Morality in fighting

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May 15, 2003
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Now, I will probably get alot of answers back that I am just a cry baby, but im not. This is just an observation in this game.

I have noticed that some players in this game don't have a high moral fighting standards. ( or should i say "hit them when there down") I am a pretty big fan of DBZ and comes to find out that the ones that do all the "cheap" stuff in the game aren't very big fans of it. (that is a very bias remark considering how many ppl there are and i only asked 10) But out of those 10, they said that they really aren't big fans but know of DBZ. What I am getting at is, it seems that not many people wanna really fight the opponet, just beat the living **** out of them and to get every cheap shot while they can. Here are acouple of things that would classify your Morality of fighting...

1. Do you hit them when they are on the ground, lying there hopelessly?

2. Do you like to double team when there are only 3 ppl on the server? (this does not mean double teaming is bad in general. )

3. Do you go SSJ when a guy comes in a server with low KI? And you perfectly know that you can take him out without going SSJ?

4. Is your personality a total ass in servers?

5. Do you feel compelled to not help out new players and just beat the crap out of them?

Now there is really no right answer. IF you answer yes to all of them, doesn't mean you are an ass, just that you pretty much take any cheap shot you can. That is a fact. Hell I find myself sometimes doing these things. Well I have made my own moral code to fighting because well..I think it would fit well with the DBZ tradition of the show.

1. I say NO!!, unless he has done something to you against these 5 rules. Then I say, get even!!!!! Other than that, I would allow him to get up. Recharge and round 2 will commence. I do find this more enjoyable.

2. I never double team with a 2 vs 1 in the server. I wait til they finish and then i go in. Unless, the guy has no sense and hits you too, then I say he is asking for it!!!!!

3. Never, end of story. I don't cause I have so much KI in the first place, SSJ isn't needed. I like to beat my opponent. Not rape him.

4.I am only an ass when others are an ass/ or breaking all of those rules.

5. I always help out. Because you know what...everyone was noob at this game in the beginning. I like a challenge so I help them so when they fight me again, I will have a better challenge.

I just wanted to express my answers to these questions because I have play other half-life mods such as Counter-strike and such and I don't wanna see this game, the show that I love, be over come with *******s. That is my real concern. I love this game and I don't mind getting my ass kicked, just with out cheapness. Many people might not agree to what I am saying and that is cool. But hell, we gotta starrt somewhere. I don't wanna see this game ruined by asses. Cause when I first started this game abou 4 days ago, I met some really cool people. Then it just went down hill.


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
1. I'll hit people when they are down, because they got hit in teh first place, I might as well prolong it :p
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. No.
5. No
New Member
Nov 5, 2002
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1.) I never hit them when they are down. Hell, I don't give them the chance to touch the ground. ;)

2.) Do I double Team? Last I checked, the stadard on servers was ESF TEAM, therefore, I assume the creators of Earth Special Forces dubed the game mode that because its all about "teaming" up. A lot
and by a LOT, I mean everyone I've double teamed complains about this - its a TEAM GAME PEOPLE,
like it or leave it.

3.) Me go SSJ? Only when I want to see the transformation. Other wise its quite useless in the beta 1.0.

4.) Am I an ass? Never. All I do is laugh. I'll treat others with the same respect they give me.

5.) I always help them out, at least for the first 10 minutes. If they don't get it by then, I'm through helping, I'm here to play, not teach.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Mar 21, 2002
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1. I pummel them with ki balls, but thats it :)

2. Nope.

3. Yup.

4. Depends...

5. Depends...
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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ESF isn't a game of morals and virtue. It is a game where you select a virtual character and use him to kill other virtual characters without remorse. Play however you want... the community will respond however they want. That's the way things work. I don't think anybody has the right to judge anybody else. Well, except for somebody like Devil, who has come out and stated that he is just doing it to piss other people off intentionally.
New Member
Dec 24, 2002
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1-Yes, and if u don't agree with this i don't know y .. just jump + teleport and there won't be any problem ... u have to manage ur ki
2-No, by doing a 2v1 it means u need someone to help u to kill the other one
3-Yes, but if i get bored of killing i leave the server, anyway i always fight the strongest one
4-No(lol), same as cookster: "I'll treat others with the same respect they give me."
5-Depends on the noob ... but most of the time i tell them to read the manual (what i did)


New Member
Dec 13, 2002
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I have my own rule book I follow. I obey it like the 10 commandments. I suggest everyone do the same and make your own morals.Its fun and easy.
New Member
May 11, 2003
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1. no i give them a chance to fight. i wait till they want to fight me
3. no i power down
5. no i ask do they need help to learn how to fight.

Magus was Super Saiyajin when i fought him i just got there and i beat him with krillen so that was no biggy :p
New Member
Mar 23, 2003
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1. Depends on my mood/how well the fight is going...
2. Only if they hit me first...
3. Depends if HE is an ASS, See answer 4
4. Only if they whine about melee then hit me in the back with a beam when I go find someone else, then they get more reasons to whine about melee... :devgrin:
5. I point newbies to the manual, then if they come back and still don't know SB from Melee, I give them some tips...

I try to be nice in games, but I don't have all that much tolerance for people who whine about melee then beam spam, or block spammers( I love just hitting, tele back, repeat till they go flying) other than that, I am more or less sociable on servers :)
New Member
Jan 6, 2003
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1.yes, they got themselves into it(unless there noobs then ill give them a chance), I preffer ffa, and I ussualy preffer alone
3.yes, I achived that level, I shall use it at will, but not 100% of the time, unless they treat me like crap, I'll try to help if asked
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Nov 4, 2002
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I can't stand people that block counter. I ran into someone today that was extremely good and they would have still beat me if they hadn't block countered. But the few times that I should have hit them or at least not have gotten my ass slammed backwards I was block countered. Oh, No all the way down. I actually joined a server with only 1 person in it who was a complete noob. I showed him how to fight until someone else entered the server for me to beat on.
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May 15, 2003
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You kknow i forgot one more. Oops.

6. Do you hit when they transform?



Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
6. Depends if it is a server rule I won't if they hit me, yes.
9/10 I will, I thin kthat is the fun of the game, to transform while under the pressure of everyone around the map, I don't care if that happens in dbz or not, gives a better rush and feel of the action.
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Mar 3, 2003
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too bad if i sound like a guy taking cheapshots. i attack from people's blind spots. i DT if theres a need. but mostly, i use alot of surprise attacks. if there is a chance to beat the opponent..i take it.
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💻 Oldtimer
May 14, 2003
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I cant stand block counters either. They block and hit back instantly like as if they use a script. Also, I dont act like an ass but I only play as cell so when I transform I cant untransform. so I use it to my advantage.
New Member
Dec 19, 2002
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it really depends what mood im in.

Most of the time unless the opponent is utterly lame, then i will hit them on the ground, you cant give mercy against a good opponent, the aim of the fight is to win..

I used to help people, now i just get irritated by people who dont read the manual.

I will only team up against cheats and scripters, or people who spam the map with khh etc

i power down against a non ssj, and if hes ssj ill still power down :p

and yes i will hit during a transformation unless it is 1v1
New Member
Feb 7, 2002
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1. yes i hit them unless they are new to the game
2. depends, ill ask the person first and if they dont like it ill ask my team mate to change to the other guys team, standing around is boing
3. yeah i go ssj if their a decent player, otherwise no
4. no i never pick a verbal fight, thats melee is for, actualy maby caus i like to fly really slowly into other people PS's so they can see me comming. 3...2...1...BOOOOOM.
5. yeah ALWAYS help out the new guy. if you teach them to play they wont use expliots to win.

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