Man from 2036 (a time traveler)

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Mar 23, 2002
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Like I said before, I don't know if time travel is possible. (I doubt anyone does) But I do beleive that predicting the future is.

LOTS of things were predicted. WWII, Holocaust, and the popes. The Bible also predicts the future. "Judgment Day". All we can do now, is wait and see if it really does happen.
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Nov 5, 2002
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Oh, it's true, and I TOO..... can predict the future.

In passing time... this forum... will gain more posts. Someone's Dog... will run away. Sandwiches will be eaten.

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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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Pain: "ive heard that half way crap before and its the dumbest load of bull ive ever heard.

ok since the defenition of paradox doesnt suit you how about, an infinite loop for a situation."

yeah it is a loada bull, and what i was doing was saying it is a paradox but pardoxses (SP?) can happen, i got the deffinition outta the oxford dictionary, so it isnt my deffinition..... but yeah your right....
💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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the reality of alternate demensions would be the only possible option for time travel. lets say time machines were invented and it became a normal thing. you got into a car accident and you decided to go back in time to prevent it. you stop it from happening but in the future you never had a reason to go back in time. the truth is there would be a paradox.

now i think if you went back in time it wouldn't effect the demension you came from. but when you went to go back to your "time" you would be going to the future in that demension where the car accident never happened and a lot of stuff would be different or the same just there are 2 of you now.

physics as a whole is an impressive "theory", but when it comes down to it. i don't think the scientist who came up with these ideas and answers were 100% sure about everything. thats why life is interesting we never know whats going to happen, what we will discover and learn, and what to expect.
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Nov 29, 2002
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There are many theories for Time Travel.

The self-regulating theory in which Time "looks after itself" and you can never change the past.

The Alternate timelines theory in which if you go back and change the past you create a branch of time, in which a different universe now exists, side by side with the original.

There's also the tree theory or alternate dimensions stating that everything that could possibly has happened, and each choice/decision/possiblity spawns a new dimension.

The theory that you can change the past, and destroy the universe if you screw it up.

But the point is, that these are only THEORIES. Just because a movie demonstrated one, does not make it fact. Until we actually CAN travel through time, they will remain only theories.

Some other comments...

Newtons physics laws, although accurate enough, are flawed (This is what Einstein discovered and proved) particularly in regard to large mass' and speeds close to that of light. Therefore, the "every reaction has an opposite and equal reaction" law is not something I would necessarily put my money on in regards to time travel.

As for the stretching mentioned earlier, Einsteins theories said that the closer you get to the speed of light, the closer to infinity your mass becomes, the more stretched out you become, and the slower time gets.

This means that at the speed of light, you would be very heavy, very thin and not moving in time.

However, Einstein also theorised that it is impossible to travel at the speed of light, since it would require an infinite amount of energy to reach c (the speed of light).

I'm just informing you. These are theories that have held up so far.
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Jan 29, 2003
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that guy needs to stop drinking. look what he caused (hehehe :smile: ) with his drinking problem:eek:

i have no idea if traveling back in time is or ever will be possible or not.
but if that guy claims to be from the future, then let him proof it by showing us a tool or something from the future, or the machine in which he came from the future. untill then, we can all say he should stop drinking or something:)
/me sees the guy with a bottle of beer in his hands, grabs the bottle, slaps the drunk dude around with it, and throws it away.
h8 liars:eek:
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Sep 8, 2002
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Magus said:
I've had my thougths on time thing that got me is the 'olympics' prediction, it stood out...
he said they end in 2004...
in 2004 the Olympics will be held in Athens...I think, and thats where the Olympics just weirded me out.

I'm not sure whether to believe time travel or not.. but the olympics prediction just struck my fancy a little.

Actually it was Olympia, and that's like saying "The party will end at 4:00pm" oooh! MY GOD! :p
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Sep 29, 2002
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Bihal said:
There are many theories for Time Travel.

The self-regulating theory in which Time "looks after itself" and you can never change the past.

The Alternate timelines theory in which if you go back and change the past you create a branch of time, in which a different universe now exists, side by side with the original.

There's also the tree theory or alternate dimensions stating that everything that could possibly has happened, and each choice/decision/possiblity spawns a new dimension.

The theory that you can change the past, and destroy the universe if you screw it up.

But the point is, that these are only THEORIES. Just because a movie demonstrated one, does not make it fact. Until we actually CAN travel through time, they will remain only theories.

Some other comments...

Newtons physics laws, although accurate enough, are flawed (This is what Einstein discovered and proved) particularly in regard to large mass' and speeds close to that of light. Therefore, the "every reaction has an opposite and equal reaction" law is not something I would necessarily put my money on in regards to time travel.

As for the stretching mentioned earlier, Einsteins theories said that the closer you get to the speed of light, the closer to infinity your mass becomes, the more stretched out you become, and the slower time gets.

This means that at the speed of light, you would be very heavy, very thin and not moving in time.

However, Einstein also theorised that it is impossible to travel at the speed of light, since it would require an infinite amount of energy to reach c (the speed of light).

I'm just informing you. These are theories that have held up so far.
There is another theory that says if you change the past, it just changes and nothing happens to you, you are unaffected, but you've pretty much covered everything.

