More Akira Toriyama's work that has been turned into animated series?

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Mar 29, 2003
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The Netherlands
Naruto is horrible. DBZ Is miles ahed of it in every way, even art & drawing quality, and it came out like 15 years before Naruto. Bleach did indeed go on to long, unlike DBZ it couldn't hold my interest past 205.

Death Note was indeed awesome, as was Code Geass. DBZ will always have a special place in my favorite animes, not better, not worse, it's just DBZ.
Please elaborate, because when I watch Naruto, art-wise it blows DBZ away. Story-wise, it COMPLETELY blows DBZ away (especially Shippuden), and animation-wise it will blow DBZ into oblivion with certain episodes (Naruto VS Sasuke fight for example).
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Jan 5, 2008
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Please elaborate, because when I watch Naruto, art-wise it blows DBZ away. Story-wise, it COMPLETELY blows DBZ away (especially Shippuden), and animation-wise it will blow DBZ into oblivion with certain episodes (Naruto VS Sasuke fight for example).
Naruto anime is better made than DBZ anime. Naruto manga is not better made than DB manga.
Resting in H.E.L.L
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Jun 9, 2009
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New England
LOL, NARUTO!?! STORY! Wow, I can never take anything you say again seriously if you think Naruto even has a story, it has as much of a story as DBZ has, which is next to none. Animation wise it is complete **** for the most part. They don't animate half the scenery and just white it out.

Naruto is one of the worst main characters I can ever remember, and Sasuke is the epitome of "generic", cmon, please be serious here.
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Mar 29, 2003
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The Netherlands
LOL, NARUTO!?! STORY! Wow, I can never take anything you say again seriously if you think Naruto even has a story, it has as much of a story as DBZ has, which is next to none. Animation wise it is complete **** for the most part. They don't animate half the scenery and just white it out.

Naruto is one of the worst main characters I can ever remember, and Sasuke is the epitome of "generic", cmon, please be serious here.
What the hell do you read if you think Naruto doesn't have any story going on? It was DBZ that had a rehash, after rehash, after rehash with just different characters.

Naruto has been having a continuing storyline ever since Orochimaru entered the series. Animation and art wise...well again, what the **** have you been watching, I seem to remember vivid sceneries in Naruto. Where DBZ's animation consists of speed-lines whenever anybody moves or attacks (no arm animation whatsoever) and static colored backgrounds with some lines across them whenever a special attack was done.

And what's that about generic characters?

Raditz "What, he could never have that high of a powerlevel?!" *dies*

Nappa "What, over 9000?!" *dies*
Vegeta "I am the strongest in the universe" *gets blasted away*
Someone stronger rises.

Freeza "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Vegeta "Yes I am!" *gets ass kicked by Freeza form 2*
Freeza 2 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Krillin and Gohan "Yes we are!" *gets but kicked by Freeza form 3*
Freeza 3 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Goku "Yes I am!"
Freeza 4"Nobody is stronger than me!"
SSJ Goku "Yes I am!"
Freeza dies.
Someone stronger rises.

Rinse and repeat for androids.

Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Androids "Yes we are!"
Cell 2 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Vegata and Trunks "Yes we are!"
Perfect Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Goku 'I am equally as strong, but Gohan is even stronger!"
Ultra Perfect Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Gohan SSJ 2 "Yes I am!"

Rinse and repeat for Buu, Super buu, Kid buu, Gohan, Mystic Gohan, Goku, SSJ 3 Goku, Gotenks, SSJ 3 Gotenks.

Really....better storyline and less generic characters? In DBZ, the story completely dies after every Arc. Where in Naruto, Arcs follow each other up.

DBZ: Raditz > Vegeta & Nappa > small link to get to Namek > Freeza gets introduced > Freeza fight. Story Dies. Android > Cell > Cell fights. Story Dies. Majin guys > Buu > Buu fight > Story dies.
Naruto: Chuunin exam > Orochimaru attacks > Tailed beasts get introduced > Sannin get introduced > Akatsuki gets introduced > Sannin vs Orochimaru > Akatsuki vs Konoha > Plans behind Akatsuki get introduced > etc. > etc. > etc.

Plus, you still haven't elaborated why DBZ is better than Naruto. Give me examples of Naruto's animation VS DBZ's animation.

Naruto anime is better made than DBZ anime. Naruto manga is not better made than DB manga.
I have never read the DB manga myself. Just couldn't get into the story. But lots of people say the DB manga is great, so you could be right about that.
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Now with Kung-Fu action!
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May 13, 2004
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I wasn't too fond of Naruto, it just didn't click. The animation and art seems fine though, I didn't see anything I could really complain about. I can't comment on the plot, a couple of chapters probably isn't representative of the whole series.

