Small suggestion for basic melee

Force Pit Member
Nov 2, 2007
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OK I thought about it a bit, and I think that thing when you press attack when you get knockbacked you recover it ain't real. For example to show you what I mean: When a player gets knockbacked and he recovers he just flips or something(at least the animation) BUT the player is still near the player and the player tries to attack so HOW COME I CAN'T HIT HIM, HE JUST ****ING FLIPPED HE AIN'T BLOCKING ANYTHING!@!@@!@!@!#!$!$$!$! (and lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$ xD)

Notice that in the series(and in pure logic as well) they only recovered when the attacker didn't chased them, and when they WERE knockbacked and the attacker DID chased them they used there hands to block it(they could still get knockbacked if they blocked it, it just didn't hurt there body so much).

So this is what I am saying: Another usage for the block button - While knockbacked you can press block button and your character will put his arms near his chest in a X style block all the time his knockbacked as long as you press block, even if you block you get a very small damage like 1 damage points AND you get knockbacked but less distance then not blocking of course.
Now MARTIAL ARTS STYYLLLAA, if you ever learned some kind of martial arts or had seen a martial arts movie there will always be a divert dodge. So its not like your dodging your all body but what you do is using a open palm and you divert the punch sideways using your hip to move like 180 degrees to the side and your hand to divert it. Like with open palm touching the attacker's fist joint(or hand) then it moves it sideways without it hitting you at all.

Now what im saying is, IF you press block button exactly when the attacker is gonna hit you, you use this divert technique leaving you harm less and the opponent exposed (yes fellas usually they are exposed when you use this technique) so what im saying that it should be programmed so if you successfully do this then press basic melee button you are countering him.

Makes stuff more unique, stylish and challenging.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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I've been suggesting the same thing for ages, but nobody listens.
Force Pit Member
Nov 2, 2007
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Yes, sort of like mine.

Still no one replies, WHYYZZZ????

WHERE IS GREGA???????????
Freelance Mappzor
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
Why ask me. I allways said im all for having block effective even when in blow back mode.

Your idea about evading is OK though but the game being multiplayer can really mess that part up. Heck 50 ping difference would mean a world of advantage with your idea ^^

Maybe find a way to fix that problem. Sounds OK so far.
Force Pit Member
Nov 2, 2007
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Well I think it will work up to 150 ping, which most players do.

People who play in 200 ping usually get used to that ping, and get better in this ping than other pings.

Really it happened to me!

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