Melee suggestions

New Member
May 29, 2003
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Can't really say i like that idea, it takes away from the fast-style of swoop melee which i find to be highly entertaining at times when the other players sit and wait for you to attack but ur idea of the whole matrix is not bad
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★ Black Lounger ★
💻 Oldtimer
Apr 15, 2003
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well, i did say that u keep the swoop melee as well..........
New Member
Feb 5, 2003
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The following is an extract of a conversation I was having with a player on my ESF server on the subject of melee. Since I had a log the event, he asked me to post it here.
-=Vegitto=- "i think melee, should be faster"
-=Vegitto=- "and not so much smack them here and there"
-=Vegitto=- "ie -"
-=Vegitto=- "flip turbo on, move like you do in swoop - left click does small weak hits capable of comboing"
-=Vegitto=- "and right click does power hits"
-=Vegitto=- "sends them flying"
-=Vegitto=- "so you could attack as m1 m1 m1 m2"
-=Vegitto=- "4 hit combo"
Server "that sounds good"
-=Vegitto=- "to counter a combo attack"
-=Vegitto=- "tap block to dodge or block the attack"
-=Vegitto=- "as in"
-=Vegitto=- "the moment hit with with a weak attack"
-=Vegitto=- "a bar like a ps bar pops up"
-=Vegitto=- "this is to avoid too big a combos"
-=Vegitto=- "like a 100 hit killer"
-=Vegitto=- "lol"
-=Vegitto=- "say from the moment u hit you have to time when to hit"
Server "lol yeah, but i think that encourages the old block-counter attack"
-=Vegitto=- "like, like a street fighter game"
-=Vegitto=- "wait wait"
-=Vegitto=- "now"
-=Vegitto=- "take into account"
-=Vegitto=- "you can block the attack and counter"
-=Vegitto=- "but the attacker can also do this back"
-=Vegitto=- "and the ps bar moves"
-=Vegitto=- "as in a ps "
Server "thats really good"
-=Vegitto=- "the person who can end with a power hit"
-=Vegitto=- "wins"
-=Vegitto=- "thus it makes it all manual"
-=Vegitto=- "and fun"
Server "you've really thought about this"
-=Vegitto=- "but to do a power hit"
-=Vegitto=- "you must at least get 1 fast weak attack in"
-=Vegitto=- "or"
-=Vegitto=- "if it goes too long"
-=Vegitto=- "both fighters pull away"
-=Vegitto=- "like in the show"
Personally I think its a brilliant idea. Any comments/suggestions?
New Member
May 27, 2003
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I dont really like melee, I only use it when I have to, but I think that idea sounds really good. No disadvantages to it, like ping or pl. But does that mean once hit with a weak attack u can get smashed with about 6 weak ones and one strong one while the ps bar is going?
Sounds like a good idea and could really be fun.

Anyway thats my 2 cents
New Member
Jun 3, 2003
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i hate it when you are kicking ass with beam and ki attacks and someone says "oh is that all you can use" then i say "fine" and i use the melee, then they pissed off cos i'm kicking their ass with that too. ummmm wait that doesnt really help
New Member
Jun 3, 2003
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i think the only problem with vegittos idea is the amount of data the game engine could handle, like what if it was a 18 player game and everyone gets in a melee fight, thats a lot of information to handle
New Member
May 29, 2003
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Base it on a powerlvl, transformations,power-ups. Have 1 bar of ki dependant on how much you use you powering -up determines the level of fighting ablities. The whole pt im trying to get accross since is that there shouldn't be 1 button which you press to recharge ur ki, it should be you whom detremines how much. You can power-up 20%, 40% 60% what ever you want. in that sense you won't worry about players hitting recharging and waiting for you to fly toward them knowingly they'll win the head-ons
New Member
Jun 1, 2003
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i dont know about how much the hl engine can handle and all, but think about it on my idea (yeah im -=Vegitto=-) and compare all that clicking to the amount of how many scatter shots and ki blobs renzouku's and all the rest that gets thrown around out in the field. im not saying you click madly like a deranged badicoot on speed, im saying a simple timed clicking system. think of stand (for most characters - ki blolb) it goes at a standard pace - like shoot half a second delay shoot again.