Plotwise, DBZ uses the same cycle again and again. Each saga is fairly separate from the others. The Frieza saga saw massive changes in Gohan and Vegeta, which added two different protagonists to the roster; especially how neither were the "hero" Goku was. Later sagas seemed to drop characters and not really develop anyone much further. There's also that most of the cast were demoted to cheerleaders, or commenting how intense things were.
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May 7, 2003
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Please elaborate, because when I watch Naruto, art-wise it blows DBZ away. Story-wise, it COMPLETELY blows DBZ away (especially Shippuden), and animation-wise it will blow DBZ into oblivion with certain episodes (Naruto VS Sasuke fight for example).
Do you mean "updated" animation-wise? Sure, then you're right. But, you can't compare a very famous, distinguishable and unique artstyle (like Toriyama's), to Kishimoto's--who copies many other artists: he even admitted this himself. It's the 2000s, most anime these days, popular base material or not, receive better animation than they would have 20 years ago.

Correction to hleV: The Naruto manga probably flows far better than any material Dragon Ball was, in any medium. However, Naruto is practically a soap-opera cartoon that tends to linger on like a bad dream. If you want pure super-hero "action", Dragon Ball Z is still the best thing around, even if it's fairly dated, it rarely disappoints.

Good animation isn't key to quality, and decent story-telling isn't key to success, either; Toriyama probably has the some of the greatest character design you'll ever find in a comic or cartoon, as expressed by his fans of many agegroups for decades past. Though, arguing specifics of plot to justify one's superiority over the other is just immature. I really doubt people who like X-Men, or Spider-Man, like a novel, or a drama television series for the same reason. People are confusing each series' genre, and how different they actually are, or have become.

You can like a manga for its dramatic, pivotal, or climactic story-telling and charming characters and such, it's still not changing the fact that things like Dragon Ball classify more as westernized, mainstream "super-hero" material all over the world, than most anime/manga. Thus, judging it for not being as "deep", "updated" or convoluted(how can it not be?), in manga or anime form, as much as the next 10 manga series that copy it, is like being ignorant and ****y without a single cause.

I'm surprised how quickly newer-generation anime fans tend to criticize all of the anime forefathers of being "not as good", when it was their very material and essence that paved the inroads for the material that's out today. It's hypocrisy, and blasphemy, to shoot those things down with such carelessness.
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Oct 4, 2004
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Berserk is only five years older than DBZ, and is far superior to it artistically. I don't think that particular author stole too much from DBZ, as the style is hard to compare to anything else, even today. In fact, even though Berserk's author is younger, he has had a longer careeer. Frankly, DBZ isn't as great as it's cranked up to be.

Mind you, it's a great manga. But it's not the greatest, and it's not even that fantastic for its time.
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Aug 27, 2009
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What the hell do you read if you think Naruto doesn't have any story going on? It was DBZ that had a rehash, after rehash, after rehash with just different characters.

Naruto has been having a continuing storyline ever since Orochimaru entered the series. Animation and art wise...well again, what the **** have you been watching, I seem to remember vivid sceneries in Naruto. Where DBZ's animation consists of speed-lines whenever anybody moves or attacks (no arm animation whatsoever) and static colored backgrounds with some lines across them whenever a special attack was done.

And what's that about generic characters?

Raditz "What, he could never have that high of a powerlevel?!" *dies*

Nappa "What, over 9000?!" *dies*
Vegeta "I am the strongest in the universe" *gets blasted away*
Someone stronger rises.

Freeza "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Vegeta "Yes I am!" *gets ass kicked by Freeza form 2*
Freeza 2 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Krillin and Gohan "Yes we are!" *gets but kicked by Freeza form 3*
Freeza 3 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Goku "Yes I am!"
Freeza 4"Nobody is stronger than me!"
SSJ Goku "Yes I am!"
Freeza dies.
Someone stronger rises.

Rinse and repeat for androids.

Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Androids "Yes we are!"
Cell 2 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Vegata and Trunks "Yes we are!"
Perfect Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Goku 'I am equally as strong, but Gohan is even stronger!"
Ultra Perfect Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Gohan SSJ 2 "Yes I am!"

Rinse and repeat for Buu, Super buu, Kid buu, Gohan, Mystic Gohan, Goku, SSJ 3 Goku, Gotenks, SSJ 3 Gotenks.

Really....better storyline and less generic characters? In DBZ, the story completely dies after every Arc. Where in Naruto, Arcs follow each other up.

DBZ: Raditz > Vegeta & Nappa > small link to get to Namek > Freeza gets introduced > Freeza fight. Story Dies. Android > Cell > Cell fights. Story Dies. Majin guys > Buu > Buu fight > Story dies.
Naruto: Chuunin exam > Orochimaru attacks > Tailed beasts get introduced > Sannin get introduced > Akatsuki gets introduced > Sannin vs Orochimaru > Akatsuki vs Konoha > Plans behind Akatsuki get introduced > etc. > etc. > etc.

