Official melee suggestion thread

New Member
May 24, 2003
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Well dont have time to read all these posts but from what ive read id ont like. I mean Typical dbz fashion melee struggles when they occur end up being a massive telport fest. I mean to make things simple make the struggle prescripted and use the same power bar as ki struggles. I mean you could change the end sequence depending who wins and what direction they are in i.e if the melee struggle started with vegita above and he wins lets say it finsishes with his patented axe handle slamming them towards and possibly into the ground doing massive damage like in the series. Well thats just my take on the idea. It would save a little on scripting as most sequences could look the same but all the teleporting could cause a drop in frame rate for some people . I guess it would all depend on how it could be implemented. i mean you could even add additional moves for strugles that last really long like the hated "Power struggle where it takes forever because you are dead even and you have to wait for the beams to reach the end of the map because you cant detonate them." Also you could add the ability to break of the melee struggle at the cost of ki power. Oops ive said to much and need to go to bed. Peace all
New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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The Netherlands
but by my suggestion you can figt against eachother!!! thats better then only 1 can can fight and the other can't do NOTHING!!!!!!!
New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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The Netherlands
he just can't fight back you first have to wait..... then click on your enemy and do the same.....
in the beginning it's fun but it get's boring now.
New Member
May 22, 2003
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hey u guys play the dbz games for playstation? i wish the malee was like that but u can control it......that would be nice
New Member
Jun 1, 2003
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well heres my 2 cents for the most part,

i think melee should be kept along the simple path, my proposal is that swoop gets changed to a more open swoop mode as in, you click it on via a key and are able to move at the speed of swoop mode (toggleable), this opens up more tactical movement and less linear combat as its all zanzoken, charge, swoop yadda yadda yadda till someones hit. in this other swoop mode, you will be free to move in any direction at the speed of swoop - strafe - fly up/down etc. now for attacking, everyone seems to want melee struggles and comboes and such, i propose both. left click being weak attack ( wich can be fast weak kicks and punches - randonly animated - weak attacks dont send people flying) and right click to be a smash attack (wich sends people flying). being a big fighter fan ive found that some of the best games use simple combo methods Eg- CPS2 emulation & smash bros. so my attack idea revolves around a small combo system. say basics of a 1-5 hit combo system. 5 being the max. players when meleeing, if they start thier attack with a weak attack enter a struggle mode. thus starting the combo link. from thier they can hit attack at a well timed pace, (tapping it maddly wont do anything and will break your combo) so timing will be needed like any fighter game. weak atacks say, do a small amount of damage 1-3 per weak hit lets say, and smash attacks do 10+ (or whatever you may think a definable damage is) weak attack combos can go all the way to 5 hits, but dont do that much damage 5x3hp damage = not much but, if finished with a smash attack, do good amounts ( some form of damage vs PL modifier to judge this maybe?) now smash attacks on thier own will work like melee as it is now, sending players flying across the level, albiet the penelty for this is lower damage than a combo.

now my combo system is explained ill explain how a struggle is implimented. as stated above, melee wich is opened with a weak attack, makes a struggle bar open, in wich the combo starts. the vicitum of the pummeling has the chance to counter this attack on him/her by pressing block at the apopriot time to A) dodge/block the attack (power or weak attack) or B) catch the opponents fist in wich a grab struggle may commence ( if from what ive seen of 1.2's screens will be used?) if the player recieving the pummeling dodges/blocks the attack, he/she can then attack in wich the prior attacker, is forced into the position his would be victim, was. that being said, the prior agressor, must either block/dodge the attack to make the struggle go his way again. - now in the event of ki being drained from both fighters over the struggles time, say after 2 evenly balanced fighters repeat the steps and counter each other (p1 - makes 2 successive hits against p2 - p2 counters and gets 2 weak attacks against p1 - repeated this process 2 times) now both players have low ki (as combo's will drain ki dramatically - hence the damage pay off) now both players are on low ki, both fighters will push away from each other, ready to charge again, and go for it again like in the show. the way of deciding who hits first and counters first can be something like

