LOL, NARUTO!?! STORY! Wow, I can never take anything you say again seriously if you think Naruto even has a story, it has as much of a story as DBZ has, which is next to none. Animation wise it is complete **** for the most part. They don't animate half the scenery and just white it out.
Naruto is one of the worst main characters I can ever remember, and Sasuke is the epitome of "generic", cmon, please be serious here.
What the hell do you read if you think Naruto doesn't have any story going on? It was DBZ that had a rehash, after rehash, after rehash with just different characters.
Naruto has been having a continuing storyline ever since Orochimaru entered the series. Animation and art wise...well again, what the **** have you been watching, I seem to remember vivid sceneries in Naruto. Where DBZ's animation consists of speed-lines whenever anybody moves or attacks (no arm animation whatsoever) and static colored backgrounds with some lines across them whenever a special attack was done.
And what's that about generic characters?
Raditz "What, he could never have that high of a powerlevel?!" *dies*
Nappa "What, over 9000?!" *dies*
Vegeta "I am the strongest in the universe" *gets blasted away*
Someone stronger rises.
Freeza "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Vegeta "Yes I am!" *gets ass kicked by Freeza form 2*
Freeza 2 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Krillin and Gohan "Yes we are!" *gets but kicked by Freeza form 3*
Freeza 3 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Goku "Yes I am!"
Freeza 4"Nobody is stronger than me!"
SSJ Goku "Yes I am!"
Freeza dies.
Someone stronger rises.
Rinse and repeat for androids.
Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Androids "Yes we are!"
Cell 2 "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Vegata and Trunks "Yes we are!"
Perfect Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Goku 'I am equally as strong, but Gohan is even stronger!"
Ultra Perfect Cell "Nobody is stronger than me!"
Gohan SSJ 2 "Yes I am!"
Rinse and repeat for Buu, Super buu, Kid buu, Gohan, Mystic Gohan, Goku, SSJ 3 Goku, Gotenks, SSJ 3 Gotenks.
Really....better storyline and less generic characters? In DBZ, the story completely dies after every Arc. Where in Naruto, Arcs follow each other up.
DBZ: Raditz > Vegeta & Nappa >
small link to get to Namek > Freeza gets introduced > Freeza fight.
Story Dies. Android > Cell > Cell fights.
Story Dies. Majin guys > Buu > Buu fight >
Story dies.
Naruto: Chuunin exam > Orochimaru attacks > Tailed beasts get introduced > Sannin get introduced > Akatsuki gets introduced > Sannin vs Orochimaru > Akatsuki vs Konoha > Plans behind Akatsuki get introduced > etc. > etc. > etc.
Plus, you still haven't elaborated why DBZ is better than Naruto. Give me examples of Naruto's animation VS DBZ's animation.
Naruto anime is better made than DBZ anime. Naruto manga is not better made than DB manga.
I have never read the DB manga myself. Just couldn't get into the story. But lots of people say the DB manga is great, so you could be right about that.