Scouter Scrambling

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New Member
Jan 25, 2003
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I know everyone hate being melee`d out of a tranformation, so here is a neat idea on how to reduce this; during transformation, everyone that is nearby(say 1/2 map distance) has thier scouter scrambled by the "surge" of power caused by your trans. This would add a neat bit of atmosphere, and reduce the lame *******s who can't keep thier mitts off of the people that are transing. Thoughts?

BTW: This is a poll. If you vote for option #2, be sure to imclude what changes you would like to see.
New Member
Dec 18, 2002
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Bad idea, in the DBZ series, when a person used his/her power it would show on the scouters like a flare.. there are times when the scouter blows up because of the amount of energy that was getting detected... but i think its an idea that would be thrown away with the trash.

Being meleed while transforming is a hazard you have to take. When its time for my to transform i go to the end of the map or out of range of people so i can get it done quick and get back into the action, which normal people would do, not stand in the middle of everyone fighting, because i will go for anything that is on the other team that is transforming reason: so my team has the upper hand in the fight :)

Its just tactics, not lameness
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2002
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Every time you transform with a lower ammount of PL, you take the risk of being attacked.
Having to find the right time and place to transform is a skill, and I think it should stay in the game.

This would be a good relief if all transformations took 10 seconds, but just the first few do. If you can't transform at the current time for fear of attack, then don't. Fight and raise your PL higher so you can transform even faster.
New Member
Jan 5, 2003
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Personally i dont care if people use scouters or what because all it does is lead to lag and fps loss
New Member
Apr 13, 2003
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I agree with SSJ_ReNe and DragonDude. When I transform I usually hide somewhere or I'll do it when my enimies are being distracted. And to transform faster just get ur base pl high enough to have the perfect tranformation.
Sep 29, 2002
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it sounded ok, but then you gotto think :
If your playing more than 1 on 1

Goku transforms -
Makes vegeta' scouter messed up -
Piccolo who was fighting vegeta, also has a messed up scouter.

:notice: It would only be for a little while but it would be annoying while fighting someone else. i see people transforming alot of the time, plus people would abuse it be assending and desending
New Member
Apr 3, 2003
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Hehehe, scouter scrambeling is a good idea, adds more coolness (is that a word?) to the game. I use transformation as a trick, if i want a free melee hit i will fly up and start transforming in mid air. Some dude sees me and thinks its a free oportunity to get a nice melee hit, but juist before he hits me a descend, block and smack his ass for 6!

(off topic)
Its cheap, but i love doing that, kinda like buying a shotgun in cs, and equiping ur usp and not moving at the spawn point, so some dude comes up and tries to knife u thinking ur away from ur computer, then you whip out the shotgun and blow his brains out, funny! I would love to see the expression on ppls faces when u do that.

(back on topic)
But maybe scouter scrambeling will draw more attention to people transforming, and actually hinder their performance rather than make it look cool.
New Member
Dec 18, 2002
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But then you have to think, Goku and the other Z Fighters & Enemies use there powers to sense other peoples power, so its really not worth messing around with the Scouters, unless they change it to Power Senseing.
New Member
Apr 15, 2003
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i think they should replace the current scouter with one that covers at least most of the screen. it should have power reading like in the show and you manipulate the screen with the number pad, move from person to person and check their power level.