PL + this amount of ki you have in your pool + timing maybe, or something else perhaps? the way i figure this is a good way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone, manual melee strugles that are fairly simple. well seems that way to me. the end is - combos drain ki, but pay off in the damage department, but are risky. open swoop mode always more freedom of movement (and standard melee can still be used with the smash attack. well feel free to crit me on this idea, hope you all like it.
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★ Black Lounger ★
💻 Oldtimer
Apr 15, 2003
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here's just an idea i had the other day, what if you kept the swoop system that we have at the moment, but if they block your melee or you are close to them with melee selected, u go into a similar sort of fighting that you have in "enter the matrix", u have a punch and a kick button (primary and secondry fire) and ur standard block button, and ur direction controls (forward backward, turn/strafe left and right) would move you around, but for this to work i recon u should see the characters in a profile mode. To exit this mode u simpily move away from the other chartacter completely or u cud just kick their ass.............

tell me if im nuts but i thought it wud be cool.....
New Member
Feb 5, 2003
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One comment regarding the previous two suggestions (Himura-Kenshin & davidskiwan). Your both overlooking one major factor: PING. Both of those systems rely on timing, thus disadvantaging those with high pings. It would even have an effect on people with low pings - if each combatent presses their attack button at the exact same time, it would still be the one with the lower ping who wins the race.
Just something to think about, I really do like the idea though Kenshin!
As for davidskiwan, have recently aquiring a copy of Enter The Matrix, I know exactly what what you mean, and this idea can be applied to Kenshin's for one awesome melee system!
New Member
Jun 1, 2003
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your right ping does present a major factor, however, i think i may have forgotten in my idea that if both players where to hit attack at the same time - maybe both attacks could collide. it happens in the show, they smack fists with fists and all sorts, its a giant clash of bone and sinew! thats why i said maybe it could go along some form of modifyier - PL + ki + timing? i dont know exactly what is the master blend to a complete true balance of melee, its probobly not possible. but throw some more ideas in and im sure something cool will be worked out. but the only thing im concerned about with the movement keys being used is i can picture them getting mashed - arcade style. but im sure a lot of the things we have all said are feasable, i dont suppose a poll on melee system ideas would be any help? see what the public likes? but thanks for the crits guys - BTW try to think of my idea more along the lines of simple smash bros theory - weak attacks and smash attacks. thats fairly simple, should'nt cause to much lag or be dependant on ping so much then if its that simple, right? asuming some form of modifyier was in place right?


New Member
Feb 23, 2003
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no, Homing melee would make it too easy i think and no skill need be involved other wise you ideas are sound and i can find no problem with them ^_^
New Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Melee, should be an art, How stupid that is, To have some one teliporting like it was going out of style? ... They don't even do that in the show .. why should we have to put up with that? another thing is the in adition their should be a "dash" attack, like the "swoop" only for close in brawls and if you block you should recive mabey less dammage but be moved back some if not a fair amount, block whoseing is another huge problem with this gamemore moves prehaps, and most defanitly a "teliport" counter move .. you know
New Member
May 12, 2003
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I dont know if this has been suggested yet.

ok the esf team should do melle the way they are doing it but lets say if you win the melee struggle the arm lock thing.You have a choice mouse 1 does a random last blow and mouse 2 should charge a ki blast and and you should grab the person close to you and then shoot them in their stomach making them fly and hit a wall or sumthing. what do you think?
New Member
Jun 5, 2003
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Kenshins idea is cool. Add it w/ davidskiwan's and it gets better.
BUT how 'bout addin' mine? maybe you could do some powerful melee combo's by use of dmz's combo system? (of course, you can't do it in a melee struggle) but you can grab an unsuspecting fighter and beat the crap out of him w/ a melee combo. Example s,a,d r click while using vegeta will make him grab the guy beside him and blast the guys face with a ki blast, Headbutting him twice, and ending it w/ a double axe handle smashing the opponent to the ground (he can recover of course) (you could make tons of combinations w/ it!) And! if you have low life, like 20 or something, you could do a meteo attack! (a devastating combo that was included in most dbz games) Lets say, vegeta again.
d, s, a, d left click (while beside an opponent) will end up in a flurry of punches and kicks, a round-house smacking the opponent away, 4 renzoku blasts, teleport beside him, grab his throat, headbutt him 4 times, and end it w/ a vegeta hammer! (teleport upwards, swoop at highspeeds, and SMASH THE OPPONENT W/ AN UNHOLY DOUBLE AXE HANDLE) resulting in about 60% damage... what do you guys think? (It actually fits w/ everyone's suggestions!)
New Member
Jun 13, 2003
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@davidskiwan and Himura-Kenshin.... I agree on the free swoop thing but dont u think ur combo system overpowers chars like Trunks. I mean, he already kills us in 3-4 hits. And if you guys still used the "Do massive damage but, lose Ki" system, Trunks could man handle everyone, and the Ki thing doesnt make to much sence to me either. You can regain all your Ki in less then 4 seconds. The Ki thing would have little effect since the combo would kill someone pretty ez. Maybe you need to tell us how much damage these combos can do. And still, if 2 people are using all there Ki meleeing eachother, they dont have enough Ki to teleport, making them easy picking for big beam moves.

