Character Data Awaiting Refresh
It seems like the character you are trying to view hasn't been active for a while. Since the Armory only tracks active characters, this character needs to have been active recently for detailed character data to show up.
Warning for Mr.Lukyas. I know little of WoW's servers, but I know their naming scheme is based off famous Warcraft characters or Gods of that universe.There will be no posting of characters on private mmorpg servers are they go against our warez rules. There was another slip up much earlier in this thread(3 months ago) so I'll let that one go, and same for Helppp's post, but in the future I will warn users who post such information.
Good eye Deman, respect + for you (would be if there's rep sys)Warning for Mr.Lukyas. I know little of WoW's servers, but I know their naming scheme is based off famous Warcraft characters or Gods of that universe.