Superhero Movie: The turn of the tide for spoof films?

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May 28, 2006
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No, I haven't actually spent money to see it, but I work at a movie theater as a theater quality checker, and I see a lot of the films while on my rounds.

I've more than noticed in recent years just how bad parody movies have become. Scary Movie went from generally accepted to a synonym for "crap" in it's race through 4 films. Since The third one (at least) it's become obvious that the makers have stopped trying, making something as quick and cheap as possible in order to rangle a buck or two from the few poor saps who go and blow ten bucks to see their cinematic travesties. I've noted recent movies like Meet the Spartans who use the cheapest "effects" I've ever seen hit the screen. Such amateurish Adobe After Effects rubbish I've seen include smoke poring from Leonidas' ears which obviously isn't connected to his head, and a cameo of the cube from Transformers with an electricity effect that is obviously After Effects' default with a slight bit of effort applied. I've even caught the actors using the old elementary school "sword stab under the arm" trick to skimp on effects.

It became really sad, because I'd actually enjoy seeing funny cameos of movies I've seen. But the producers of this series have screwed the pooch so badly that spoof films have become a hated genre, cramming as many cameos as possible to the point of saying "Hey look, now so-and-so from the such-and-such movie is in this movie! Whee!"

When I saw a movie titled "Superhero Movie" was coming soon, I thought a couple things: "Ah come on...not another one..." "How cheap will this one be if it came out mere months after their last disaster?"

And so, when it came to theaters, I had my own personal bias. I looked upon everything with extreme prejudice, but after a while...I found myself grinning and letting out a chuckle. So far, I've yet to see anything to make me facepalm. Some of it was actually clever. Some of it was actually FUNNY. Sure, there was a mannequine in a wheelchair and a dog puppet drinking booze at one point, but otherwise, the sets weren't hacked together like a high school play, the effects were actaully filmworthy as opposed to said After Effects rubbish, the script wasn't horrific, there weren't horrible bodily fluids projectile spraying everywhere. And on another note, it had Chris McDonald, who I enjoyed in Happy Gilmore, and have actually seen golf before in person XD.

I was also surprised that while basing the core plot off Spiderman, they had created an original hero and villain, each with their owngoals, strengths or weaknesses apart from the film they base it on.

I thought that maybe their choice of going for a select few cameos outside Spiderman (X-Men, Fantastic Four and a slight reference to Batman Begins) had forced them to go for plot instead of appearances. But then I discovered that this film, despite it's common name with recent Scary Movie spinoffs, is not made by the same people as I had assumed.

Now, by no means am I calling this "great". It's not "Airplane!". More, I'm calling it "decent", with an exclamation mark and not an ellipses at the end. Average, good but not great. A solid C, maybe a C+, likely inbetween. And compared to the resounding "F" I give nearly every parody movie of the last few years, that's one Hell of a step up.

I just wonder, now that I've seen EFFORT put into this film, whether or not spoof films will rise from the rubble. Will the Scary Movie hacks put their sad attempts to bed and let others bring dignity back to the genre? Or is this film merely a chance "pop" among the embers of the dying flame that is spoof movies?

Thoughts, anyone?
★ Black Lounger ★
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Jan 16, 2007
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I hate you for hating Scary Movie.
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Round Rock, TX
Vip3r said:
I hate you for hating Scary Movie.
I happen to agree with J-Dude. The first 2 were awesome, 3 and 4 sucked gigantic donkey testicles.

I might go see Superhero Movie, if only for Leslie Nielson.
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Aug 27, 2006
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What, are you serious?

I personally cannot see any difference with Scary movie 1 or 2 when compared to 3 or 4.
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Sep 11, 2005
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I was only thinking that the movie might have some potential, because Drake Bell was chosen to play the main role.

I watch Drake & Josh regularly and I like him as an actor.
Cunning as Zeus
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Nov 23, 2003
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Scary Movie 1 and 2 were made by the Wayans brothers, and 3 and 4 were made by the guy who directed Airplane. I'm not a fan of Airplane, so for me, that explains why the series self-destructed after the first two.

I've asked a few people who saw Superhero Movie if it was worth watching, and the responses ranged from "Why would you do that to yourself?" to "Don't go unless you and a few buddies have absolutely nothing else to do. You'd be better off playing grabass with each other since at least that is free." I'm going to avoid this movie like the plague.
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May 28, 2006
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Came in to my mind from the thread title : .
Jeez, when was the last time we heard from Maddox? Hehe...a worthy topic. I can see exactly why he'd make something like this considering he tends to write about the things that drive him nuts that he thinks haven't been publically ripped apart to his liking.
Beta Tester Squad
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Jan 26, 2005
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I just recently saw the movie it was realy not that bad it was realy realy funny :D
Beta Tester Squad
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Jan 26, 2005
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really it was realy realy good not to bad.
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May 28, 2006
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Hey, I never said it was a good overall movie, just good (or better than the norm) for it's genre.

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