wow lots of questions
Originally posted by mr. roshi
i mean...the graphical part (banner) looks great but the layout is merely OK. The nav bars are nice thought and the color sceme is great.
I think something was be4 this? I don't know but thanks
The nav dont have to be so wide because all the options in the menu are really short.
I could make it thinner, but that would leave me with an open space, what would I put there?
and the "acended anime" in black focuses all my attention on the text.
yes I could have blended it in, or make it a less active color... but it should be the most important part of the banner don't u think? It's the name of the site, but if u have suggestions I'd be happy to hear it, also what do you think of the font? Should I pick another? or is this one "ok"
also are u going to put the whole site within a table so that the edges arent right against the side of the browser?
well, I was asked to make a template, to be very honest, I still need to learn html php etc, I wish to learn it some time tough, so I can make complete sites, but the guy wich I made this for said he was good with html/flah/php (I honestly don't know wich one
) so I guess this should turn out ok
overall gj keep working
thx again
also are u going to make a news system under the join forum portion so the ppl have somewhere to post?
yes that's the idea, I need to add one more navigation bar for anime info, news section and on the bottem the affiliates, atleast that is what I planned
:yes: for your reply
grtz Naz