im proposing something like that. where in wich the agressor clicks left click for weak attacks to open the combo, and then say half a second later hits it again. now dependant on pl + timing surely something can be done. or at least some idea in that field. if it was crazy speed that mattered people would bind attack to thier mouse wheel. (look at what happened with jedi knight 2) so if you think about its not too complexe.

and if it is ill throw another variation of my idea out there. instead of left clicking for combos, say - left click initiats an auto animated 3 hit combo and right click does a link hit. wich is a powerful or fast hit, if right click is held, it becomes a chargable smash attack ( the longer its held the longer your vulnerable - but the stronger your attack will be ) and if simply clicked, lets you do another left click 3 hit combo. the defender once hit with the 3 hit left clcik attack combo, unless they hit block or attack after the intial attack is over and the agressor is about to throw a link attack or smash attack in, they take the next hit. if they make a successful block/counter attack a block will resault in a push away or grab stuggle.

an attack will turn the tides in his favour and make the agressor the defender. just another varyiation of my idea, but more simple. ^ included the open swoop mode wich i think the game needs as the same linear movement doesnt alow for many tactics^ and ur standard one hit melee can stay just fly first then hold down right clcik and release. thus well timed melee can be implimented. :D

* just so you know what i mean by opened ended swoop is that you move just like swoop but not jsut foward you can do it back foward right left up or down. it just opens up more tactics thats all*
New Member
Apr 16, 2003
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Vegitto, or Himura-Kenshin

could you repost that etxt but then in a normal format .. i can't read it... to much on one line...
thank you...

if not... ahwell to bad for me...

*thanks for the edit*

Master Asia

-I think head ons should either cause both players one quarter the melee damage intended and knock them back half way, or just knock them back half way with no damage. That should break off standstill and people abusing ping.
I love and perfectly agree with Halorin's idea here. If both players hit each other head on, both will get hit with minimal dmg and get knocked back. -This happens in the show a lot when both fighters hit each other head on and both gets hit lol.

Also i think that melee system should be done this way:
1) you pick out a target, once its squared, you then charge like usual.
-heres where it change.
2) when u charge at some1, you dont have to press/hold mouse2.
-once you charge at some1, once you get near enough/in range, you will automatically knock them back.
3) or, once u start charging at some1, you can hold/press mouse2 for the 2ndary melee for more dmg and can open up a small combo system.
-once mouse2 is held/pressed at the official charge you will then throw a punch.
-once that 1st punch is pressed, you can start tapping mouse2 to get in more punches; lets say u can pull off a total of 5 punches. the 5th hit will be a punch or kick smashing the enemy into the air/ground.

Also, block should be instant when pressed so u can block better with the new melee i just mentioned. While blockin u can block the mouse2 melee. If you use mouse1 and just charge him on a head collision, u should have a 50/50 chance of knocking him out of block. Something along those lines

I know this sounds kind of confusing but bare with me here ;) this is just my suggest btw.

If not then i still say the
" think head ons should either cause both players one quarter the melee damage intended and knock them back half way, or just knock them back half way with no damage. That should break off standstill and people abusing ping" -Halorin
Is still a good idea.

Master Asia

oops must of been sleepy the time i wrote this, sorry let me delete.
New Member
Apr 29, 2003
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Originally posted by Himura-Kenshin
im not saying you click madly like a deranged badicoot on speed
Nice Analagy dude.:laff:

I think thats a cool Melee system, ive always thought (no offence to the coders or people that care) that just zooping into someone and have them fly off into the distance wasnt that good, since to get into melee your ment to be near them and they are always dissapearing into the distance. it also means it can use just as much ki as using a powered up beam since your always trying to catch them.

Thats my 2 cents.
New Member
Mar 19, 2003
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is there a way to get the old melee sound effect?!?! because i like the way that one sounds rather than
the new one. And for a when you see sombody get hit bya melee, you see that white
energy circle being given off,,well when that happens when your more powered up you should get a
louder and bigger energy ball bein given off.

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