And cudoes on the smash attack idea:)
New Member
Jun 13, 2003
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Oh and here is my 2 cents on the Melee power struggle idea***

I like this game because it is fast-pase and simple. So, my idea is the same:). Neway to get in a power struggle, both player 1 and 2 have to swoop at each other. They lock hands(maybe some cool lighting effects or something??) and the person that runs out of Ki loses the struggle, and the winner only loses minor or little health(While in power struggle, they cannot be attacked by other players, Sorry i cant think of a use for the struggle meter here:/). When the player loses maybe u guys can keep the outcome random like when u melee hit some1 ur not always doing the same lame punch over and over again.

I got a few suggestions for outcomes:1). Loser gets kneed in the stomach/chest and flung to the wall/ground

2). Loser just gets thrown to the ground/wall and winner shoots a fast beam(By fast I mean almoust instant)

3) Loser gets combo'd like a *****(Well maybe a few white flashes and pounding sounds would make this obvious) and get "shot" to the ground, making a crater.
New Member
Jun 5, 2003
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hmmm... fast and simple is usually the best. But still, my idea about the movement combos could fit in it
(It could do better damage than that of a normal melee attack, but It can't kill ppl. in 3 combos.)
You would need to plan your strategy very well and you can actually get better at it! (you can get skilled at melee types like this!) and, its not entirely dmz style, bec. its melee attacks, not ki blasts!
And it is used in almost every dbz game i can think of! (except the gba ones) You could do multiple combos with it! y'know, s, d, L click = triple punch combo


New Member
Jun 15, 2003
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during the engagement of 2 melee attackers a struggle bar is up and produces instructions that the player has to follow and the first one out of the two that does a mistake loses... like produces instructions like beatmania or something.. a sequence the player has to follow...
After hitting the player into space, a combo can be executed, using the key "g" to teleport the winner of the struggle to the location of the victim and thus able to do a melee again.. max combo of 3 or something.... make it look like the cartoon! ^v^
New Member
Mar 2, 2002
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Yeh i like KuBaN's idea but i think that going with his idea how they fight it should be totally equal

while fighting u have to keep hold of meelee and press directional keys of which then u would do some quite good MS

while fighting u basically have to read ur enemies ideas and possible counter his attack lets say

both characters swoop at each other and it breaks out into a MS
both characters would face each other possibly both people controllign characters should be taken to a special camera view wheer they can see whats going on around their character's

while fighting u have to keep hold of meelee still and enemies aroudn u cannot harm or even go near u or they will be forced back and stunned :)

when u press a directional key while holding meelee u could do something like a teleport punch (teleporting to enemy and punching him)

the more pl u have the more damage the meelee attacks do so instead of having a Power struggle Bar its all about ur techinues in fighting and ur Power level.

Let say ur enemy goes to attack and u dotn have time to attack so u could either block and u could either block it and it takes half damage or u have a 20% chance of dodging the attack

to counter an attack u could have an enemy press meelee right where he possibly teleports and trys to kick u could press back and meelee where the enemy will miss u they wont have any chance to dodge or block ur coutner so u come back kicking them. This would stop people form having an MS forever where no one takes damage and possibly u could have it where if both characters go MS if they r idle for like 10 secs and dont do anything the MS is broken off.

