanboys being created because of the fact that they just don't have an XBox (for example), and believe the 200 dollars they spent on the PS2 is better than the 200 dollars the other guy spent on the XBox. Good point.
Lost in space
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Sep 20, 2003
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Phatslugga said:
I thought that was pretty stupid actually. I don't consider myself a fanboy, or anything, becuase I've played all 3 systems, and I've had great times with each of them, but I only own a PS2 becuase I prefer it over everything else. Most fanboy's have actual legitimate reasons to hating another system. I seriously doubt that someone could be immature enough to hate a system just becuase they don't have it. It makes no sense at all, if you don't have something, then you end up just wanting it more, not hating and bashing it. Especially if he can just go over to his friends house to play it, I don't know but that story just made no sense at all to me.
Agreed. I don't see the point in this, it didn't bring any humor in my eyes. I got bored after it said "Little Jonny"

I have played X-box I have played PS and PS2 i have played GCN i have played almost every console i can think of. They are all fun. People have different opinions on what they prefer. PS has it's good features same with x-box and gcn. My opinion might be a little scrambled cuz i didn't bother reading the entire thing
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Apr 9, 2003
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I saw this on the IGN board, funny stuff and i actually get the point of the story 100%. The main concept is that the story is not acusing anyone of being a fanboy or a fangirl, but the evolution of it all. Very Humours and Trueful post indeed.
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Apr 21, 2003
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Fire Phoenix said:
Agreed. I don't see the point in this, it didn't bring any humor in my eyes. I got bored after it said "Little Jonny"

I have played X-box I have played PS and PS2 i have played GCN i have played almost every console i can think of. They are all fun. People have different opinions on what they prefer. PS has it's good features same with x-box and gcn. My opinion might be a little scrambled cuz i didn't bother reading the entire thing

I have to second that, it didnt bring any humour in my eyes either. I read the story but didnt actually understand it personally its confusing. If u dont mind a pan, posting the whole main concept of the story would actually be a good idea because im not sure if your acusing someone of being fanboys,fangirls or watever, it just weird?!? o_O o_O
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Dec 1, 2001
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Hmm, let me see your theory.

Johnny has A.
B comes out.
B is possibly better than A.
Johnny can't get B.
Result: Johnny begins to resent B because he can't have it and he's stuck with A, therefore, he assimilates to the A-Fanboy club?.
Why didn't you just write "My big thread about why communism works."

Your argument is wrong. In a capitalist society, people are always striving to be the best, or the top rung on the ladder. People don't hate things they can't have. They WANT things they can't have. Do I hate Porsches because I can't have one? Absolutely not. One of my dreams is to have a Porsche one day, which is why I'm striving to get good grades in University with hopes of getting into law school.

I have a PS2, do I hate the Xbox because I don't have one? No, I hate the Xbox because the controller design is terrible, who would have thought someone could out-do the N64 controller. And secondly, it has less games that appeal to me. I'm not saying it doesn't have any games that appeal to me, it doesn't have enough that would justify me buying the console in my opinion. Realistically, if I could afford all three, I would have all three. But the fact of the matter is, the PS2 appeals to me more. But I won't deny that the Xbox is more powerful. But I will stand by PS2's library because it appeals to ME, that's all that matters.


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May 27, 2004
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Optimus Prime said:
Hmm, let me see your theory.

Johnny has A.
B comes out.
B is possibly better than A.
Johnny can't get B.
Result: Johnny begins to resent B because he can't have it and he's stuck with A, therefore, he assimilates to the A-Fanboy club?.
Why didn't you just write "My big thread about why communism works."

Your argument is wrong. In a capitalist society, people are always striving to be the best, or the top rung on the ladder. People don't hate things they can't have. They WANT things they can't have. Do I hate Porsches because I can't have one? Absolutely not. One of my dreams is to have a Porsche one day, which is why I'm striving to get good grades in University with hopes of getting into law school.

I have a PS2, do I hate the Xbox because I don't have one? No, I hate the Xbox because the controller design is terrible, who would have thought someone could out-do the N64 controller. And secondly, it has less games that appeal to me. I'm not saying it doesn't have any games that appeal to me, it doesn't have enough that would justify me buying the console in my opinion. Realistically, if I could afford all three, I would have all three. But the fact of the matter is, the PS2 appeals to me more. But I won't deny that the Xbox is more powerful. But I will stand by PS2's library because it appeals to ME, that's all that matters.
Actually its more of..

