Excuse me for not seeing this thread earlier.
I am a longtime NS player, and I did enjoy quite a few games for a breif period of time with Smith. I've been playing since the release date on that fateful Halloween, and been addicted ever since.
I've had an extensive career in that game, having been to the CAL finals twice. Long time competitive player, and while he's being modest, I won't hesitate to say that smith was far more than "okay," and I must have done something right to have gone to the finals twice. Former member of clan #cri., basically the most hated clan of all time for that game, and I'm still proud of it. #cri. is still dead, but never out for the count- when I finish my temporary hiatus and get my new computer, it might be comeing back.
On the topic of #cri. That clan was hated due to many people accusing them of hacking, cheating, lameing, and ruining the game. They played ruthlessly and relyed solely on player skill over strategy, but often came up with the newest innovations in strategy when needed to. In my opinion, they were the best clan of all time for that game at one point, but internal affars such as screaming at arguments DURING the finals and such always kept them from achieveing #1 status. It died a few times, and it doesn't look like anything will happen with it unless I manage a few miracles sometime when I get my comptuer.
Towards the end of my NS career before I lost my computer, I started offering lessons, and bringing new clans to the game either from other mods or groups of interested people. I'm still taking offers on lessons for when I get my computer back, but the rules I have always said will remain the same: You listen to what I say. You may ask questions, but you will not question my methods. If you feel something is cheap, cheating, lame, unfair, or anything of the like, I'm not going to waste my time continuing the lesson with you. I will ask you to leave, and failure to comply will only hurt your reputation in game, and your standing with me. I'm a good person, but I only give second chances when I think the person is honestly sincere, and I do not give more than 2. This is my time, and I'm willing to help people out but if you waste what I consider to be my generosity, then I'm not going to exactly be forgiving. This method has never failed me in the past, and I've made a few decent players get a name for themselves in that game.
Sub, I still owe you and Zeo some NS lessons, I won't forget!
I am also currently offering lessons for when I get my computer back with ESF as well. The same rules comply. Just throught I'd throw that out there, if anyone else is interested.
It's a shame you don't play anymore Smith, I really enjoyed those games, even if we'd just take turns scilenced B-hop rushing eachother round after round.
I play any class, and I play it well. I am not modest when it comes to NS; I have no reason to be and only resentment towards the community when I chose to be. I am skeptical when anyone nowadays say's they're good, I don't buy it. I will judge such when I see it, not when I hear about it over some forum. As a marine, I prefer the HMG because good aiming will kill anything much faster (aside skulks) than the shotgun, and the large clip will make sure everything is dead. You'll have time to reload with proper teammate cover and good aim forcing them to retreat or die. I like to fade because I can usually win the game for my team in a pub, and in scrims/matches/pugs I can usually contain the others well enough to put some serious hurt on them, as well as have a great deal of fun.
I've killed entire clans by myself, who claimed that they could beat me with whatever they wanted to. I take pride in the fact that I, along side with #cri., had killed over thirty clans during the 3.xx "veteran program" fiasco, and helped clean that community of whiney players and people who think they're the best ever. Unfortunatly, I ended up being a major participant in dividing the community, along with most of the other top clan members- it's healed a bit, but there is undoubtable resentment amongst the majority of pubbers and the "way" they're treated by clan members. They're not really treated unfairly, that's poor sportsmanship- they're treated indifferently. Clanners play how ever they want so long as it will help their team win, which often leads to spawn camps and other situations in which the opposing teams lack of skill was apparent. Rather than fix the issue with themselves, they complained to the devs about how something was lame.
Anyone recall how I said before that dev's without skill and foresight will make a bad game?
There is now a variable which allows you to become invunerable upon spawning for x seconds. Thanks to that, we've got servers with people running around after dieing for 3-7 seconds. That's enough time to make it halfway to the opponents base. I've got an alternate method to prevent spawn camping- it's called, "don't let them into your spawn." If someone gets in, it's their reward and your punishment. Use your team, get some players back and deal with the threat before it becomes a major issue. Or don't let them push you that far back in the first place- put up a better resistance. Things like that, they irked me.
The ESF community is doing a better job of earning my respect, and for that I thank them, but even if you're from it don't expect me to go easy on you should I be teaching you. I'm a nice person unless aggrivated- either accept what I have to say if you're coming to me for advice, or don't bother coming in the first place.
Oh, any many people here can already vouch for me- I'm not an uptight *******, but I'm serious on things that concern me or that I want to take seriously.