Poetry 2

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Nov 26, 2001
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The last thread was kinda killed, so me makes a new one. Plz, no critz on poems unless the author asks.

This poem i wrote...it is very personal and i'd appreciate it if you would just read it and not crit it. It hurt to get it out and i just want to share it bcuz i can't hold on to it.

My "love"

You walked by, and brushed your hair
Oblivious to my presence.
But i knew you were there
I stood there, transfixed by your glory
Your beauty eminated like a warm glow from a fire place
Your eyes sparkled like a crackling fire
As i gazed in your eyes i saw the Universe in full motion
And you had no idea...no idea of my existence

I got to know you
And i learnt quickly
You were not a women of looks
You had no idea of te greatness God planted in you
Instead you had such a grip on reality
You helped me through my troubles
And were there when i needed a friend
I tried to be there, but i was nothing like you were
You were perfect...too perfect for me

I lived to please you
Every breath i breathed I breathed you
Every word i spoke
Every thought i thought
You were there, ever present in everything but body and soul
My dreams were filled with you
And my eyes saw nothing but you
But you still had no idea
No idea...no idea at all

I gave up
I tryed so hard and thought you didn't care
I hated you
I wanted you dead. How dare a women be so oblivious
But someone knew better
God had control
And in the end we became better friends than ever
And you opened me up to a new light
A new light...one i'd never seen before

I lined up my life
Straightened out the curves
I wanted to be perfect so you could love me back
But you didn't need that
you loved me in a way i can't descibe
Not the love i thought i needed, a friendship
A friendship so strong Hell itself could not break it
You...you are my friend
New Member
Jan 10, 2003
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I'm posting this one for a friend:

Forty Years Ago

I've wandered to the village, Tom,
I've sat beneath the tree,
Upon the schoolhouse playground,
That sheltered you and me;
But none were left to greet me, Tom,
And few left to know,
Who played with me upon the green,
Just forty years ago.

The grass was just as green, Tom,
Barefott boys at play
were sporting, just as we did then,
With spirits just as ***.
But the master sleeps upon the hill,
Which, coated o'er with snow,
Afforded us a sliding place,
Some forty years ago.

The old schoolhouse is altered some;
The benches are replaced
By new ones very like the same
Our jackknives had defaced.
But the same old bricks are in the wall,
The bell swings to and fro;
Its music's just the same, dear Tom,
'Twas forty years ago.

The spring that bubbled 'neath the hill,
Close by the spreading beech,
Is very low' 't was once so high
That we could almost reach;
And kneeling down to take a drink,
Dear Tom, I started so,
To think how very much I've changed
Since forty years ago.

Near by that spring, upon an elm,
You know, I cut your name,
Your sweetheart's just beneath it, Tom;
And you did mine the same.
Some heartless wretch has peeled the batk;
'T was dying sure, but slow,
Just as that one whose name you cut
Died forty years ago.

My lids have long been dry, Tom,
But tears came in my eyes:
I thought of her I loved so well,
Those earlt broken ties.
I visited the old churchyard,
And took some flowers to strew
Upon the grave of those we loved
Just forty years ago.

Some are in the churchyard laid,
Some alseep beneath the sea;
And none are left of our class
Excepting you and me.
And whn our time shall come, Tom,
And we are called to go,
I hope we'll meet with those we loved
Some forty years ago.
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Oct 2, 2002
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*snaps his fingers* :cool: Wayyyy groovy daddio.
New Member
Nov 15, 2002
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The room is hot, but my sweat is cold
As I lay here on my bed.
My stomache is pained, and my body is numb,
And fire fills my head.

The world is tasteless, and the air has no smell,
And I want to all return.
The sounds are echoing, and the night is restless,
And all the while, I burn.

The thoughts are spinning, and the mind is drunk
On medicine and burnt toast.
The prayers are lifted, and I can feel them
Carried on by my heavenly host.
New Member
Jan 10, 2003
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~~~My Mother's Bible~~~

This book is all thats left me now,--
Tears will unbidden start,--
With faltering lip and throbbing brow
I press it to my heart.
For many generations past
Here is out family tree;
My mother's hands this Bible clasped,
She, dying, gave it me.

Ah! well do I remember those
Whose names these records bear;
Who round the heartstone used to close,
After the evening prayer,
And speak of what these pages said
In tones my heart would thrill!
Though they are with the silent dead,
Here they are living still!

My father read this holy book
To brothers, sisters, dear;
How calm was my poor mother's look,
Who loved God's word to hear!
Her angel face,--I see it yet!
What throning memories come!
Again that little group met
Within the wall of home!

Thou truest friend man ever knew,
Thy constancy I've tried;
When all were false, I found thee true,
My counselor and guide.
The mines of earth no treasures give
That could this volume buy;
In teaching me tha way to live,
It taught me how to die.
~~~Author Any oni-mus~~~

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