Johnny has A
B comes out
His friend is enjoying B and bragging about it
Johnny only owns A
Johnny Gets jealous because he dosent have the extra cash to get B
Johnny shows anger and disliking to B, because he dosent own it
Johnny begins to develop in his mind that A is better than B because he couldnt afford it

Ending Result: Johnny dislikes B or C (Gamecube) based off the fact that he dosent have one, and respects only games that have to do with A, and hate other games that has to do with B or C, making him indeed part of the Fanboy Generation.

The argument that's presented is a fact. Acourse there are people who are always striving to be the best, or the top rung on the ladder. But there are indeed people out there who hate or show resenment towards things that other people have that they cant have.

It's like a kid who has decent parents with decent jobs, while the other person parents lack decent jobs as well as decent parenting skills. The other kid understand's that kid A parents are in a much better postion then kid B(meaning himself). Kid B tends to show jealous and hatric for Kid A because of the current postion he's in, and begins to only respects people within the same postiton he's in (meaning evenually hanging around the wrong crowd because he feels unloved and uncared for due to his parents lack of good parenting skills, love, and compassion for him).

Conclusion: Acourse people want what they cant have, but that dosent mean people dont hate what they cant have either do to jealousy or watever the issue maybe.

As for the (I Have PS2 Does that mean i hate xbox?!? No!!) comment, once again people can hate anything in result to jealousy of what they want, but cant seem to get a hold of. You have a reason for hating the xbox just like anyone else who hates it. Im in no way saying that everyone who cant have something they want means that they will hate watever that something is, the story was only saying a setting for what brings on fanboyish or fangirlish comments, it has nothing to do with what you stated at the begining of your post. This is a Video Game subject were on, and that would most likely be the most common reason why someone would actually hate another console that they own, not always the reason acourse but most likely the most common.

Let's say i hated the PS2, just because i dont like the control layout of the games dont appeal to me, is no reason to act like a fanboy/fangirl just because someone brings up a statement that dosent revolve around that certain console that that certain individual own. If it dosent appeal too you, then fine. Alot of talk shows dont appeal to me, but yet i dont recall saying that the show sucks and i hate it just because it dosent appeal to my likeling and put the other show above it just because of the attention that show A is getting. That is indeed an fanboy/fangirl.

If you could afford all 3 consoles, then by all means good for you. But thats not the same case for everyone who wants the other but cant have it, and this results to alot of biased oppions over something that they just cant have. Once again, this may not be the same case with everything but it sure is one of them and it does exsist.

I also dont recall anything about this being my theory,even though i do agree with it. I apoligize to anyone who didnt find any humour in the story, but alot of people on the ign boards thought it was pretty hillarious and i just thought i would post to see everyone elses oppion on it, but i do stand by this theory as it seems to about right on key.
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Feb 25, 2003
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Even with all that you just posted, your argument is still invalid pan. I dont really feel like listing everything you said wrong so i'll let OP just quote you, but you shouldve read and understood what he posted. I understand your intentions on posting this thread and i did find it to be very humours and kinda funny, but the theory is just flat out wrong and u need to realize that.
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Apr 9, 2003
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Gameinformer313 said:
Even with all that you just posted, your argument is still invalid pan. I dont really feel like listing everything you said wrong so i'll let OP just quote you, but you shouldve read and understood what he posted. I understand your intentions on posting this thread and i did find it to be very humours and kinda funny, but the theory is just flat out wrong and u need to realize that.
I agree 100%. You should really think before replying. Your still implying that people who want something that they cant get, hate it, and your wrong. I want a ford f-50 truck, but i cant get one but that dosent mean i all of a sudden hate the truck because i couldnt get it at the time.
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Dec 1, 2001
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Umm no Pan, generally people don't hate material posessions because they can't have them. In general, people hate other people with the material posessions they want. And I don't even know if I would go as far as to say they <i>hate</i>. I'd say <i>jealous</i> is a better word. I still don't see your side of the argument.

I disagree with your view that it is based on economy. I don't hate Xbox because I can't afford it. Like I said, (hate is the wrong word), I chose not to get an Xbox because it doesn't appeal to me enough to justify buying it.

I guess I'm being pretty biased towards my own opinion. So let me clarify. Maybe there are fanboys/girls out there that hate the consoles they don't have simply because they don't have them (notice how I didn't say "because they can't afford them"). But you're making a strong generalization saying every fanboy is this. When it is clear that MANY fanboys have reasons for their stance. All I'm saying is, don't make false assumptions.

