Teleport afterimage suggestion

New Member
Apr 24, 2004
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Shiyojin Rommyu said:
Asking about 1.3 is pointless because nobody knows when it will be finished, not even the team does.

It'll be done when it's done. =/

And how exactly would that be suicide? With your idea, the following situation is possible:

Goku charges a full Kamehameha Wave. He waits for a little while so he regains enough energy to do his insane teleport, then he jumps and starts flight. He teleports 30-35 meters away, closer to his enemies, and he fires his KHH at them.

Goku's advantage in this situation is that his teleporting range is larger than that of other people, and as such can be used to sneak up to people.

Goku already has enough attacks and abilities, he doesn't need any more. :p
As for the bold parts...i asked "expect" not when it's done..that's different
Done is as in finished one date...and end of story.
Expect is an assumption as in between (for example) october & november.

So just to note. 30-35 Metres (Not Miles) is an insane amount?
(that's like 1-1.5 sec swoop-range)
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Apr 14, 2005
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Well, okay, 'insane' is relative. If you're on a small map then the 30-35 meter teleport range is a lot, but when you're on a big map, of course it doesn't matter as much. But really, Goku doesn't need another enhancement. :3
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Apr 17, 2005
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Sonic Boyster said:
I've always suggested after image get its own button as an alternate teleport that costs more ki. If there were a lot less after images you'd be way more likely to get fooled by them, so the cost increase would be justified.
I totally agree with this idea. But in normal it takes up ki, ssj a little less ki..... and so on.

Goku already has a lot of advantages (spel?) and would just get stronger with this new abillity.
New Member
Dec 26, 2003
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bad suggestion....its fine how it is...the after image fakes newbs..if your good..u wont get fooled..if ur new..u will until u learn better..just like in DBZ :eek:

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