beams, yes beams we all love them then again we all hate em, doesnt it yank your chain when your charging your kamehameha wave in attemts to destroy your foe resulting in a climatic battle of epic proportions, BUT when you let loose your fully charged kamehameha you weep to see what looks to be a brightly coloured peice of string fly out of your hands and swirl about like a laso, yes it has happened to the best of us, why oh why doesnt it get bigger?, you put all this energy into your beam only to get out a a small beam, this defies the laws of DBZ. What i propose (which im sure has been said) is that the longer you charge your beam the bigger it gets, but wait theres more, as the subject beam gets bigger it also becomes slower and less maneuverable. this balences it out alittle, so now you see this huge mother !#$!!$! of a beam comming at ya and its slow moving but boy you better not let it hit ya, because think about it you have all this energy and it make sense that it should be alittle harder to handle, i propose this in all instances of beams charging including ps and bs etc, there are still some horrible bugs when it comes to beams but id just thought id start at the bottom,
feed back, yes please
feed back, yes please