Taking a capitalist stance, I still agree with my view that people don't hate what they can't afford. They strive to obtain those things, to be the best, to make the most, to have the most etc........
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Nov 5, 2002
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Pan said:
Let's say i hated the PS2, just because i dont like the control layout of the games dont appeal to me, is no reason to act like a fanboy/fangirl just because someone brings up a statement that dosent revolve around that certain console that that certain individual own. If it dosent appeal too you, then fine. Alot of talk shows dont appeal to me, but yet i dont recall saying that the show sucks and i hate it just because it dosent appeal to my likeling and put the other show above it just because of the attention that show A is getting. That is indeed an fanboy/fangirl.

If you could afford all 3 consoles, then by all means good for you. But thats not the same case for everyone who wants the other but cant have it, and this results to alot of biased oppions over something that they just cant have. Once again, this may not be the same case with everything but it sure is one of them and it does exsist.

I also dont recall anything about this being my theory,even though i do agree with it. I apoligize to anyone who didnt find any humour in the story, but alot of people on the ign boards thought it was pretty hillarious and i just thought i would post to see everyone elses oppion on it, but i do stand by this theory as it seems to about right on key.

Heh, just becuase we don't like the controller layout, or some of the games don't appeal to us, doesn't mean that we hate the system. I prefer PS2 over the rest of them, that's all. I also prefer it's selection of games, and controller layout, it doesn't mean that everything else sucks. As a matter of fact, no one in this thread has even said that. You just assume that we hate the other consoles for these reasons.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are people out there that HATE other consoles for those reasons, and you can call them whatever you want, but regardless it's still their own opinion, live with it. Don't get upset just becuase someone doesn't like your favored system. It's just annoying and immature to go around calling everyone that doesn't like your system a fanboy.

As for the story being hilarious... Those people must be easy to amuse.
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Apr 7, 2003
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People do want what they don't have, but if something is beyond your means, oftentimes a person will try to convince themselves, one way or another, that it isn't "worth" having.

Especially when it's something that isn't "clear-cut superiority."
If it's an issue of owning a Kia, versus a Mercedes... Obviously, if you start saying a Kia is superior, people are going to think you're crazy, or just stupid.

If it's something with subjective quality, like a PS2 or X-Box, both of which have their ups and downs (P.S. to Opty.. Check out the Controller-S, if a controller makes you hate an entire console. :p ) and people who have one, but don't/can't have the other, it's not uncommon for them to focus on usually one, sometimes more, arguments against the other console, in order to justify their current choice.

I own all 4 of the next-gen systems (Yes, I'm including Dreamcast.. :p,) and I can clearly and confidently say, this is the order of quality of the systems, in terms of "Best to Own."

1-PS2. Good graphics, best choice of games, great controller, semi-functional system.(DVD, but no hard-drive, no built-in 4 controller support..big negative there.) Inconvenient internet access possible.

2-X-Box. Great graphics, okay choice of games, iffy controller (but the Controller-S is good), very, very functional system--hard drive, DVD playback, music ripping capability, very easy internet access possible.

3-Dreamcast. Ahead-of-it's-time graphics, good choice of games (especially if you import), functional system--included modem, 4-controller capability, negative points on the Controller, and the memory card problems. Internet access..possible.. Also, it featured again"ahead of it's time" data storage--the 1.2GB GD-ROM format, when CDs were the mainstream.
Sidenote: I'd rate Dreamcast above X-Box if it hadn't been cancelled, and games had continued to come out in the US. Sega gave up too quickly again.

4-Gamecube. Decent graphics, fast loading times. Terrible, terrible controllers, pretty crappy selection of games, semi-functional system. GC can't play DVDs, music, it does have 4 controllers, but absolutely NO internet capability, as well as an inferior data storage medium.

I'm not really a fangirl for or against any company, but it's true that there's no love lost between Nintendo and I. I really don't like them as a company, but it doesn't stop me from owning a Gamecube, or enjoying a few games that they make.

Anyway, to retiterate my opinion: People want what they can't have, unless they see other people who have what they can't afford, begin to resent them, and eventually resent what they originally wanted, especially when quality is subjective. However, there are many people who just plain don't like a company or system for legitimate reasons, and that doesn't make you a fangirl or fanboy.
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Dec 1, 2001
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SailorAlea said:
People do want what they don't have, but if something is beyond your means, oftentimes a person will try to convince themselves, one way or another, that it isn't "worth" having
But couldn't you argue they don't actually feel this way. It's just a false illusion created to be comfortable with what you DO have?

