Melee good or bad you decide. (Official Melee Post)

Do you like the ESF melee system

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Dec 24, 2001
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something that will truly balance it... I think, is that everyone should be able to teleport while charging a beam.

that's what I think... might totall unbalance it tough..

actually I hope they leave the game the way it is... I love it now
New Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I think the melee system isn't good for newbies but it is cool and usefull for the whole game.
New Member
Nov 28, 2002
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i think the melee is verry good:) and you have to combind the tricks for example: u use the melee to knock sombody out and then when he is down you shoot a beam up his ass:p somtimes he gets away in time but if you do it fast enough you will hit him verry much:)
New Member
Nov 28, 2002
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On a side note to those people who think melee does drain no (or almost no) ki:
Where do you get that idea? Fighting someone with melee who can defend himself reasonably well drains your ki faster than a final flash on crack. You have to pay ki for turbo, swooping and teleporting. An advanced melee match drains a full ki bar in 15 seconds to zero.

Also most people i see try to charge their beams in the middle of the map with turbo on for everyone visible and not moving an inch. I mean, come on, thats not supposed to work...
Try things like deactivating flight when someone swoops at you while you are charging, most people will outright miss you when you fall down. And Goku has no problems at all with firing beams cause he can just teleport away.
New Member
Jul 17, 2002
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you have problems:

when u see someone swooping to you, block. then teleport up and give a headnut. if u didnt hit him because he blocked, then teleport fast behind him, he doesnt know u r behind him so kick his arse. then he is on the ground. now u can power up ki. if he is stunned make a ki attack. then when he comes u can teleport away if u dont have enough ki. teleport, power up, teleport power up. then u have enough ki to kick his arse or to block.

it is so easy. when 2 ppl attack u because they are lame - that is lame. u cant do anything. you could try to hide or hit one guy so he is away. and then hide. the other guy who formed up in lame team thinks that the other guy is beaten so he attacks him. then attack them with that best ki attack u have.

if u are cell, freezer or krillin, u can use disc. thats really good to get rid of annoying meleeists. with piccolo the sbc is good to, u can teleport after shooting so the guy doesnt know where u r. trunks burning attack blinds them, so be sure u have enough time till the guy comes to fire the attack.
New Member
Nov 29, 2002
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true you can block if they're melee attacking you, but it's gets so damn annoying when they just sit there blocked, almost every server I play on, there is someone who does nothing but blocks. The guy will block, wait until you _try_ to hit him, then while you're recovering he'll hit you back, and that is all they do.
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Nov 30, 2002
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(I didnt read all 8 pages, but im just giving my opinion)

I dont like the melee, it should be slower, or removed comepletely. I can hardly ever complete a spell, without being raped in the back.. if you do a melee attack you go like 300% faster.
Every server 80% of the players only use melee (and bolts when someone is knocked out) so.. it's too good. i wanna see battles where 2 Beams will 'fight against eachother ( like this: |------------><-------------| :p ) 'cause that is VERY cool to see.

So make the melee attacks slower.. or else... :p
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Mar 25, 2002
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Estonia, Tallinn
Usually when i play beta i use melee.And sometimes i just ask the other players do do a PS BS or just play catch.I give melee :yes:
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 7, 2001
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Just a few replies. Man I'm getting sick of all the ppl who say melee sucks because they can't do it or its overused. The ppl who over user it won't get anywhere without Ki attacks. I'm usually the best player on a server, and I run a combo of both. If anyone remembers me from that High ping teamplay game we had on Namek (I was picolo on the side of good), you'll remember I used both and easily had the top score in the server (by a considerable amount)

Also, there are circumstances where double teaming is really legit. Defensing your teammates who're gettin whomped.

Also, melee makes a nice way to protect a goku who's settin' up a genki damaa.



New Member
Oct 1, 2002
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..whoever has a lower ping...will be able to do well in the melee...
i went on a guys server, he was hosting...his ping was 0...average of othe peoples was like 250-300...mine was second lowest...150....and i still got my ass handed...and i was the only one that could actually *sortta* be a competition... think he's far away when he's actually closer than you you block too late...or swoop in the wrong direction... gotta do something about it...

