The position of Vegeta's arms (swoop) look a lot better than 1.0/1.1/1.2's style. The current look is really awkward, he looks like a dwarf--the arm positioning is rarely seen being used by him in the show.
By the way, you added Buu to the picture... was this intended to resemble Majin Vegeta's battle with Majin Buu... in any way? ...shape? Or even a tiny bit of form? If it is, it's like jeez, I know you can be accuracy Gods, but I'm just not feeling this look. When it comes to Vegeta, I can be a bit of a perfectionist. Lose the armor ... really =/
Still, no one's answered my question on the armors, if you're giving Majin Vegeta that chest armor & blue suit then I don't know where my faith went with your guys' dedication to this mod (that's supposedly based on Dragon Ball Z), perhaps even knowledge if you continue on with your work & refuse to answer my question on why you are using the armor.