Plus, you still haven't elaborated why DBZ is better than Naruto. Give me examples of Naruto's animation VS DBZ's animation.

I have never read the DB manga myself. Just couldn't get into the story. But lots of people say the DB manga is great, so you could be right about that.
I don't agree with Mkilbride on everything but there are a few things i'd like to say. Taking animation into consideration, i'd say that Naruto and DBZ are pretty equal. Even for it's time DBZ had varied animation ranging from awesome "wow that looks just like the manga in motion" to "what the hell is this triangle crap"(though i have to admit the Buu saga had the best animation of all of the sagas while freeza and android/cell saga had quite possibly the worst) , and 5-6 years later Naruto anime showed similar problems like deformed characters, odd color schemes in certain scenes,skippy and unfinished backgrounds and things like that on a consistent basis, which seems to have gotten even worse in the shippuden series. Also what probably most of people here compare is the original japanese Naruto vs. English DBZ dub which in my opinion doesn't really go well since the english dub was "Americanized". What i mean by that is that they replaced the original lines with something that would sound "cooler" (like "i'm the hope of the universe" speech Goku does vs Freeza ) and added horrible puns and lines to the places where in the original characters either said something serious or didn't say anything at all.

The DB manga is certainly better(to me atleast) due to not having overly long transformations and stalling the anime did.
About the story:
[Subjectivity alert]We are not certain(at least I am not) how much thought Masashi Kishimoto put in making the story but what i can say he created the manga with it being a long serialized shounen in mind and thus certainly had put much more thought in it that Akira Toriyama. Toriyama first meant for Dragon ball to be a gag manga not surpassing 3 volumes if it would reach that much, after the first tournament saga he noticed the popularity started to grow and continued the story. He never really thought everything through and just went with the flow, and thus the story has many inconsistencies and despite all that it still remains one of the most popular and best selling shounen to this date.
The Dragon Ball story certainly isn't deep and after the first Piccolo Daimao encounter it's the same thing over and over with different foes but it was fun. However Naruto's story imho isn't really as deep as it might seem. It might seem deep but the whole deal with Sasuke is a bit iffy to me. Especially the newer chapters turned the story to me from "well i guess that could work" to "huh? that doesn't really make much sense". I Don't wish to go into detail right now and abuse the spoiler tags but if ya insist i will.[/Subjectivity Alert]

Naruto,Bleach,One Piece,etc... are all great shounen mangas and many surpass Dragon Ball in certain elements although to me Dragon Ball will always remain the greatest. The thing i like the most about Dragon Ball is how Goku always remains likable(to me at least)(same with Luffy from One Piece).
That is all... for now :p
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Mar 14, 2005
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Dragonball's story was the best to me personally. It wasn't about powerlevel at all.
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May 29, 2002
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It's all about Samurai Champloo.

You get a history lesson, amazing animation, and incredible ambiance from the OST/SFX.
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Mar 14, 2005
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The only anime I want to learn history from is Hetalia.

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Jul 23, 2005
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UP, guys im really happy..
Thanks, I just finished watching Code Geass, AND I CANT BELIEVE WHAT ILL SAY NEXT BUT.

This was trully even BETTER than Death Note (which i never was possible)
I never imagined that i would ever see another anime with such deep/weird/interesting/evil/good/exciting plot.

Can you recomend me something thats Death Note/Code geass like ? I understand that these two are really very close in the whole ( boy gets super power to change/rule the world) but maybe there are something more?

If not, any other anime that you watched and think it will top, or atleast equal to the awsomnes these two have.
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Mar 14, 2005
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UP, guys im really happy..
Thanks, I just finished watching Code Geass, AND I CANT BELIEVE WHAT ILL SAY NEXT BUT.

This was trully even BETTER than Death Note (which i never was possible)
I never imagined that i would ever see another anime with such deep/weird/interesting/evil/good/exciting plot.

Can you recomend me something thats Death Note/Code geass like ? I understand that these two are really very close in the whole ( boy gets super power to change/rule the world) but maybe there are something more?

If not, any other anime that you watched and think it will top, or atleast equal to the awsomnes these two have.

Something better then Death Note? Thats easy. If you want something better then Death Note well.. I would suggest watching Dragon Ball GT.
Now with Kung-Fu action!
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May 13, 2004
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I'd recommend Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Whilst not exactly like the other two, it does feature a "power"; Alchemy. The storyline's solid and the cast are well-developed, along with recurrent themes of the use of power and good/evil. The first episode's actually the only filler episode, the plot starts in the next one.

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