I was thinking though while in MS u could do Ki blasts as well as meelee attacks but it takes up a bit of ki about 1/4 of ur ki

this could be done by setting the controls as Primary fire mouse 1 secodnary mouse 2

u could have it where mosue 1 is meelee attacks and mouse 2 could be a fast charged Generic beam

if u damage ur enemy to a certain amount of hp eg 10 or below their pl will drop very fast of which because of the enemy pl is going lower they should become slower when they r producing meelee attacks so u should have a good chance to counter

while pressing a directional key and secondary fire u would teleport and ki blast them. If the enemy tries to block the ki attack if ur pl is MUCH MUCH MORE stronger saying ur pl is 5 mil enemy pl is 3.5 mil then ur ki blast would explode in their hands and they would take 3/4 of damage because it wasnt a direct hit to the body. if the 20% dodge is included they could possibly try and hit it back but may be unlucky if they have low pl and take 1/4 damage from the blast.

Teleportation in a MS should take NO KI because Teleport is a major asset to the MS and if it takes ki then MS would be use less

Also in a counter attack their is possibly a chance that u could get a good combo in eg 5 hit combo if ur fast
u could press a directional key and meelee to hit em 1 way then press another directional key and meelee to hit them away and keep doing that but timing is crutial

Also while in MS instead of pressing direction al keys to show which way u wanna hit them eg into walls etc where u teleport behind em and kick them back u could just let go of meelee for a second then re hold it so it resets it allowing u to do normal Meelee and then u would start to just punch and kick the enemy continuously but the normal meelee damage would be less then the kick about meelee.

when doing normal meelee on an enemy u could get some high combos and if started at the same time by both people they would go into what u would say that Grab attack where both characters go head to head with hands on hands like the picture i think Pc joe posted in his dev jernal then of which it would go into a bar like a powerstruggle the person who wins will blast the enemy back or grab them then throw them back to the starting position of the MS then it would start again where u could do meelee attacks etc

MS would be good in ESF and would be good for people practising tricks on enemies liek pressing secondary meelee on its own and firign a series of small ki blasts which take small amounts of ki up instead of charging a generic beam taking alot of ki up, they could fire like 3 small ki blasts where the enemy would spend time blocking them then u ur self would try and do a sneak attack from behind like a teleport kick hitting them into the ground

id say the max combo limit would be about 10 and if u look above where the enemy is stunned u could possibly do one of ur finishing moves of which the animations will totally change
when they r stunned with hp below 10 with slow movement u could do a small jab and then they would be very badly hurt unable to do any attacks allowing u to do a finishing move like a KAME HAME HA which will of cource have a different animation instead of just firing it and it explodign killing him and urself u could have a finishing kame hame ha which can be selected whiel in MS using next weapon button
(Finishing Attacks can be used in the middle of MS but would be useless unless u only charged them to a small amount)
the Finishing move would have a charge amount taking ki if u dont have enough ki then u could perhaps try and power up either in the middle of the battle after teleporting away from the enemies attack or u could power up before u finish ur enemy

All finishing moves would be a different attack for each character and they would all do the same thing tho the finishing move would VAPORIZE ur enemy into dust

u can also go ssj or use turbo to make ur meelee attacks or ki blasts stronger

List of Finishing moves for each Character

Kame Hame Ha (when SSJ)
Spirit bomb (not fully charged 1 and is used as non ssj)

Mouth Blast


Gendistu ( dont kno what its call the attack he uses on cell on papaya island)

Final Flash (When SSJ)
Galic Gun (when Not SSJ)

Finger Laser (the one he used on Krillen)
Death Ball (when Transformed)

Homing Beam (Beam totally vaporizes enemy)

Teleport Special Beam cannon (couldnt think of any good attacks cell has :( )
(teleports above and uses SBC drills through enemy and pushes him to floor like hes blocking then he explodes)

Burning attack
Finishing Buster (when ssj)

Gimme some feed back plz and tell me what u think

Heh pcjoe said think about it alot and i did i hope u read it all and give me some feed back or scan read :shocked:

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