I think that a lot of fanboys/girls hatred towards one console or another is simply false illusion to help with the nsecurity of having an inferior product. Whether or not that is economically based.

In my opinion, fanboy/fangirl attitudes are created simply out of fear or the feeling of insecurity of having an inferior console. Not because you aren't in an economical position to be able to afford the competition.
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Apr 7, 2003
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Well, whether or not they actually feel that way, instead of just claiming the opposition sucks, doesn't stop them from voicing their 'facade' opinions. The attitudes are real, but the justification behind them may not be. Afraid of 'console inferiority' sounds plausible, anyway.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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No, this actually happens, pretty often. It happened with dreamcast owners when the PS2 came out and it happened to some PS2 fans when xbox came out. People grow attached to their consoles and also don't want to feel like they've overspent so they try to justify it in their mind, and then when somebody comes along that wants to point out that Xbox or PS2 has superior hardware (to PS2 and Dreamcast respectively) they take it too personally. Sure not everybody does it but the fanboys do, and that's the point. People develop irrational hatreds.
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Dec 3, 2002
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Phat said:
I thought that was pretty stupid actually.
As Richard Pryor would say: "And that's ya ass!" lol

I think that fanboys is just a dumb byproduct of people HATING other systems or games, not liking them excessively. Not like the story says, though. Example:

My friend liked Metal Gear Solid 2. Me and all my other friends played it and thought it was...well, the predictable result of a bunch of japanese designers trying to keep a series americanized after overly japanesifying it, but that's another story for another day. Everyone called him a fanboy...not cause he loved the game but because we all hated it and thus it was the only exception.

Though I think the whole general fanboy thing is a lame concept. People could call me a Doom fanboy because I've defended Doom 3 all over the forum for example. Anyone who likes anything, technically, is able to be called a fanboy. Which is just stupid.

Around my area, this term has a slightly different and more realistic meaning, though. Instead of meaning "someone who likes a game a lot and defends it vehemently," it's more defined as "someone who likes a game only because a bunch of others say it's great." We have a lot of dude I knew used to sell his console every month or so to someone so he could obtain a different one with whatever big title was out at the time, just to call us over and tell us how great it is. In fact he based his acquisitions solely on what he knew none of the rest of us had.

Incidentally, that kid's a **** and I hope he gets cancer.
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Apr 7, 2003
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SaiyanPrideXIX said:
As Richard Pryor would say: "And that's ya ass!" lol

I think that fanboys is just a dumb byproduct of people HATING other systems or games, not liking them excessively. Not like the story says, though. Example:

My friend liked Metal Gear Solid 2. Me and all my other friends played it and thought it was...well, the predictable result of a bunch of japanese designers trying to keep a series americanized after overly japanesifying it, but that's another story for another day. Everyone called him a fanboy...not cause he loved the game but because we all hated it and thus it was the only exception.

Though I think the whole general fanboy thing is a lame concept. People could call me a Doom fanboy because I've defended Doom 3 all over the forum for example. Anyone who likes anything, technically, is able to be called a fanboy. Which is just stupid.

Around my area, this term has a slightly different and more realistic meaning, though. Instead of meaning "someone who likes a game a lot and defends it vehemently," it's more defined as "someone who likes a game only because a bunch of others say it's great." We have a lot of dude I knew used to sell his console every month or so to someone so he could obtain a different one with whatever big title was out at the time, just to call us over and tell us how great it is. In fact he based his acquisitions solely on what he knew none of the rest of us had.

Incidentally, that kid's a **** and I hope he gets cancer.
Not really sure what you mean over-Japanesifying it.. The series?
The series wasn't particularly Japanese. (MGS)Snake seems to be based on the character from the mediocre movie, "Escape from L.A." and "Escape from New York"--they even go by the same name.. Snake 'Pliskin,' both have to do with viruses, both are 'rebels' persuaded and sent in by the Federal Government for an 'undercover' mission..

Anyway, MGS2 was just crazy. Vampires, skating bombers, a huge would-be-president in a giant Mech.. The terrorists.. I wouldn't call it overly Japanese, except for the ninja who has the cloak. MGS2 was fun, but had a silly and stupid plot.

Anyway, in my opinion a fanboy/fangirl is a person who has an unjustified, blind love for something, while dismissing without thought, consideration of the 'competition.'
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Dec 3, 2002
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SailorAlea said:
Anyway, in my opinion a fanboy/fangirl is a person who has an unjustified, blind love for something, while dismissing without thought, consideration of the 'competition.'
That is the perfect definition.

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