New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Please note, if of about 20-30 users try and access the website at the same time, it shows page cannot be displayed, its a bug.

Alright, this is not a "crit thread" meaning, you do not crit my work. This is my personal version. Whether ugly or beautiful this is my art. Respect it --

On another note - This is version 1. Meaning my first real release on website design and art design. As you've probably noticed it has changed considerably from my last "pre-release" version(if you few were privaleged to see).

Version 2 is already in the works and will contain *many* stock fotos, and will allow the community to submit their own works onto the website to be hosted, and maybe even featured on the front page of issue 1 -or- 2. Issue/Version 2 will consist of the user's interaction. Meaning , you, the viewers, can create images to seamlessly connect to the website and make changes to the website. Of course, there will be a theme involved before-hand.

So get started if you want to be involved in this community effort in issue 2. Your art will be judged between 2 judges from this website(hopefully they will get my PM's soon, so everyone check your PM's). These judges including myself, will possibly give you a theme, this theme(or part of the layout) will be posted and allow the users to submit parts of the site to the team. Therefor, your work will be considered and the best, most creative color schemed layout will be chosen.

That is in the future, the specifics are still to be tweaked, but by this time next week, we *may* start.

Now to present time, version 1 is to represent myself, my real-name is steve if you have not already guessed :rolleyes: Please feel free to browse and check out my site. For the next couple of days I will be starting on version 2, and updating version 1. Some links do not work correctly at this time as I have not uploaded everything, but hopefully you all can watch and see this site develop.

If this site takes off(which I seriously hope it does), this will be the place I give hats off to the most. You all have been great helping, and continue to help make my graphics the best they possibly can.

Please, enjoy your stay at Ekzempt :: Sending pixels off the edge, issue 1.

Ekzempt :: Issue 1

Best regards,
Tim The Enchantor
New Member
Jan 15, 2003
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thanks, that was exactly what i was going to do, very appreciated for your help.
Dec 5, 2001
Best answers
very nice site man however i've seen it even before ytou started fine tuning it lol

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