Strange evidence: Violience in Videogames

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Feb 17, 2003
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I didnt see that, I got the link directly off of 8-bit theatre. So This discussion is about the article instead of what Jack Thompson did.
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Oct 27, 2004
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"and being male. Quick! Ban all the males! "

Thats how people get sometimes, always pointing the finger on the easiest thing that would make sense without thinking deeply into it. And the french fry article just made me dissapointed in our law enforcement system.
New Member
Jun 3, 2005
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You know I came across that orginal article while browsing the web the other day. I also came across a few others such as a Girl facing felony charges for throwing a rock at bullies and a good number of articles like this. One describes a private school I believe it was where 10 dollars had come up missing and they were required to have strip searches done. The funny thing is the strip searches proved none of the children had the 10 dollars. Its kinda sad how kids can be treated like this due to things that happened in the past.

I'm sorry this may seem off topic but its really not if you think about it. The graph shows that crime is actually at a low for children offenders and yet they are in some cases being treated like the scum of the earth like the situation above and the french fry thing mentioned previously. All the while people in power are screaming about how this or that is making the children evil. Hell if anything were to make the children evil its treatment like this...

edit: Hmm yes I realize those incidents are also mentioned on this page, but I provided a live link about the rock incident.

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