i think you should also be able to keep your power level down by just standing around and running from place to place instead of flying or powering up, and this would take you off the scouter or reduce your reading significantly.
New Member
Apr 3, 2003
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Ewwwww, sorry but i value my space on the screen. If the whole left side is covered i would go blind! But the manipulation aspect isn't bad, i would like to be able to toggle power level reading off cuz it sucks when im watching radar to try prevent being meleed from behind, then some dudes power pops up and i get smacked from behind.
New Member
Jan 25, 2003
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Maybe if in the show I saw Cell knocking Goku out of a transformation all the time I could live with it, but it just seems cheap and crappy that people can do worked hard(unless you were Trunks or Gohan) to get your pl high enough to transform...the fact that some ******* who just wants a free hit can swoop in and stop you really irks me. I agree that you should find refuge first, but dammit that doesn't help at all. If I hear anyone transforming, I can usually pinpoint them in seconds using a combo of sound and scouter(good ol 5.1 sound). If I didnt have the scouter, it would take me a few seconds more, and by then they would be transformed. Here's another idea; if you melee someone during trans, you take damage from the energy being created all around them. It would kinda be a tradeoff then, very balanced; you have to give up a little health for a much more manageable opponent.
New Member
Dec 18, 2002
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God some of you just don't get it. If you transform in the open your going to get hit, simple as that, use you brain and move to an area where there is less people and you have the time needed to transform, its pretty simple to do, i've done it all the time, and the amount of people i've seen transforming in the middle of the map when beams going left and right, its just stupid.

If you get annoyed at people meleeing you when your are trying to transform... live with it, its always going to happen, when to know why you never see people get hit in the DBZ show when transforming, Because there at a distance or they instantly transform.

Its annoying in itself when you see people moaning about getting meleed while transforming, i've seen it in every posts about melee. What i find funny is you guys would do it, if you had the chance.. and don't say no you wouldn't because you would be lying to yourself and everyone here.
If someone is transforming you don't like you will go down and hit them... (no its not different, its the same as hitting someone you don't know)
New Member
Apr 3, 2003
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Personally if i see someone transforming out in the open i will hit them in the face for being so dumb. I agree wth SSJ Rene on that one, but it is kinda lame when people hunt you down in the corner of a map under a rock transforming, then blow you up with ki blobs, but hey, **** happens.

As for the idea of that tradeoff, i think its kinda bad, cuz its too much effort for something so trivial. Save the team the effort of programming it by finding a good hiding spot, problem solved :)
New Member
Apr 3, 2003
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in the show, when sum1s transforming, others watch it happen for 2 reasons:
1 - they like the thought of a challenge
2 - the transformation gives out so much energy no1 can get near them (assj trunks tries to stop cell from transforming but gets knocked back by the energy of the transform)
personally i think reason 2 should be a suggestion!
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💻 Oldtimer
Mar 29, 2003
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The Netherlands
yeah and fore ssj's you will be blown back cuz of their power so they can come near and attack you for cell that shield thingy and for the rest also just like the ssj's but what will you do about buu hmmmm..........................................
New Member
Mar 27, 2003
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in the dbz series when vegeta power up whit frieza the scouters go boom so when you go super its lame when being melee its a good idea scouter scrambled
New Member
Dec 18, 2002
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no they won't do it in 1.1 because 1.1 has been made and is near ready to be released, adding that option into the game would take longer for it to be released.

Its always the people that have trouble playing the game or are semi-new and have got a great score then get meleed while transforming that piss and moan all the time about it.... it happens on everymap on every server...


Thats what us normal people do, we fighting until we have time to transform or move to an area of the map where no one is at and then i transform, i don't stand in the middle of the map where everyone is fighting and think "Hay i've got to the level where i can go SSJ cool i'll do it now" then you get you ass kicked half way across the map and you start crying saying you cheater and your lame... blah blah blah

DEAL WITH IT or learn to play better (SMARTER)

This post did start off with some advice, now its turned into a flame, because i'm sick of you all people moaning about it.. and all you want is it to be changed because you don't like getting hit in transforming....
If the team wants to add the option to stop people meleeing while transforming that will do it in 1.2 or the other future patches. NOT 1.1 it's already made

Well i know i'm going to get some people flaming me back going on about your one of those people that hit them when there transforming ... so what if i do, they should learn better and its tactics on my part aswelll

Oh well i'm off out got places to go and people to see
New Member
Mar 14, 2003
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the scouters should be left alone cause there would be too many bugs to work out and i think that people should get blown back from people transforming most of the time if the person who is tryng melee someone else is a significant amount stronger than the transformee heshould be able to knock the out but otherwise blown back.

boo eat u

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