New Member
Aug 28, 2002
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I agree with many of you that the melee is fine as is ( well in most aspects anyway) the only thing that gets me mad is just people using it too much, i think the melee is a great feature, and i think it looks just like Toonami now :), but where in Toonami was frieza standing over Goku in a corner, knocking him down over and over when he tries to get back up..I must've missed that episode.. i think thats the only thing that needs to be altered in some way(aside from a few short details here and there), so we can have a chance to get up before some melee whores knock us down again.but i do like the melee, it is pretty intense :)
New Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Hey Pep, no offense but maybe the guy was just better than the others at melee. Ping doesn't play that much a role. I had a ping of 300 and nailed someone with a 0'er ping without even getting hit by him once. Melee does take skill and the decision who hits who when both are swoooing is not random as some people say. If you make sure to use a few tricks that the other guy doesn't know you will hit him every time, no randomness whatsoever.

About melee-beam balance: Well as KarrdeKNR said, you will miss out on a lot of frags if you don't use ki attacks. If I count my kills for today i get ~450. At least 200 of those were made with ki attacks. I got hit out of charging my beams only two times, the other times i managed to avoid melee users.
Of course everyone is free to dislike melee but don't go with reasons like: "I can't charge my attacks properly" or "there is someone on the map only blocking the whole time" because there are easy methods to get rid of this problems.
New Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I don't want slow melee I want fast beams *g*

i wanna see battles where 2 Beams will 'fight against eachother ( like this: |------------><-------------| :p ) 'cause that is VERY cool to see.
I have often fights like this.
New Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I like using melee when im not using mouthblast or kamahamaha
but when i joined a server and i bairly knew what to do, the melee made it hard for me to move around on maps, because my opponents would strike without warning, never the less, i think it is a great attribute for getting stronger faster, and to the game itself.. it gives you an almost hands on feeling too hehe:rolleyes:
New Member
Nov 18, 2002
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as of now you can hold down right click and walk up to a guy because it wont start draining ki till you can actually attack something. that alone is pretty bad because it means you dont need timing. now the bigest problem is with swoop. first, theres only one move in the show that lets you move faster than you normaly can. its called kaioken. thats it. if you removed swoop and the lock on system and made melee require you to get close to the guy to use, hence the name melee, that would take care of all the balance problems. you have turbo move that lets you go faster, just sneak up on a guy. at very least you shouldnt be able to turn while charing. generaly when runing at full speed you cant stop or turn on a dime. and melees "range" still goes past the characters arms...
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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hence the name "beta"

this isnt the final melee system so chill with all the melee sucks posts
New Member
Feb 17, 2002
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yeah its only beta 1 so just hang with it.

melee is meant to be used the most, so dont whinge that it gets used too much.

i'm agreeing that when you swoop it should be locked into that one direction. i suggest making it so you have to hold down mouse button 1 to swoop, when you release it you stop swooping. so if you swoop at someone you would have to be either in a pretty reasonable range to just swoop and hit, or you have to be goddamn lucky to pick the spot they will be at 5 seconds down the track.
while you swoop you cant turn, like was said before if youre running at full speed its not easy to turn.
New Member
Nov 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Hibiki
hence the name "beta"

this isnt the final melee system so chill with all the melee sucks posts
this is very true.


Why doesn't one of the admins close this thread? The other thread I was using to talk about melee was closed. Its a stupid arguement anyway.
New Member
Nov 30, 2002
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^^ i have the same opnion.
ESF is the best game on my pc ;)

When you think about it: you have so many posibilities to kill the enemy. You can do many combinations, it´s fantastic! AND, i play it now 2 1/2 days, it´s not boring. Of course there are some who uses just meele, but these dont have a chance...

New Member
Aug 23, 2002
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I think esf beta1 melee is the best. Just compare it to all the other dragonballz mods for halflife. And its easy to beat people with melee. Special attacks should be rarly done. Anyone remember esf alpha 2.0?
It was just purerly beams beams beams. I just got sick of it. Its easy to kil someone with beams. Not anymore now its more like the show. And also now people need more skills as a player. Instead of sitting around doing the same thing over and over.
Be happy with what they gave you. And if someone does something to you that pisses you off do is back to them.

NOTE:esf is now my favirote game and dont hate me for this post.

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