Time travel has a 85% chance of being possible, but until the quantum gravity theory is finished it is impossible to know for sure.
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Apr 16, 2003
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If a Circle goes on forever, where does it stop?
I do think that the past and universe continue forever and more, it is undestroyable. i do not tink that going in the past that it does nnot destroy the universe if you see yourself, but does alter it if you do talk to him and tell him about certain things.
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Mar 11, 2002
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majin goketa said:
Time travel has a 85% chance of being possible, but until the quantum gravity theory is finished it is impossible to know for sure.
Quantum Gravity theory, mind explaining that?
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Jan 21, 2003
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New Jersey
How can you say that it is 85% possible do theu have proof? Have they done it? imo it is possible just a matter of when it will be done, and whos to say that sertin gov have perfecrted it and used it?
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Mar 6, 2003
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New York
its impossible for this one very easy reason.

if it was invented someday it would eventually, it doesnt matter when, fall into the wrong hands (osama, sadaam, type hands) and they will go back in time and try to kill all the infadels.

seeing as how we are all still here, it wont ever exist.
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Sep 25, 2003
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Bihal said:
Newtons physics laws, although accurate enough, are flawed (This is what Einstein discovered and proved) particularly in regard to large mass' and speeds close to that of light. Therefore, the "every reaction has an opposite and equal reaction" law is not something I would necessarily put my money on in regards to time travel.
I wasn't saying that in regards to time travel, but to something else.


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Jun 18, 2003
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New York
Time travel is possible though. At least time travel into the future. (im doing this from memery so some parts might not be correct) They had two clocks. They put one into a plane and flew the plane around the world at a really high speed (yea... dont know what speed). The clock in the plane read like .0005 (somthing like that) seconds faster then the one on earth. This proves that time travel into the future is possible.

Off topic:
"Newtons physics laws, although accurate enough, are flawed (This is what Einstein discovered and proved) particularly in regard to large mass' and speeds close to that of light. Therefore, the "every reaction has an opposite and equal reaction" law is not something I would necessarily put my money on in regards to time travel"

Newtons other law, matter cannot be created or destoyed I belive is flawed also. Unless you belive that all matter in the world was always here and always has been here (which i dont), it has to be flawed. If you belive in god, then ok, god created the matter, therefore it can be created. If you dont, then somthing had to make all the matter in the universe. (i just thought of this and i didnt really think it out much so somone prove me wrong :] .) Even one of those theroies that says when you time travel, you creat a new dimesion would mean that matter could be created. But thats just a theory and doesnt have to be true.
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Sep 29, 2002
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Trov said:
Quantum Gravity theory, mind explaining that?
It's to do with putting together the theory of Relativity with quantum mechanics, i.e the physics of the very large apllied to the very small and vice versa.

I say 85% chance because from our current stand point the laws of physics seem to say it's possible but without a full quantum gravity theory it's impossible to say for sure.

And as a side note, none of the time mechines proposed allow interaction with anything related to you in the past so paradoxes are not an issue and most of the time machine theories don't allow you to go back before the time machine was made.

To the post above, the answer is that there is really no matter or energy in the universe. All matter and energy in the universe amounts to a certain amount, lets say, +x. Gravity however is the result of negative energy and when the total of all gravity in the universe is put together the result is, -x.
Add +x and -x and you get zero, in other words there really is nothing that was created, just the negatives and positives split.
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Feb 14, 2002
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Sometime tells me theses are car batterys next to each other with weird plastic crap and wires everywhere... hmm
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May 30, 2003
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That 'time machine' looks like the controls to a robot at my school.
Anyway I think this is a bunch of bull****, you can debate whether or not time traveling is possible, but know that you will never prove a theory until it is tested, which is impossible at the time. In a way I think of the Timeline being something similair to the DBZ, sorry to say, but if someone goes back in time to fix something, then in that future no one will be sent back in time to fix that something, hence it not happening right? There are suggestions of 'multiple universes' and whatnot, but we'll never really know.
For all we know laws of gravity or E=mc2 could eventually be proven wrong under some situations, just an example of how things can be proven, disproven and in this case, may never happen.
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Dec 24, 2002
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Few of you seem to understand the divergence in worldlines he talks about. Grant it I'm not saying that he is a time traveler but this nonsense you go on about how he would never had to go back when he got there is simply nonsense and he would laugh at you.

He explained the 2.5% divergence which would most likely be somewhat true if time travel existed. The wordline that you would enter when going back would be different than yours, meaning a slightly different past. So you wouldn't even be able to stop anything bad from happening in your worldline, only theirs. There would be no paradox, no weirdness of any form. Anything that happens in that past will not affect your past, present, or future.

I don't know much about physics and have read little on it and quantum mechanics and theory of relativley but I have enough logic to understand what the term 2.5% divergence means and why there would be no paradox.
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May 23, 2003
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Morrone is right if somethin like this really was possible then the 2.5% divergence would probably be what happens...go read the site for a better explaination...also im not saying that this isnt a hoax..but if u go look at the john tittor links or whatever that are on the site...a lot of the technology that he talked about has already been developed and the devices that measure slight differences in gravity...they have taken these devices to a highrise building and the device was able to measure the difference in gravity from one floor to the next..if anything the site is good for learnin somethin u didnt know b4 which is cool...and if this really is some guy playin a joke then he is one smart mofo...either that or he did a hell of a lot of research just to fabricate a story like this eheh
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Dec 27, 2002
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In all seriousness, the guy was already revealed as a fraud about a year back, but many of the technologies and theories he proposed do have merit. The Large Hadron Collider, currently under construction in Switzerland (not far from my birthplace in fact!), is going to put some of those theories to the test in about 5 years time, which fits in quite nicely with the story he created.

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