Well i have a really good fusion idea! listen!
obviously you would only wanna do this as gotenks tho
cuz Goku and vegeta kick butt
what you could do is make it so you select gotenks as your character and then after selecting him slect Goten or Chibi Trunks.
and you play as one of them. once you get to a sertain PL, instead of SSJ, what you can do is make it so that the counter-part of the selected character apears and they do fusion dance and make gotenks.
once ur gotenks ur really really strong but ur Ki drains at a semi-fast speed and once u run out u go back. then you cant transform for 5 gameplay minutes (1 hour is unrealalistic)
well tell me what you think. might be hard to code tho ^_^
obviously you would only wanna do this as gotenks tho
cuz Goku and vegeta kick butt
what you could do is make it so you select gotenks as your character and then after selecting him slect Goten or Chibi Trunks.
and you play as one of them. once you get to a sertain PL, instead of SSJ, what you can do is make it so that the counter-part of the selected character apears and they do fusion dance and make gotenks.
once ur gotenks ur really really strong but ur Ki drains at a semi-fast speed and once u run out u go back. then you cant transform for 5 gameplay minutes (1 hour is unrealalistic)
well tell me what you think. might be hard to code tho ^_^