I was able to recognise some pattern was going on, but I wasn't able to make out what. That egg showcase was far too confusing in general. First, you set it at night, which isn't the best choice considering the fact you wanted to show off the gameplay (that's hard to do if you can't see everything) Second, you made your character model an egg. I get that is the joke, but do you know how boring it is see an object not move as it beats someone up? Perhaps it isn't boring for you because you're apart of the team and you see this stuff *almost(?) everyday. It's not that it isn't flashy enough, it's that its not flashy at all :/ More to the point, the egg not moving made everything that much more confusing. I have no idea what egg model is doing and you chose to record from its POV - if you'd have made it from Goku's POV, or just anyone with some animation so we can tell what's happening, it would have worked. If there is confusion, then people will start to doubt, and they will become anxious and unreasonable. Cell_Day with Goku and Vegeta -uncut- and you can't go wrong.